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Focused Feedback: Enhancements

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2 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

I wonder if, for the teleport one, a 2-second untargetable or self phase effect would be better? That way, enemies have a small delay reacting to your presence, giving you time to queue up an attack or something? Granted, there already IS such a delay (due to lag and such) but this would provide a bit extra of a cushion for those with slower reaction times or whatnot.


It's still a "combat" thing, but it could also be used to avoid combat as well.


I dunno, just spitballin'.

The travel pool power Teleport provides around 5 seconds of Untouchable status after completing the activation of the power. If a player slotted the +perception unique in to this power, they could use the power, receive the Untouchable status, and utilize the +perception to survey the area for potential threats (if teleporting around randomly or on/in an unfamiliar area/mission/map).

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2 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

I wonder if, for the teleport one, a 2-second untargetable or self phase effect would be better? That way, enemies have a small delay reacting to your presence, giving you time to queue up an attack or something? Granted, there already IS such a delay (due to lag and such) but this would provide a bit extra of a cushion for those with slower reaction times or whatnot.


It's still a "combat" thing, but it could also be used to avoid combat as well.


I dunno, just spitballin'.

Seems like it'd be overpowered in Combat Teleport.  (Well, untargetable would be.  Self-Phase would just be bad.)

Edited by aethereal
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  • City Council
1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

Does anyone know if the +Perception proc from Warp, if slotted in Teleport target, grant the target (either friend or foe) added +Perception, or is it just the user that gets the bonus?

Should be self only, but do test that to confirm.

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Just now, Wavicle said:

It also depends a little bit on how strong the +perception is. I remember testing the other +perception I owe back in the day and discovering that it wasn’t good enough to even penetrate regular mobs stealth or blindness. 

It adds 100ft of perception and persists for a while after activating, a whole 2 minutes in fact.

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17 hours ago, Booper said:

I don't see increased taunt strength as being too interesting to folks who are just wanting to slot a travel set, but this is sort of what I was going for in designing uniques. Initially, the +Fly magnitude was going to be a Resistance(Fly). Kind of a neat idea, where let's say you have 50% resistance to Fly, it will require twice as much -Fly to knock you out of the air. Unfortunately, this would have made it a better IO to slot into Hover or Evasive Maneuvers as opposed to Fly/Mystic Flight. That's where a flat +Fly was born. Unfortunately...this did very horrible things if you slot it into Evasive Maneuvers while not Flying. I probably have a hilarious video somewhere of blazing through the air at 21 mph, and having about as much movement control as glass slippers on an ice skating rink (let's just say I failed to stop at every red light). So the implementation of the +Fly is similar to that done for the KB/KD IOs, which uses a PowerChanceMod in all the powers. Now it works, thankfully.



Interesting stuff. Thanks for the explanation. 🙂



Had some drinks last night and came up with another question. How would the team feel about -Range Resistance as the tier 3 bonus? There aren't currently a lot of sources of -Range, but they absolutely wreck players. Stacked Hurricanes are probably the most common source of it. I'm pretty sure most sources of -Range are resistable (if City of Data is accurate, of course mob versions may vary).


I think Range Resistance is also kinda thematic for a travel power. Anyway just a thought. Keep up the great work. 🙂

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12 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:



Interesting stuff. Thanks for the explanation. 🙂



Had some drinks last night and came up with another question. How would the team feel about -Range Resistance as the tier 3 bonus? There aren't currently a lot of sources of -Range, but they absolutely wreck players. Stacked Hurricanes are probably the most common source of it. I'm pretty sure most sources of -Range are resistable (if City of Data is accurate, of course mob versions may vary).


I think Range Resistance is also kinda thematic for a travel power. Anyway just a thought. Keep up the great work. 🙂

Taunts in PvP give -range.

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I have taken some more time to look at the Hypersonic set. As all of my toons use Fly (yes, all of them!) I have extensive experience with the three flight powers, but not enough with the others to reasonably test the other travel sets.


