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A little interested but wondering if the mega nerfs are still in this version of the game.

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Sovera said:


I'm trying not to snark because everyone likes what they like, but yeah, his only point is that once there was no longer a way to herd a whole map and defeat them in complete impunity then the game wasn't fun anymore. What am I to argue about that? I can't say you're wrong for enjoying that gameplay.


It sounds more like a Cookie Clicker idler where numbers go up. I can see why the devs changed it.


No. Never made that inference of wanting to herd whole hazard zones still. Rest of everyone else here being very snarky and elitist is saying I am wanting that. I was giving background to my previous play experience.


Yes there was a point in the game where some builds were so OP it was stupid. Never claimed I wanted that play style. I said in response back in the day the devs over nerfed a ton of builds because some were that strong. At one point claiming they wanted it balanced around having 1-3 regulars or 1 regular and 1 Lt mob being the "normal" soloable content of same level mobs for all builds. That was an express stated design at one point in the game history and there were a ton of nerfs because of that. It made a lot of people quit the game including myself because we felt that the nerfs then were too heavy handed. My reference was that at some point later I tried to log into my level 50 character to see if the game was still in a bad state and my character was literally gimped. Couldn't do anything. Other posters in here remember that too. The whole point to my question wasn't whether the game was back in the original OP days. I was asking if it was in a more balanced state that from when I last quit it. People are claiming it is and that is great. The crazy people are thinking I am asking for something different. I am not asking to be invincible. I do want to feel heroic. I should be able to run up to a group of mobs in a zone appropriate to my character level and wipe them out without breaking a sweat at higher levels. I don't want every group of mobs I run into to be a slug fest that takes forever. That is where the game was before. People in this thread have said it no longer the slug fest sort of game, and that is good enough for me. 

Edited by CometCometh
11 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I feel super when I play. There's only Incarnate trials, Hamidon, and now some 4-star Hardmode content that requires my brain to function beyond the keyboard face rolling you're describing.

You pay attention during Hami? Hell I'm drinking a beer and watching TV.

1 hour ago, CometCometh said:


No. Never made that inference of wanting to herd whole hazard zones still. Rest of everyone else here being very snarky and elitist is saying I am wanting that. I was giving background to my previous play experience.


Yes there was a point in the game where some builds were so OP it was stupid. Never claimed I wanted that play style. I said in response back in the day the devs over nerfed a ton of builds because some were that strong. At one point claiming they wanted it balanced around having 1-3 regulars or 1 regular and 1 Lt mob being the "normal" soloable content of same level mobs for all builds. That was an express stated design at one point in the game history and there were a ton of nerfs because of that. It made a lot of people quit the game including myself because we felt that the nerfs then were too heavy handed. My reference was that at some point later I tried to log into my level 50 character to see if the game was still in a bad state and my character was literally gimped. Couldn't do anything. Other posters in here remember that too. The whole point to my question wasn't whether the game was back in the original OP days. I was asking if it was in a more balanced state that from when I last quit it. People are claiming it is and that is great. The crazy people are thinking I am asking for something different. I am not asking to be invincible. I do want to feel heroic. I should be able to run up to a group of mobs in a zone appropriate to my character level and wipe them out without breaking a sweat at higher levels. I don't want every group of mobs I run into to be a slug fest that takes forever. That is where the game was before. People in this thread have said it no longer the slug fest sort of game, and that is good enough for me. 

Oh, I was giving you credit of the possibility that you couldn't accept change or otherwise deal with reality of the situation.  If you can, then my mistake.  If you can, you posting this seems off. 


You want what you want, this isn't what you want.   So, what are you expecting anyone to do?


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I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



10 hours ago, lemming said:

I was playing yesterday and someone asked if Regeneration was still over powered...


Depending on what you mean by Meganerf, maybe a perusal of https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Patch_Notes


On HC it's easy to build up a fairly tricked out character in comparison to live.    I think I had maybe two decently built up chars on live, here, couple dozen and the only thing stopping me right now on most of the others is taking a little time to place enhancements.

Thanks, I was looking for this the other day. Different reasons, of course, but still, I appreciate it.

