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How to strip a character?

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So, I've decided to delete a character. A 47 Merc/Sonic MM, two decent sets that don't have a lot of synergy. And he doesn't even have a bio yet.


I want to recover as much stuff from it as I can. He's only 47, so I don't have to worry about Incarnate stuff.


  • Inf - I can just email it to my global.
  • Inspirations - vendor -> Inf.
  • Invention Salvage 
    • common, uncommon - vendor -> Inf.
    • rare - auction -> Inf or base salvage storage.
  • "Good IOs" (pvp, ato, wintero, hamio, attuned, purples, procs) - unslot -> base enhancement storage.
  • "Replaceable IOs" - auction -> Inf.
  • Prismatic Aethers - base salvage storage.


I've got 313 Vanguard Merits. Doesn't look like there's anything useful I can do with them to benefit my other characters. Correct?


I've got 450 Reward Merits. In general, what's the thing to do with them? I don't want to find storage space for 1350 converters. Catalysts, maybe? PvP or purple recipes? Not sure what the general consensus is.


Also, out of curiosity, what to generally do with Incarnate stuff?


Anything you would do differently? I have yet to do anything with the merits or replaceable IOs, so there's still time to chime in before I make a horrible, irrevocable mistake costing me tens of millions of influence!


In hindsight, would have been smarter to save the unslotters and burn a free respec to pull out all my slotted enhancements, but oh well.

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Unless you have already used all your slots, it might be worth hanging onto that alt in case those sets get improved or changed.


I think you can convert vanguard merits to regular merits then buy converters, Super insps(?) or other stuff. Then sell or email those things.

(EDIT: oh yeah, like Etched said, you can convert 50 reward merits to a hero merit then email it to your global)


I think the general consensus is converters but there might be one or two other things that are slightly better but maybe less efficient in terms of Auction house wait time...


Yeah a free respec for sure if you have your heart set on stripping. But I think people generally do not delete. If you just don't want to look at it, move it a few pages deeper in your character list.

Edited by PsiBug
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THe Vanguard merits - I believe you can exchange them for reward mertits,


Reward Merits - Turn them into hero merits and email them.


Incarnate stuffs - Exchange them for Super Insp in Ouro. Luna is her name, i think. Then Store or Market them.



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For those who didn't know it (or forgot like me), on the Merit Vendor, under Conversion, is where you find the

  • Vanguard Merit <-> Reward Merit
  • Reward Merit <-> Hero Merit (account bound)
  • Empyrean Merit <-> Transcendent Merit (account bound, I assume)



Mailing the 8 hero merits to myself was a bit tedious, but I survived. Now just need to wait for my 15 or so enhancements to sell.


FWIW, it's not that the sets need work, I just didn't feel good playing him. Mercs have almost entirely long range attacks, and Sonic buffs and debuffs are mostly pbaoes or ally-targettted aoes. It seemed like a poor fit. YMMV.


Thanks again for the tips!

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  • Game Master
2 hours ago, ZekeStenzland said:

So, I've decided to delete a character. A 47 Merc/Sonic MM, two decent sets that don't have a lot of synergy. And he doesn't even have a bio yet.


I want to recover as much stuff from it as I can. He's only 47, so I don't have to worry about Incarnate stuff.


  • Inf - I can just email it to my global.
  • Inspirations - vendor -> Inf.
  • Invention Salvage 
    • common, uncommon - vendor -> Inf.
    • rare - auction -> Inf or base salvage storage.
  • "Good IOs" (pvp, ato, wintero, hamio, attuned, purples, procs) - unslot -> base enhancement storage.
  • "Replaceable IOs" - auction -> Inf.
  • Prismatic Aethers - base salvage storage.


I've got 313 Vanguard Merits. Doesn't look like there's anything useful I can do with them to benefit my other characters. Correct?


I've got 450 Reward Merits. In general, what's the thing to do with them? I don't want to find storage space for 1350 converters. Catalysts, maybe? PvP or purple recipes? Not sure what the general consensus is.