Some Speed numbers first:


Fly Speed Base + Hover:  26.36 mph

+IO in Swift: 27.61 mph


Fly Speed Base + Hover + Evasive: 39.85 mph
+IO in Swift: 41.09 mph
+1 IO in Evasive: 46.06 mph
+1 IO in Hover: 50.34 mph (near cap!)


Fly Speed Base + Hover + Fly + Evasive: 78.08 mph
+IO in Swift: 79.32 mph
+1 IO in Fly: 87.95 (CAPPED!) (Afterburner also capped!)


Fly Speed Base + Hover + Fly
+IO in Swift
+1 IO in Fly: 80.49mh (near cap...)


As you can see with the above Fly Speed needs very little enhancements to actual get close to or at the cap. Even just unenhanced Hover+Fly nearly get there. If you take Evasive Maneuvers (and you should) just the IO in Swift is pretty much "enough"



Now while one could keep Fly active during combat, the suppresion makes it actually detrimental:


Hover+Evasive+Fly(surpressed): 39.58 mph

Hover+Evasive: 41.09 mph


So if you leave on Fly during combat you're actually slower than if you turn it off. The Hypersonic Set has zero effect on this issue.

Also Fly is expensive end wise, but out of combat that should be no issue, so any end reduction here is wasted.


So overall the Hypersonic Set does not provide any usefull enhancement to the Fly power above the first Fly Speed IO. So it needs to convince on set bonuses alone.



Lets look at Hover:


Lets compare 4.slotting Hover with Hypersonic, vs. 4 Slotting it with LOTG:



+9.26 Fly Speed

0.07 end reduction

1.13% max health

1.25% ranged def

0.65% en def

0.65% neg def

7.5% mez resist



1.22% def ALL

0.06 end red

7.5% global recharge

+10% regen

+1.13% max health

+9% accuracy


Cleary the LOTG is better in most regards. You can get a bigger fly speed increase by just taking evasive maneuvers than using 4 slots hypersonic.

Using 4 slots Hypersonic in Hover without Evasive Maneuvers is the most end efficient solution though.


Ans Hypersonic will most likely be cheap like most travel sets, LOTG is expensive.




Lets look at Evasive Maneuvers:


Using Hover (with 2pc LOTG) + Evasive Maneuvers (4pc Hypersonic):


+10.76 Fly speed

0.09 end reduction

and the set bonuses


This kinda works bringing your hover speed very near the cap, while making evasive cheaper to run. But it is still 4 slots that could be used for other/larger gains somewhere else. (This is considering you'll use the 1st slot of evasive for the lotg 7.5) Like bringing another ranged attack to 5 slots to slot a decimation or the likes.







I feel the set is just not good as it is now. Main Problem is, that it can only really convice with it's set bonuses as the actual enhancement values are limited by the speed cap in flight. And the current set bonuses are rather weak.




- You could change the speed/end IO to a 7.5% global recharge/end redux IO, that does NOT stack with LOTG. That would be an actual alternative (still weaker in Hover since it does not boost defense, but actually better in Evasive Maneuvers) It would also open up build options for those sets that lack powers to slot LOTGs in.

- You could make the set bonuses attractive. As i wrote a few pages ago: make the 4pc bonus strong to offset the cost of so many useless slots. Like 5%/10% RES(ALL), or 8.75%  Global recharge.

- Increase the defensive bonus to 2.5% DEF(all)




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  • City Council

Build 2 - Enhancements

Only one change, so stripped most for brevity.



A rare 4-piece Running IO set that includes a unique IO that will grant your character extra running speed when using the run power it's slotted in. This extra run speed is 5 mph, can be increased with enhancements and outside strength buffs, does not suppress in combat, and will last for 120s (if click power) or until when the run power is toggled off. This set has a level range of 15-50 and its level 50 pre-E.D. enhancement values are 95.4% running speed and 68.9% endurance reduction.