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15 hours ago, CometCometh said:

Pretty much as the title states, I am wondering if the mega nerfs are still in the game. For context, I used to play a ton of CoH/CoV back in the day. One of the reasons I quit, along with many others, was the terrible ham fisted approach of the mega nerfs. When the developer thought it was best to nerf everyone instead of buff the weaker performers up the game was done for me. It went from City of Heroes to City of Bystanders. This was when the developer decided it was "balanced" around heros basically being able to take out 1-3 basic enemies at a time. Maybe a Lt. Getting more than few enemies on you meant death. Of course at one point some builds and power sets could literally wipe out entire zones and that was a bit much, but when the game was nerfed into the ground some formerly strong builds were pointless to play. Some builds would insta nuke groups of basic enemies and Lts in single hits and would take a little more to drop "bosses" down. The developer thought it would be "better" to have "epic" fights all the time. Which meant instead of instantly nuking even basic enemies, you would have to spend minutes killing them. The decided that almost every encounter should be "group" based to do anything and killed solo play practically.


So my question is what is the state of the game right now? Is everything still in the super nerfed state and thus not worth my time or do you actually feel Heroic at later levels of a build? Can you be solo and still wipe out groups living out the power fantasy or do heroes have to spend 5-10 minutes defeating the equivalent of a purse thief in higher level zones?

Oooh the time when a tank went agroing the WHOLE mission map and came back with 50-100 enemies (what a letdown when my tank on my next mmo had trouble with more than 1 mob of his level...).


I left the game just after the crafting system and Praetoria I think and did not invest time into learning the inventions/sets so I discovered them whith homecoming. I just remember tanks agro being nerfed to being able to keep it on a max number of mobs.


There are different stages of difficulty in the game and I think they appear at the right time when you can start equiping yourself to surpass them : sets and incarnates will allow that.

You end up being an unkillable killing machine even with an "half" full build like I did with my first main.


Taum Athe et non je ne suis pas un fruit et encore moins un thaumaturge !


Just to inject some expectations into the thread: both nerfs and buffs have and will happen.


Shifting all powers upward to meet the highest performing sets isn't an especially realistic development target, since it means moving dozens of sets upwards instead of one set downward. It also negates any sense of adversity in the game.


By the same logic, moving all sets downwards to meet the lowest performers isn't reasonable either, so those sets will be buffed. Lagging behind and, as you said, spending minutes on a single minion is nobody's fun.


Except for regen. That set is on a mission to find nerf bedrock and we aint gonna stop it now.

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I can't believe the hyperbole that a character ever had trouble taking down enemies 10+ levels below them, unless the player is specifically thinking how they used to farm XP from DE Swarms, and when the Swarm AI was changed such that Swarm fled from damage auras this became an unreliable way to farm XP.

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18 hours ago, CometCometh said:


Nope. I can give a list of the remembered nerfs specifically for my fire/ice tanker. I had dozens of characters, but don't remember all the nerfs and what I was capable of before. So previously upon release of the game the Fire branch for Tanker had Burn which would make a patch of fire on the ground and do massive dot damage. It was literally the first nerfed introduced to the game. They reduced the damage a tiny bit and added a fear effect to the enemies hit by burn so they would try to get out. To use burn after than you had to get provoke to counter the fear effect. Until the nerfed provoke to not override fear effects. I was also using Ice so I could drop an ice patch first to make enemies slip and then drop burn. So they couldn't get away with the fear because they were slipping. Then they nerfed the ice patch so that the slip effect check was less frequent. At one point the slip check only ever happened once per enemy. So they could slip once ever and never again. I think they reverted that a tad later because the power was basically unusable at that point. Then the damage from Burn continued to be nerf over and over and over. It started doing tickle damage at one point. 


Let me put it this way, before all the major nerfs to Burn and Ice patch, I could literally pull an entire hazard zone 20+ levels above my character, jump into a dumpster to get the enemies to stack inside each other as they followed me in while jumping, and they would immediately start slipping and burning until death. Only the toughest bosses had a chance to escape or would take a long time to kill. Those weren't worth killing so I would move on to grabbing all the respawns instead. Again, that was probably too strong, but literally being able to take out hundreds of mobs in a few seconds was fun. My blasters couldn't do that, but they zoomed from group to group and literally 1 shot a group many levels above it as well. Basically many of the power sets, not all, had a massive AoE damage ability that could be used to 1 shot enemies 10+ levels above your current level. That was all nerfed into the ground at one point. I know some nerfs were lightened back up, and then some re-nerfed at some point. I know this because I came back one shortly before the game was closing. Got on my max level fire/ice tanker and tried to kill some mobs. Even a group that was 20 levels lower than me without bosses I couldn't kill with probably wasting a huge amount of time trying. I was wondering if the game was still in that state or not.