Also, out of curiosity, what to generally do with Incarnate stuff?


Anything you would do differently? I have yet to do anything with the merits or replaceable IOs, so there's still time to chime in before I make a horrible, irrevocable mistake costing me tens of millions of influence!


In hindsight, would have been smarter to save the unslotters and burn a free respec to pull out all my slotted enhancements, but oh well.

You missed selling everything not nailed down in the Auction House then emailing yourself the inf. I sell all the enhancements, converters, catalysts etc. I just save the rare enhancements like purples and PvP and procs, the rest are just clutter. Convert vanguard merits to merits, convert merits to enhancement converters, pop those on to the AH for 10 inf each, grab the cash, voila!!

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Before you kill it off, here's my build for Mercs/Sonic.  It's from before the most recent MM changes, but it still works fine.  If I made it today I would move a slot or two to the pet exports. 


The trick for me was to keep them fighting alongside me, inside my dispersion bubble.


Good luck!


View This Build In MRB

Edited by Bionic_Flea
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I decided I was going to limit how many alts I actually had, so I've been doing a lot of stripping.


A second account can help, but you can do this all in base storage as well.  (Except recipes)


Respec is definitely the way to go for getting all the enhancements off your character.

Salvage and enhancements can go into base storage.

Vanguard Merits convert to reward merits.

Convert Astral merits to Emp Merits.

Reward merits & Emp Merits can be turned into Hero/Villain and Transcendent.  If you're close to 50 on one, it's usually worth it to do something to get to 50, rather than email 40 of something.   Then email to yourself.

Sell off any medium and lower inspirations to a vendor.

Convert any incarnate salvage to threads and buy super inspirations.

Large & Super inspirations can either be auction housed, or stored in the base.


And of course, selling everything is another valid technique.


Once you have sold everything and passed everything you can off, email the influence to yourself.

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I’d not delete an alt that highly leveled.  For starters, updates happen to sets all the time and while Merc’s recently got updated, it’s always possible the MM class as a whole is up for future updates, secondaries like Sonic included.  So you might find yourself wanting to try that alt again after any future updates.


What I do instead is what is commonly called a “meltdown” of the alt.  You basically sell off all you can (or transfer to base storage), email anything account-bound where possible (combining merits into hero merits to make this easier where possible, etc) and then do multiple respecs on the character, dropping all their IO’s into your storage slots.  That saves you from having to burn a stack of unslotters.  It doesn’t really matter how you respec…just throw slots/powers wherever you can to burn through the respec process quickly, dragging any IO’s that don’t fit in your tray into appropriate powers that remain.  That high of a level you’ll likely need to do a couple of respecs to free up everything.  Then between respecs, dump the free’d up IO’s into storage/email/wherever and rinse repeat.



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20 hours ago, ZekeStenzland said:
  • "Good IOs" (pvp, ato, wintero, hamio, attuned, purples, procs) - unslot -> base enhancement storage.

And when you say "unslot", the free method is to respec and leave everything in the trays.  You have room for 70 enhancements and we get a free respec every 10 levels so you probably have some extra.


As for the reward merits:  Converters and some effort get you the best cash.  If you don't care about the cash, buying purples is the lowest effort.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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It kinda dumbfounds that everyone assumes the poster is NEVER MAKIN ANOTHER TOON EVER AGAIN.


So why is everyone sayin to sell everything. 


That makes no since to sell everything just to rebuy it. Keep what you have and recycle it for the next toon.




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10 hours ago, Etched said:

It kinda dumbfounds that everyone assumes the poster is NEVER MAKIN ANOTHER TOON EVER AGAIN.


So why is everyone sayin to sell everything. 


That makes no since to sell everything just to rebuy it. Keep what you have and recycle it for the next toon.




 In some cases, the process of transferring can be...laborious.

The OP talked about 1300-something? Enhancement converters.
That basically would swamp SEVERAL bases.
Transferring them via e-mail would be tedious.