  • Enhancements:
    • Running
    • Endurance Reduction / Running
    • Endurance Reduction
    • Running / +Run Special
  • Set bonuses:
    • 2-piece: (Small) 1.5% Recovery
    • 3-piece: (Tiny) 1.25% Defense (Area) and 0.625% Defense (Fire/Cold)
    • 4-piece: (Huge) 4.5% Damage Resistance (Fire/Cold) and 7.5% Mez Resistance (All)
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1 hour ago, Booper said:

Build 2 - Enhancements

Only one change, so stripped most for brevity.



A rare 4-piece Running IO set that includes a unique IO that will grant your character extra running speed when using the run power it's slotted in. This extra run speed is 5 mph, can be increased with enhancements and outside strength buffs, does not suppress in combat, and will last for 120s (if click power) or until when the run power is toggled off. This set has a level range of 15-50 and its level 50 pre-E.D. enhancement values are 95.4% running speed and 68.9% endurance reduction.

  • Enhancements:
    • Running
    • Endurance Reduction / Running
    • Endurance Reduction
    • Running / +Run Special
  • Set bonuses:
    • 2-piece: (Small) 1.5% Recovery
    • 3-piece: (Tiny) 1.25% Defense (Area) and 0.625% Defense (Fire/Cold)
    • 4-piece: (Huge) 4.5% Damage Resistance (Fire/Cold) and 7.5% Mez Resistance (All)

does this extra run speed pass the expanded cap of SS? If not, then what is the point? Capping out superspeed is easy already.

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26 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

does this extra run speed pass the expanded cap of SS? If not, then what is the point? Capping out superspeed is easy already.

The cap is the same. It makes it easier to reach the cap in super speed and it offers in-combat speed when using Super Speed. It also can be slotted in powers that do not easily hit the run speed cap, like Infiltration. 

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  • City Council
1 hour ago, Dispari said:

Interesting idea, I like that it doesn't suppress. Will have to do some testing to see if 5 MPH is noticeable with various powers.

It's worth noting the +run speed is self-buffed by the split runspeed enhancement. At level 50, this equates to 1.265 x 5 = 6.3 mph. Of course any other enhancements in the power or + runspeed strength buffs you have will also buff this unique effect. I think when I 4-slot the Thrust set, it provides 9.6 mph total. Not as much as sprint, but it's a little something.

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Minor issue but a couple of the recipes for the new set IOs are using names for previous iterations of their respective enhancements, see attached image.



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Okay so, morning observations and numbers (using level 50 attuned IOs)

Level 50 base power speeds:
Super Speed: 69.44
Speed of Sound: 69.44
Infiltration: 41.38

SS slotted with run/end: 82.72
SoS slotted with run/special: 89.06
Inf slotted with run/end: 47.22
Inf slotted with run/special: 53.46

Powers suppressed: 19.33
Boosted suppressed: 25.67

The difference between 82/89 is not really noticeable for me from a gamefeel perspective. I THINK I can recognize 47/53, at the very least I feel a little faster. Of course the most noticeable difference is when suppressed, I can definitely tell the difference with 19/25. The non-suppression in combat is the best part of it, I'd say the rest is just a neat perk.

That being said, I still feel like these should be global bonuses that are always on. These numbers are neat and all, but it's not like I'm ever going to run these powers in combat, so it will never come up. If I could just ALWAYS have that 25 suppressed move speed, I might actually want to slot it.

Oh and while we're at it, can we fix Infiltration being exclusive with stealth powers? It's a travel power, not a stealth power -- it has a stealth component as a perk, but so does Super Speed and that doesn't lock you out of any power usage.