I had a Fire/Ice tanker back on Live and had played since Beta of the game.  Post the “Purple Patch” you couldn’t have taken on pretty much anything +20 levels to yourself and survived.  Could I pull the entire (originally non-timed) Wolf map into a dumpster and kill the whole map by myself?  Yes.  Could I do likewise in other hazard zones?  Yes, at least up to +4 my level.  But the Purple patch nerfed anyone’s ability to take on anything solo beyond +4 differences in levels.


And to put it into timing, the Purple Patch went into effect before Issue 1 was released.  So it wasn’t really around all that long.


But while I find the mechanics of what you described above to be similar to how my Fire/Ice tanker used to herd-and-burn, that mechanic won’t work all that well these days.  But on the bright side….Tanker damage output has been increased significantly from where it once stood for primary attacks.  Aggro radius while not unlimited like it once was is better than it was before Live shut down and several other buffs to Tankers have been made.  They aren’t meme-gods of herd-and-burn any longer in the PVE world in general, but they are still quite popular.


Note: If you want a taste of SOME of that nostalgia, build a Rad/Fire combination for a Tanker or Brute and go run a Fire Farm map in AE.  Your aggro restrictions will make you take on only a couple of spawns at a time, while all their friends just stand to the side throwing potshots at you until the aggro queue opens up for them to enter the fray at melee distance, but it’s still fun to take out the whole map in 15 mins or less.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, CometCometh said:

...My reference was that at some point later I tried to log into my level 50 character to see if the game was still in a bad state and my character was literally gimped. Couldn't do anything....


Which is why I said to you in my second reply that it could be a build issue.  You can't come back to a character in an actively developed MMO several years later and expect it to play the same.


Yep, burn and frozen fists. Everything else was defense. I came back and could kill nothing. Didn't want to respec either. I was like this is horrible. It went from god mode to beggar mode.


You hyper-specialised your character into a particular niche, herding everything up and killing them all with a single power, Burn.  And when that playstyle was nerfed you flat out refused to adapt to the changes and instead compalin about how you can't kill grey mobs in a reasonable time frame without even trying to make any changes? Are you really having trouble figuring out why some of the responses might be a bit on the snarky side?

Like, I get it, I was here from EU launch (I3) to shutdown and I went through ED, GDN, Controller nerfs (the quadruple nerfing of mass controls pisses me off to this day) and probably way more than I can remember. But it's an MMO, shit changes and you adapt.


Edit: I think part of the problem might be to do with expectations. To some people the idea of a superhero MMO will conjure up images of wading through hordes of canon fodder like an old Dynasty Warriors game or something where you send dozens of mobs flying with a single punch. But Cryptic decided to make a game that more of an evolution of the EverQuest formula, either due to technical limitations or design choices (yes I remember Jack and his 1 hero = 3 minions thing, a lot of his bullshit got corrected after he left to make the Marvel MMO which ended up being Champions Online).

But the early game had ways to break the intended design and skew it more towards the Dynasty Warriors end of the spectrum.  That playstyle appealed to a particular type of player and those players were left without a way to achieve their chosen playstyle once all the nerfs/fixes (yes, some of them were fixes) went through.

The good news is, as others have pointed out, you can have a lot of that feeling back thanks to Inventions and Incarnate powers, but you are going to have to adapt to how the game is NOW in order to achieve that, rather than hearkening back to the good old days.

Edited by Nuc
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Nuclea - Rad/Rad Defender - Defiant - LoonyToons

10 hours ago, CometCometh said:


No. Never made that inference of wanting to herd whole hazard zones still. Rest of everyone else here being very snarky and elitist is saying I am wanting that. I was giving background to my previous play experience.


