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Which ATs or specific power sets are most in need of a review?


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36 minutes ago, OmegaOne said:

Ah of course. Hmm - maybe that needs to be tweaked a bit then? Will have to check out the actual numbers, but I rarely seem to even notice that having an effect in the past.

I knew there was a thread with numbers for the scaling resists. See below.


Keep in mind that scaling resists do not give any toxic or psi resists. That might be why you're thinking it is not working.

Also, there is a delay before it kicks in, which leaves you open to getting two slotted.



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Wasn't the Epic pool version of TK changed recently, as in on the Homecoming servers? Or did I miss a late legacy change? I remember it used to be some what controlled by the player and allow the directed movement of a targeted enemy NPC (and player in PvP). Now it seems to just add mag hold.

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2 hours ago, OmegaOne said:

Ah of course. Hmm - maybe that needs to be tweaked a bit then? Will have to check out the actual numbers, but I rarely seem to even notice that having an effect in the past.


Nah. SR is in a fine and strong place. It ain't shield but it still rocks. Sentinel SR goes up to 80% resist at 0 health, of course, but they have a much smaller HP base to work with, so that's probably ok, too.

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1 hour ago, KaizenSoze said:

Also, there is a delay before it kicks in, which leaves you open to getting two slotted.


That was corrected recently I believe. It's got a shorter check period.


Edit: Found it. Happened with page 3.


Lowered the activation period of powers with scaling resistance from 2s to 0.5s (all ATs). The duration of these effects have been set to 0.75s to compensate. NOTE: This affects PvE as well.


Also: Added Toxic Resistance to all scaling resistance powers

So SR now only has the psi hole to deal with.

Edited by Bill Z Bubba
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2 hours ago, OmegaOne said:

Ah of course. Hmm - maybe that needs to be tweaked a bit then? Will have to check out the actual numbers, but I rarely seem to even notice that having an effect in the past.


I think a lot of players don't successfully build to maximize the (potentially very useful) scaling resists on SR because they're so "invisible."


So a few points:


1.  You need to successfully survive for a bit at lower-HP totals in order for your resists to kick in.  Max hitpoint increases are deceptively useful for most sets, but it can seem like SR doesn't particularly need them because it doesn't have a heal.  It also doesn't have a place in-set to slot the +7.5% HP unique from Unbreakable Guard.  But you should be seeking +hp (slot the unique in Tough, look at +hp set bonuses, get the accolades) to give you more breathing room between when your resists kick in and death.  One reason why Tanker SR is so incredibly tough is that Tankers have enough hitpoints to survive at like 20% health when they have very strong resists.


2.  Resists, just like defenses, are increasing-returns.  If you have 50% base resist, +10% resist is twice as useful to you than if your base resist is 10%.  So scaling resists will be more impactful if they're building on top of a decent resist basis (which you'll have to build out of tough + set bonuses).


3.  I mean, this is still your secondary level of mitigation.  Scaling resists, especially on non-tanks, are not going to keep you alive in situations where your opponents bypass your primary defenses (such as scenarios where enemies are auto-hitting or have a massive to-hit buff (such as Quartzes for Devouring Earth)).  You'll still want beyond-softcapped defenses -- even SR's DDR lets some debuff through, you need a buffer.


4.  An orange insp or two can take your somewhat-enhanced resists from mediocre to excellent, consider popping them in difficult situations.  They'll also slow your rate of HP loss and let the activation of the scaling resist power catch up.

Edited by aethereal
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1. MM pets should not have the level tax. They should be the same level as the MM.


2. Regeneration. Add a good amount of debuff resistance (rech, regen, recovery). I’d also like to see scaling resists added. 

3. Sentinels. Rework the inherent to be less complicated and more effective. 

4. Assault Rifle. Honestly I just want the snipe to activate faster. I understand that more can be done, but that alone would make me a lot happier. 

Edited by Saikochoro
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2 minutes ago, aethereal said:

Max hitpoint increases are deceptively useful for most sets, but it can seem like SR doesn't particularly need them because it doesn't have a heal. 


I've never understood that thought. More HP means more Regen happening while you're dodging everything and has improved the performance of the scaling resists since they were added to SR.


3 minutes ago, aethereal said:

It also doesn't have a place in-set to slot the +7.5% HP unique from Unbreakable Guard.  But you should be seeking +hp (slot the unique in Tough, look at +hp set bonuses, get the accolades) to give you more breathing room between when your resists kick in and death. 


And there's the truth of it. SR+Tough+Weave. I always 4 slot UG including the unique plus the steadfast and glad armor +3% defense IOs in tough on my SR users. The reactive defenses +scaling resist and shield wall +5% resist IOs I also consider unskippable. Put it all together and you end up with very strong scrappers/brutes and damn near unkillable tanks. Yes, my SR tank laughs at Rom's autohit fluffy. If only I would remember that he's also got EotM/Demonic for really hard stuff.

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18 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

Lowered the activation period of powers with scaling resistance from 2s to 0.5s (all ATs). The duration of these effects have been set to 0.75s to compensate. NOTE: This affects PvE as well.