Edited by Dispari
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1 hour ago, Dispari said:

Okay so, morning observations and numbers (using level 50 attuned IOs)

Level 50 base power speeds:
Super Speed: 69.44
Speed of Sound: 69.44
Infiltration: 41.38

SS slotted with run/end: 82.72
SoS slotted with run/special: 89.06
Inf slotted with run/end: 47.22
Inf slotted with run/special: 53.46

Powers suppressed: 19.33
Boosted suppressed: 25.67

The difference between 82/89 is not really noticeable for me from a gamefeel perspective. I THINK I can recognize 47/53, at the very least I feel a little faster. Of course the most noticeable difference is when suppressed, I can definitely tell the difference with 19/25. The non-suppression in combat is the best part of it, I'd say the rest is just a neat perk.

That being said, I still feel like these should be global bonuses that are always on. These numbers are neat and all, but it's not like I'm ever going to run these powers in combat, so it will never come up. If I could just ALWAYS have that 25 suppressed move speed, I might actually want to slot it.

Oh and while we're at it, can we fix Infiltration being exclusive with stealth powers? It's a travel power, not a stealth power -- it has a stealth component as a perk, but so does Super Speed and that doesn't lock you out of any power usage.

May benefit from turning Sprint on as well if you want even more unsuppressed running speed during combat.

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5 hours ago, Dispari said:

That being said, I still feel like these should be global bonuses that are always on. These numbers are neat and all, but it's not like I'm ever going to run these powers in combat, so it will never come up. If I could just ALWAYS have that 25 suppressed move speed, I might actually want to slot it.

I basically said this before, and I still feel this way. 90% of players are going to feel this way. No matter how many times you say that they have been designed for travel, not combat, that is not how people are going to see them.

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2 hours ago, Wavicle said:

I basically said this before, and I still feel this way. 90% of players are going to feel this way. No matter how many times you say that they have been designed for travel, not combat, that is not how people are going to see them.

From what I've seen of the new travel IOs, I think the only change I may make will be to slot the Launch +Jump Special in Combat Jumping if I have the slot.  Well, and I might use Warp + Perception in Combat TP.  The D-Syncs and Ice Mistral will probably see more use in my builds than the travel ones.


I agree with Wavicle, I don't invest too much in travel unless it's a power I intend to use in combat or absolutely need a certain set bonus.  They aren't bad and more choices are always preferable to less choices.  But for me, there is very little in the new travel IOs to make me choose those over something else.

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6 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:

I think the only change I may make will be to slot the Launch +Jump Special in Combat Jumping if I have the slot. 

I think that will be a popular choice. You're basically getting a second Combat Jumping with the +8' Height. Also, now that you can run CJ with SJ, you will still get the Max Jump Height benefit. You'll have to test and provide feedback on what your Max Jump Height will reach with that configuration, I'm curious to see.

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On 11/17/2021 at 6:22 AM, Dispari said:

Okay so, morning observations and numbers (using level 50 attuned IOs)

Level 50 base power speeds:
Super Speed: 69.44
Speed of Sound: 69.44
Infiltration: 41.38

SS slotted with run/end: 82.72
SoS slotted with run/special: 89.06
Inf slotted with run/end: 47.22
Inf slotted with run/special: 53.46

Powers suppressed: 19.33
Boosted suppressed: 25.67

It's an interesting comparison looking at options for one-slotting run powers with a run/end or a run/special from Thrust. I'll expand on this one with one more comparison: Run IO versus Run/Special IO, and I'll also show attuned versus +5 boosting. I will show the numbers a little differently, though. I will only show the speed contributions from the power and the enhancements, base speed and swift are not included as they would be the same contribution in both scenarios.




For Super Speed (or Speed of Sound), the one-slotting with a standard Run IO is slightly faster (~1-2 mph), however it provides no in-combat speed. So it's a pick-your-flavor decision if only slotting with one enhancement.


For Infiltration, the one-slotting with Thrust is slightly faster (~2-3 mph), while also providing in-combat speed. Of course, you wouldn't use a Run IO, you'd use a Universal Travel IO so your jump speed gets buffed too. So the question becomes "do you prefer the extra run speed or the extra jump speed?". Again, it's a pick-your-flavor decision (although you certainly could choose both). I could see some Infiltration users 4-slot the power with two Travel/End+5 IOs, a Thrust+5 IO and a Launch+5 IO. 