Yes there was a point in the game where some builds were so OP it was stupid. Never claimed I wanted that play style. I said in response back in the day the devs over nerfed a ton of builds because some were that strong. At one point claiming they wanted it balanced around having 1-3 regulars or 1 regular and 1 Lt mob being the "normal" soloable content of same level mobs for all builds. That was an express stated design at one point in the game history and there were a ton of nerfs because of that. It made a lot of people quit the game including myself because we felt that the nerfs then were too heavy handed. My reference was that at some point later I tried to log into my level 50 character to see if the game was still in a bad state and my character was literally gimped. Couldn't do anything. Other posters in here remember that too. The whole point to my question wasn't whether the game was back in the original OP days. I was asking if it was in a more balanced state that from when I last quit it. People are claiming it is and that is great. The crazy people are thinking I am asking for something different. I am not asking to be invincible. I do want to feel heroic. I should be able to run up to a group of mobs in a zone appropriate to my character level and wipe them out without breaking a sweat at higher levels. I don't want every group of mobs I run into to be a slug fest that takes forever. That is where the game was before. People in this thread have said it no longer the slug fest sort of game, and that is good enough for me. 


If you want the huge massive crowds of enemies with no aggro cap I would suggest checking out the New Dawn server. Homecoming doesn't have that sort of play. New Dawn is a bit more of the ridiculous mobs of bad guys that you can just mow through with your builds. I've played there a bit, and it was fun, but low population made it hard to stay enjoyable. 


21 hours ago, CometCometh said:

So my question is what is the state of the game right now? Is everything still in the super nerfed state and thus not worth my time or do you actually feel Heroic at later levels of a build? Can you be solo and still wipe out groups living out the power fantasy or do heroes have to spend 5-10 minutes defeating the equivalent of a purse thief in higher level zones?


First off, welcome back.


1st Q:  Seems busier than usual.  Lots of action to be found on all servers.  


2nd Q:  Lots of changes since then.  Does not feel super nerfed, and maybe leaning more on the other side of the difficulty spectrum.  Can be as heroic as you need based on your build/notoriety settings all while depending if your style of play is solo/small team or full team..... can indeed feel as over heroic as you want.  Customizible to your needs.


3rd Q:  Arch Vills and Elite Bosses can take some time to defeat at higher settings... I have fought some for 30-40 minutes at times.


Depending on shard choice and or who's around, you could run the new to you hardmode 4 star settings (most difficulty in game) on Task Forces/Strike Forces in 20 minutes if you need.


+Amazes me that a critique to the gameplay from 20 years ago strikes such a nerve tbh, especially to a returning player.  



PvP Capture the Flag!  Bring some fun into it....

11 hours ago, CometCometh said:

At one point claiming they wanted it balanced around having 1-3 regulars or 1 regular and 1 Lt mob being the "normal" soloable content of same level mobs for all builds.


This thread probably got more complicated than it needed to be.  If it puts your mind at ease, this statement above is absolutely not true in the game as it stands now on Homecoming.  You might experience this sort of thing just starting out but if you want to you can build a character capable of destroying an entire +4/x8 spawn (that's +4 and +5 to your level and sized for a team of 8 characters, btw) without breaking a sweat.  Not ANY character or build, of course, but it is certainly possible.


Might be simpler if you just do some searches on Youtube.  Watch people solo +4/x8 with various kinds of characters.  That might be faster to get a flavor of where the game sits power-wise right now than wading through all of our opinions here.


But long story short, the game is now nothing like you're describing.  Homecoming team has even had to introduce such things as the "Hard Mode" Task Forces to really challenge the top character builds and teams these days.

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18 minutes ago, ZemX said:


This thread probably got more complicated than it needed to be.  If it puts your mind at ease, this statement above is absolutely not true in the game as it stands now on Homecoming.  You might experience this sort of thing just starting out but if you want to you can build a character capable of destroying an entire +4/x8 spawn (that's +4 and +5 to your level and sized for a team of 8 characters, btw) without breaking a sweat.  Not ANY character or build, of course, but it is certainly possible.


Might be simpler if you just do some searches on Youtube.  Watch people solo +4/x8 with various kinds of characters.  That might be faster to get a flavor of where the game sits power-wise right now than wading through all of our opinions here.


But long story short, the game is now nothing like you're describing.  Homecoming team has even had to introduce such things as the "Hard Mode" Task Forces to really challenge the top character builds and teams these days.