Also: Added Toxic Resistance to all scaling resistance powers

So SR now only has the psi hole to deal with.

Nice, always interesting what pops out in these discussions.


Yes, one advantage that Widows have over Super Reflexes. They have very high psi resists.

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2 hours ago, Saikochoro said:

4. Assault Rifle. Honestly I just want the snipe to activate faster. I understand that more can be done, but that alone would make me a lot happier. 


I second this.  I like AR for the animations and general abilities.  The snipe is just much slower than other sets and I hesitate to use it in combat because it takes so long.

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On 2/27/2022 at 9:02 AM, Peacemoon said:

I may be wrong but Controllers have superior Control numbers to Dominators, unless Dominators have Dominate on in which case their controls are superior. 

I’m talking about duration primarily.


Dominators are not useless of course, I just consider them a bit below par is all, and not very newbie friendly.

I was refering to the same magnitude (Overpower not withstanding), since the length of a control is sometimes irrelevant, depending on the control. Like, I dont really care if an immobolize is 6secs long, or 60000secs long (as long as im not the one being mez'd) since all that does is mean whatever is immobolized will have to use their obligatory ranged attack options.

Resident certified baby

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ATs: I'm of the opinion that sentinel should be prioritized last, being the only non-legacy AT. They can wait in line.


Sweeping buffs for khelds, SoAs and maybe minor controller tweaks should take precedence over some poorly thought out trashfire.


Specific sets off the top of my head: Mind, pistols, AR, axe, bs, spines, Rad blast, (blaster)dark blast and psi blast could all use a look. 

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Not sure if this thread was meant to be a poll, but my votes would be;


Sentinel AT  -  needs a better group role, currently its a Ranged scrapper with lower damage.

There are tons of suggestions, but I would like to see opportunity be a group-wide buff  that lasts ~30 secs when activated

The Sentinel could run a stance toggle to determine whether the buff is the offensive version or defensive version.

This allows some small benefit solo but can raise the entire teams offense or defense in short bursts during team play.

Remove the activation from your T1 and T2 powers and  just make it a click like domination.


Mind Control -  As I have mentioned in another thread, the only thing needed here is to fix Telekinesis and make it a power that is usable.

I suggested a location effect that immobilizes and add a -50% recharge de-buff to foes in the patch.

Controllers get a reliable containment source and Dominators get a secondary effect that is somewhat defensive.




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I think the pool and epic powers need to be adjusted. Far too often an attack power you take from it (looking at you dark/soul) is the highest dps attack in your chain. This should not be so unless your AT does not have an attack set like controllers. I could see an argument for being relatively equal to a secondary attack set power.


Even then, their should not be clear winners the way dark/soul outshines all the others.

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Sentinel AT.  If you cannot figure out the reason I cannot help you.


Super Strength powerset.  As it stands with Rage power SS represents a tiny % of comic book supers with super strength and manic depressive cycles.  Withoit endless examples let is look at Superman.  Class Inv/SS Tank.  When exactly was he raging or having time outs do to depressive cycles?  This set had a nice fix built for it that was killed die to an extremely vocal minority who want to double stack rage and power game.  

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6 hours ago, Snarky said:

Super Strength powerset.  As it stands with Rage power SS represents a tiny % of comic book supers with super strength and manic depressive cycles.  With its endless examples let us look at Superman.  Class Inv/SS Tank.  When exactly was he raging or having time outs do to depressive cycles?  This set had a nice fix built for it that was killed die to an extremely vocal minority who want to double stack rage and power game.  

To be fair, he likely rarely uses it and doesn't expect much to last when he does. I can see an end/recovery issue once it wears off, but -def is just bad.


Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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It should have -def while rage is up.  Your rage has clearly affected your mental capacity and therefore has diminished your ability, or desire, to dodge incoming damage and your sole focus is on smashing whatever is in front of you.  

Edited by Brutal Justice
Yro’ue :)
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Guardian survivor

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1 Sentinels- They feel unfinished and have lackluster damage. The epic/patron pools look like a grab bag of powers, I think making each pool specialized would add something special to the AT. Like the having the support pool or cc pool, rather then just a melee attack, heal, immobilize, and a random power thrown in. Perhaps the inherant could be combined and instead have single target powers affect the target at a large effect and aoe powers could affect all hit targets at a reduced level.


2 Masterminds- They have 7 pet IOs that can be slotted and only 3 primaries have a dump power to put them into. Mercs gets the short end on that, since procs are the best way to increase the damage of soldiers/spec ops and that costs another 4 slots. Also wish to say that Demons is spoiled with the ember demon being able to cast it's resist power not only on the pets but anybody in range(pets,MM,Team Mates and random strangers). Medic on mercs can only keep it's single target stimulant up on 4 targets at a time and rarely is it the mastermind.


3 Regen and Kinetic Melee- Regen could use something more in it's toolkit, but I don't play regen and will leave it to others to add suggestions. Kinetic melee however just sucks. Long cast times and animations, narrow cone, and lower damage then I would like. Everything is just slow on it.

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