With this setup and a +5 IO in Sprint, you can hit the Jump Speed cap and almost hit the Run Speed cap (92.5 mph). Of course, this is anecdotal, there are many ways to slot this power to squeeze out a little more speed and hit the caps.









You can choose to 3-slot infiltration and hit the caps. You can do Travel+5, Travel/End+5, and Thrust:





Like I said, there are many ways to choose how to build. Even in these examples, no set bonuses are used. Throw in set bonuses and you will not need as much enhancing of speed and could possibly slot for more endurance reduction or allocate the enhancement spot to something else entirely. The build options are there to choose any path you want.

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  • City Council

The next build might have these changes made to the Travel IO's set bonuses: T2 Resist | T4 Sustain | T5 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 2.25% E/N Resist | 1.875% HP | 9% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 2.25% S/L Resist | 10% Regen | 2.7% Max End
  • Thrust: 2.25% F/C Resist | 2.5% Recovery | 10% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 2.25% T/P Resist | 3% End Discount | 7.5% Range

It is not guaranteed to go Live in this form, but I wanted to see how it looks in game given the previous feedback requesting more bonuses that included unique sustains and movement themes.


Endurance Discount is very rare, with only 4 such bonuses in the game and most of those coming in a 5th slot bonus. The only other 3% end discount is in the Annihilation set.

The 2.7% Max Endurance will be the first of its kind. The only set bonuses that offer more are ATOs.

The 9% Movement Speed will be the 2nd of its kind, shared with Winter's Gift. I put this into Hypersonic as flyers are not always flying, in which case the extra movement speed to run/jump can be appreciated.

The 7.5% Range is the only set bonus in PvE that is not attached to an ATO.

The 10% Slow Resistance will join Synapse's Shock as the only non-PvP and non-Winter set to have this effect.

There may be other considerations as well. I am thinking of doing T2 Sustain | T2 Resist | T6 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 1.125% HP | 2.25% E/N Resist | 10.5% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 6% Regen | 2.25% S/L Resist | 3.15% Max End
  • Thrust: 1.5% Recovery | 2.25% F/C Resist | 12.5% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 1.75% End Discount | 2.25% T/P Resist | 8.75% Range

This approach will truly make for 4-slotting a goal for unique bonuses while leaving the 2-slot and 3-slot bonuses fairly uninspiring.

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1 hour ago, Booper said:

There may be other considerations as well. I am thinking of doing T2 Sustain | T2 Resist | T6 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 1.125% HP | 2.25% E/N Resist | 10.5% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 6% Regen | 2.25% S/L Resist | 3.15% Max End
  • Thrust: 1.5% Recovery | 2.25% F/C Resist | 12.5% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 1.75% End Discount | 2.25% T/P Resist | 8.75% Range

This approach will truly make for 4-slotting a goal for unique bonuses while leaving the 2-slot and 3-slot bonuses fairly uninspiring.


I really like this!

I absolutely cannot speak for how much general use they would see at these tiers, but I think it would be a really interesting incentive to slot these powers.


Where I feel we are currently:

- Comic books are full of characters who are wholly defined by their travel powers.

- CoH has characters that are simply X powers with Y travel power.


Actually investing 4 slots into one of these and having that pay off towards the rest of your character (with strongly thematic 4 piece benefits no less) seems like a really nice start to bridging that gap.


Now to just add some Fighting-esque synergy to the sets...

Edited by Replacement
Wording clarity. I mean practically a full rewrite.
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2 hours ago, Booper said:

The next build might have these changes made to the Travel IO's set bonuses: T2 Resist | T4 Sustain | T5 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 2.25% E/N Resist | 1.875% HP | 9% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 2.25% S/L Resist | 10% Regen | 2.7% Max End
  • Thrust: 2.25% F/C Resist | 2.5% Recovery | 10% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 2.25% T/P Resist | 3% End Discount | 7.5% Range

It is not guaranteed to go Live in this form, but I wanted to see how it looks in game given the previous feedback requesting more bonuses that included unique sustains and movement themes.