That is the info I was wanting. Not all the snarky remarks. Too many here didn't understand I was laying out a timeline, events, and statements of why certain nerfs happened. The big thing was at one point in time the devs explicitly stated they wanted to balance everyone around making "every" fight you come across as "epic" which they said should take time. They were explicitly trying to shoehorn every build in the game into being only able to solo 1-3 regular same level mobs of equal level. Anything more they wanted people to group for. In higher level zones finding a group that small or that "weak" was practically impossible as well. I remember the purple patch now being added, as someone mentioned previously.


For reference I played in beta, when it came out for about a year. Then quit for a small time before CoV came our shortly after quitting. I played for about 6 months after CoV came out. Then tried to come back a few years later. During the active play time, despite several nerfs, the fire/ice tanker in my example when through significant changes. When I said I was using Burn/Ice fists for awhile as my only attacks that was true for a small period of time for that character. The character changed during the patches to keep it "viable" as I kept playing although the mounting nerfs made it significantly weaker and weaker as time progressed back then. 


When I had come back that one last time and found my character in a really bad gimped place I tried looking up how to fix it. The consensus was to scrap the character because at the time it was not salvageable. It looks like things changed again after that point in time, but in that specific point in time there was no redeeming the character to make it playable. That was a very disheartening thing to find out and basically made me leave shortly after trying to come back. I do not know if inventions or other things like that were out when I came back that time. I suspect they weren't based on the replies to this thread. 


I am not looking to make a character that can do what the OP builds of the first days of the game allowed. While it would be nice to get a character as strong as possible, with what you said being able to do +4/8x  type missions. I don't even remember having that difficulty setting being able to be selected before. I just was making sure the game wasn't at the point where most builds at higher levels couldn't handle basic mobs of equal level without taking forever or risk of being defeated. Because at one point in the time frame of the live game that was exactly the case for most builds. That created a mass exodus of the player base at one point in time.

  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

I remember when ED first dropped, I was in high school and thought it was so stupid, I was outraged and thought they had ruined the game.


looking back now, I think it was a example of a really well thought out game change they did which was unpopular but very much needed. It gave the game a lot of new life, beyond just everyone taking the same handful of powers and six slotting them (e.g every character taking hasten or doing 1acc5damage on every attack). It made people force to slot for  in different ways and made a whole range of different characters viable.


It also made IO sets eventually be possible, which gave the game some much needed grinding and things to strive for.


overall, I think ED saved the game at the time more than it ruined it. 

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21 minutes ago, CometCometh said:

I just was making sure the game wasn't at the point where most builds at higher levels couldn't handle basic mobs of equal level without taking forever or risk of being defeated. Because at one point in the time frame of the live game that was exactly the case for most builds. That created a mass exodus of the player base at one point in time.


No it wasn't and no it didn't. YOUR build couldn't do that because YOU refused to change it after burn was nerfed, that's on YOU.


Anyway, I'm done here since you clearly just want to keep pushing this fantasy narrative you've concocted in your head that every build was awful and everyone left the game along with you and there were 3 of us left keeping the servers alive for another eight years...

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Nuclea - Rad/Rad Defender - Defiant - LoonyToons

Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, Nuc said:


No it wasn't and no it didn't. YOUR build couldn't do that because YOU refused to change it after burn was nerfed, that's on YOU.


Anyway, I'm done here since you clearly just want to keep pushing this fantasy narrative you've concocted in your head that every build was awful and everyone left the game along with you and there were 3 of us left keeping the servers alive for another eight years...


You are the one going to the extremes with hyperbole here. There were certainly times the player base dipped due to major nerf patches. I never claimed everyone left except 3 remaining players or some such crud you just asserted. I said that at one point in time with the game that it felt very "bad" to play the game with just about any character. It is a fact players leave games like this when major nerfs happen. This goes for every game. I happen to also play a lot of Path of Exile and if you track their steam charts for player base for leagues, the major "nerf" leagues tend to have huge drops in player retention versus leagues that tend to empower the players.


Even in this thread others have also remembered EXACTLY what I was talking about and agreed with me. You are the odd one out here. There was also a big exodus of players at one point when Champions Online came out. I distinctly remember that too. Due to the nature of these games, many players tend to leave and come back as well. Just like how I am interested in coming back too. Sorry you seem to think that CoH never had some bad patches that made a lot of players upset and think it was the greatest thing ever created. See I can do hyperbole too!

Edited by CometCometh
Posted (edited)

Being able to fine-tune your mission difficulty came along after your time playing. It's useful. You can change both the level of a mission and the group size, giving you more goons to fight than a solo/duo/small team would normally spawn.