In some cases, rendering stuff down to Inf is a "path of least resistance".

What strikes me is, simply use the toon as a storage toon.
If you want to reclaim the name, DO SO..
So this new SuperMegaUltraGirl can actually BE SuperMegaUltraGirl.
And the old version can be "GearAlt #17"


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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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@Hyperstrike, sure i can understand Converters but when it comes down to Hancers and Invention Salvage, I just don't see a point to get rid of it just to replace it.  Reward merits - everyone is sayin to convert them to Converters and sell them... Screw that. I save them for the A-Hole that is askin 20 mill for a Purple or a lot more for Winter Enhancements. To me it is a lot easier to transfer them into a hancer that i may need with out breakin my bank. I'm not in a contest to make the most INF if that was the case I'd start sellin the D-Syncs I have but apparently a good majority of the posts is to make as much INF as possible. 


I played Live and I remember what I loss when they closed down the servers... Game is to short to worry about how much INF you have cause you can't take it with you. I'm not here to keep the Market goin, i'm here to play toons.


I guess that is just me. I'm not greedy. I have givin away Billions of Inf to friends and strangers and still have more than enough to fund another 10 toons.


If you need INF that bad, run AEon a few times a week, keep what you need and sell the rest.



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Wow, didn’t expect this to blow up so much. 

I guess if you have billions of Inf just laying around, like Yomo and Etched, there’s less value in stripping a character. That ain’t everyone though. And it certainly ain’t me. 

I’m not going to judge people on why they want to do this. Maybe they want to wave their Inf total in front of others. You do you. I’m doing it because I’ve invested tens of millions of Inf worth of effort that I could really find a better use for on some other character. 

And I get that ATs and power sets may get reworked in the future. And I have quite a few alts laying around in case Im ever in the mood again. But in this particular case, it’s an alt Im not super invested in, despite getting him up to 47. If I change my mind later, I can always recreate him and level him up again. For me at least, leveling up characters is most of the fun anyway!


Also, for what it’s worth, I may try to capture these suggestions into a guide and post it. 

Edited by ZekeStenzland
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On 7/7/2023 at 10:20 PM, ZekeStenzland said:

I want to recover as much stuff from it as I can. He's only 47, so I don't have to worry about Incarnate stuff.


  • Inf - I can just email it to my global.
  • Inspirations - vendor -> Inf.
  • Invention Salvage 
    • common, uncommon - vendor -> Inf.
    • rare - auction -> Inf or base salvage storage.
  • "Good IOs" (pvp, ato, wintero, hamio, attuned, purples, procs) - unslot -> base enhancement storage.
  • "Replaceable IOs" - auction -> Inf.
  • Prismatic Aethers - base salvage storage.


I've got 313 Vanguard Merits. Doesn't look like there's anything useful I can do with them to benefit my other characters. Correct?


I've got 450 Reward Merits. In general, what's the thing to do with them? I don't want to find storage space for 1350 converters. Catalysts, maybe? PvP or purple recipes? Not sure what the general consensus is.


On 7/7/2023 at 10:20 PM, ZekeStenzland said:

Anything you would do differently? I have yet to do anything with the merits or replaceable IOs, so there's still time to chime in before I make a horrible, irrevocable mistake costing me tens of millions of influence!


No need to delete the character for starters. You can use them as a "mule" to carry stuff ... which includes their merits until you have a use for them.


Since you are planning on pulling everything off the character, do it with a respec. Shouldn't take much time as you don't care about what they have powerwise if you aren't going to play them.

Why waste time or unslotters if you are pulling EVERYTHING off of a character?!


Anything that you pull off of them that you might use in the future - put it in base storage.

Easier and quicker to transport through base storage than through email.


Yeah, email the influence to yourself.


Honestly, as far as salvage goes, unless I have an immediate use for it, that all goes on the auction house ... that goes for all my characters ... and most recipes as well.




If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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No . . . Slower . . . More Secksi.

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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