Endurance Discount is very rare, with only 4 such bonuses in the game and most of those coming in a 5th slot bonus. The only other 3% end discount is in the Annihilation set.

The 2.7% Max Endurance will be the first of its kind. The only set bonuses that offer more are ATOs.

The 9% Movement Speed will be the 2nd of its kind, shared with Winter's Gift. I put this into Hypersonic as flyers are not always flying, in which case the extra movement speed to run/jump can be appreciated.

The 7.5% Range is the only set bonus in PvE that is not attached to an ATO.

The 10% Slow Resistance will join Synapse's Shock as the only non-PvP and non-Winter set to have this effect.

There may be other considerations as well. I am thinking of doing T2 Sustain | T2 Resist | T6 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 1.125% HP | 2.25% E/N Resist | 10.5% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 6% Regen | 2.25% S/L Resist | 3.15% Max End
  • Thrust: 1.5% Recovery | 2.25% F/C Resist | 12.5% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 1.75% End Discount | 2.25% T/P Resist | 8.75% Range

This approach will truly make for 4-slotting a goal for unique bonuses while leaving the 2-slot and 3-slot bonuses fairly uninspiring.

Both IO set bonus suggestions are clearly appealing to the feedback that some posters have provided in this thread. While I don't think that more set benefit boosting is needed based on my previous testing, I would be happy to test these changes should they make it in to the next build.


Edited by Glacier Peak
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2 hours ago, Booper said:

The next build might have these changes made to the Travel IO's set bonuses: T2 Resist | T4 Sustain | T5 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 2.25% E/N Resist | 1.875% HP | 9% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 2.25% S/L Resist | 10% Regen | 2.7% Max End
  • Thrust: 2.25% F/C Resist | 2.5% Recovery | 10% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 2.25% T/P Resist | 3% End Discount | 7.5% Range

It is not guaranteed to go Live in this form, but I wanted to see how it looks in game given the previous feedback requesting more bonuses that included unique sustains and movement themes.


Endurance Discount is very rare, with only 4 such bonuses in the game and most of those coming in a 5th slot bonus. The only other 3% end discount is in the Annihilation set.

The 2.7% Max Endurance will be the first of its kind. The only set bonuses that offer more are ATOs.

The 9% Movement Speed will be the 2nd of its kind, shared with Winter's Gift. I put this into Hypersonic as flyers are not always flying, in which case the extra movement speed to run/jump can be appreciated.

The 7.5% Range is the only set bonus in PvE that is not attached to an ATO.

The 10% Slow Resistance will join Synapse's Shock as the only non-PvP and non-Winter set to have this effect.

There may be other considerations as well. I am thinking of doing T2 Sustain | T2 Resist | T6 Move/Sustain

  • Hypersonic: 1.125% HP | 2.25% E/N Resist | 10.5% Movement Speed
  • Launch: 6% Regen | 2.25% S/L Resist | 3.15% Max End
  • Thrust: 1.5% Recovery | 2.25% F/C Resist | 12.5% Slow Resist
  • Warp: 1.75% End Discount | 2.25% T/P Resist | 8.75% Range

This approach will truly make for 4-slotting a goal for unique bonuses while leaving the 2-slot and 3-slot bonuses fairly uninspiring.


Booper - this looks *much* more appealing to slot.  But as someone with minimal interest in slotting a travel power, I would still argue if you want folks to use these sets it will be counter-productive to make the first two bonuses "uninspiring".  CoH already has a lot of uninspiring set bonuses for powers much more in need of slotting.  T2 Resist / T4 Sustain / T6 Move/Sustain would however be extremely tempting.  I would certainly want to find a way to work those set bonuses into my build.  A T2/T4/T6 offering has the potential to change how people look at and use travel powers. 

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