If you look at the text entry box on your chat UI, there's an arrow on the right. Click it to get a really useful fly-out menu... Notoriety settings are one of the things you can change via that menu. Emotes are there as well. 





Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

45 minutes ago, CometCometh said:

Even in this thread others have also remembered EXACTLY what I was talking about and agreed with me.

No, they have not.  Not one single person has agreed with your hyperbolic claims about not being able to kill mobs ten levels beneath you or of your equally hyperbolic claims of it taking excessive amounts of times to kill standard spawns.  Not. One. Single. Person.

And that's why you're receiving so much snark.  You keep making unhinged exaggerated and hyperbolic claims (such as the one @Nuc quoted) that have absolutely no grounding in reality.

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

14 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

No, they have not.  Not one single person has agreed with your hyperbolic claims about not being able to kill mobs ten levels beneath you or of your equally hyperbolic claims of it taking excessive amounts of times to kill standard spawns.  Not. One. Single. Person.

And that's why you're receiving so much snark.  You keep making unhinged exaggerated and hyperbolic claims (such as the one @Nuc quoted) that have absolutely no grounding in reality.


To be fair it's been 20 years and memories may have been distorted.


One thing I do understand is loving to feel like a super-hero, @CometCometh, and here I'm 100% on your PoV, but this game is singularly well equipped to let you do that. Unlike games like WoW where we face a group of 3-4 mobs in an instance (and in a team, unable to solo those 3-4 mobs) here we can wade into a group of 10-12 mobs while solo and cackle as we destroy them.


Funny enough my advice for new players is a trusty Fire Armor/Ice Melee Tanker (people in this forum must be tired of me harping about it). It's the Allrounder build in my signature.


Nay. I'm as guilty as some here for the snarky answers (@Snarky ever reaching pervasive influence, mebbe? Lets go with that) but even if Comet may have not done the best introduction they still seem genuine.


It's up to us not to fan it instead of paying lip service to being 'one of the best communities around'.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

No, they have not.  Not one single person has agreed with your hyperbolic claims about not being able to kill mobs ten levels beneath you or of your equally hyperbolic claims of it taking excessive amounts of times to kill standard spawns.  Not. One. Single. Person.

And that's why you're receiving so much snark.  You keep making unhinged exaggerated and hyperbolic claims (such as the one @Nuc quoted) that have absolutely no grounding in reality.


Really? I'll just leave this nugget. 


21 hours ago, FoneBot said:

Yeah Fire/ice was a super effective PL build back in the day and without respeccing it when you came back at the end of live it would have been completely gimped, you are correct. The big hit to that build was ED and I THINK burn had a ToHit check added where it had none previously. If it was anything like mine you only had burn and frozen fists to do damage with 😅


The fact that burn had been given a tohit check and i didn't slot accuracy probably would lend credence a bit to my claim there. Also the balance claims I were making for from the first year or two of the game. I don't have the years of changes done to the game afterward. I remember the super overtuned intro days of the game for some power sets. I remember fondly when there was initial balance changes like the purple patch and a few others which were nerfs, but I thought they were inline. I also remember I think it was ED and a few other nerfs along with some targeted nerfs to specific powers that still happened after CoV release. I had a Dark/Dark scrapper for along time that kicked some serious butt. However, even a bunch of what he did got nerfed to no longer feel heroic anymore. It was around that time the devs explained their balance goal with that fighting of 3 regular equal level mobs being the "solo" content they were trying for. They over nerfed more than a few things. If you didn't happen to be playing then, or those builds then you would have probably never been bothered by it. I gave an example of when I was fighting mobs about 20 levels above me, pre purple patch, with my build no problem. I also gave an example of when I came back for about a week and was seriously screwed over so bad I took forever killing enemies many levels below me. I didn't say ever character I had was that nerfed when I came back. I specifically gave an example of my fire/ice tanker WHICH WAS that bad. It isn't hyperbole. It was a factual experience that happened to me. 


A prime example would be also ice patch. At one point in a patch notes when they did the first set of nerfs to it I specifically remember the claim that it was being fixed because it was "bugged" in that it did 4 checks per tick instead of 1 which they originally thought it was suppose to be. Then they nerfed that further several times at one point. You going to call that hyperbole too?

Edited by CometCometh

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