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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. You did not have to. You chose to. And you were probably quite aware that Energy Blast was chock-full of knockback when you created the character.
  2. I agree that you have every right to suggest that I use minimal Fx. I will always refuse any such suggestion however. I would find that to be in the same league as demanding that I change my costume because you dislike a certain style of cape, or because you dislike a certain aura that I use. My powers are an intrinsic part of my character, no less than their costume. You do not get to choose my selections at Icon. If it becomes a problem that you cannot accept, then I would whichever of us joined the team more recently to drop the team. This, I can get behind. I do not object to individual players controlling what they see on their screen. Ideally I'd want this something the player could fine-tune, declining to render one animation or effect but not another. I have no idea how that would get implemented. For buffs, maybe a right click option "Do not display buff FX" / "Resume display of buff FX". Trickier for things like the electrocution animations on electrical affinity though.
  3. I have not yet played a Warshade, but I have a Peacebringer. I have not yet played a Soldier of Arachnos, but I have a Widow. I've tried at least one of every other Archtype. I don't have them all to 50 or anything, but most are in the middle-sy range. the Peacebringer is one of few I have still at lvl 10 because Void Hunters cause the Nerdrage. I know it won't stay bad for the long haul. But it's making the early levels difficult. This is compounded by another quirk of how I play the game. I tend to solo MOST of the first 20 levels on all my characters, to "earn their stripes", as it were. In the VERY screwed-up place that is my own personal thought process, if you're going to be a hero, you should be able to handle some basic missions and come into your own power without a team. And for a villain, oh heck ya, you need to build up your own personal street cred. Maybe the villain doesn't have to prove he's the baddest man in the whole damn town, but I like to have my villains demonstrate their own personal capacity for destruction before joining a regular running group.
  4. I was gonna say hey! he might be a redside player! But he did mention Flower Knight and Coyote, not Jenkins or Kalinda.
  5. My only gripe with the Signature Story Arcs / Who Will Die's in when it starts normal and then WHAM you're suddenly on a timed objective you didn't know was coming, dont' necessarily know where to go, with lots of baddies in your path and/or ambushing you, and if you happen to be on a low-damage character, that time limit can be borderline Unfair. OTOH, nothing says I have to try to solo them on a low damage character either.
  6. I hear you. but sometime, slap together an All-Defender run. It's INSANE. Whether you do 8 Empaths, or a mix of Emp + Thermal + FF + Kin + Storm + Dark + TA, etc. One defender alone.... sometimes feels weak and underpowered. Massed Defenders are a roaming Class 5 Hurricane.
  7. Also some mobs have extremely high defense beyond the normal Devouring Earth Boulder / Granite types - have very good smashing/lethal resistance defense. Carnies - have SUPER irritatingly high psionic resistance defense (speaking as a Mind/Kin, I took Nerve alpha JUST for them.) Paragon Protectors: Love to pop Moment of Glory, and when they do, just stop attacking. Seriously. Save your endurance for the next minute, or go beat up some other critter. CoT: love to hit you with Dark attacks that stack ToHit debuffs on you. Even a group of 3 Spectral Daemon minions can savage your to-hit. Tsoo Sorcys: all bets are off once they get close to you. Hurricane is a Brutal ToHit debuff, AND they have a Darkness PBAE that does something too. I'm sure there's plenty others that can be added to the list. Before i switch to sets, I use TWO accuracy enhancements in every power that can take them, even at SO / IO levels. Missing can be very paintful. More damage means nothing if I whiff. This is especially true if i'm on a Controller or on a support class that needs to HIT in order to heal anyone. (did I mention I main a Mind/Kin? coming and going....) But I haven't noticed anything where i'm missing excessively unless a) I'm still using Training enhancers, OR, b) if one of the above foes or one like them is ruining my day. And one can always team up with other characters who bring Defense Debuffs or Acc Buffs to the table. Controls help a lot too. A Bunch of CoT ghosts cant debuff your to hit if they're slept, held, confused, or stunned.
  8. Warden or Responsibility seem most fitting. Not least because it even explains why they stayed in the wards. People were suffering and they want to continue to protect them. A Power Loyalist would have said "Brave New World", and gone Villain and not looked back, most likely. Maybe started Blue but I can only see a Power Loyalist ending up Red. A Crusader Resistance is probably also going to go Red or Blue to find allies or big shiny explody weapons to bring back to use against Cole. I'd see them writing off the First/Night wards as a lost cause.
  9. Some combinations would not make much sense. Monocle AND welder's goggles! Cigar AND Rebreather! However, I can certainly see that some combinations would make sense. It might take some vetting of which go into which categories, or maybe they just allow even the nonsensical ones, and just let clipping occur so the edge of your cigar can extend past the shell of the rebreather.
  10. Absolutely. I despise the term "Healer" to refer to an Empath Defender as if only the first 3 powers of the set matter. Even on my Beast / Emp MM, I use every buff I have, and that character also uses Kick/Boxing/Crosspunch to go right in meleeing with her pets. I prioritize keeping the buffs going, but I do not do healbots.
  11. I never understood why heroes would even want to raid the bases of other heroes. Maybe one group of heroes did MAJOR spoilers for a TV show the other heroes had only just started watching, and they're like "OMG now you PAY!!!"? 🙂
  12. Now I need to create an Empathy Defender this weekend. Because my contrariness is activated and the "I can make this work no problem" is real. (I do already have a Beast/Empath MM, but Daisy, Lily, Buddy, Fluffy, and Mittens make soloing a breeze for her)
  13. Welcome Home. 🙂 Be prepared for a massive critical hit to the feels when you hit the character create screen, or log in and see other heroes zooming around, or save your first citizen from being purse-snatched in Atlas Park
  14. love it 🙂 in no small part because of the chain knockback serving the greater good. gogo Energy Blast! I'm not convinced the proposed changes are needed. I certainly don't like the idea of the auras becoming permanent toggles. I like being able to buff and then the team can go where they will, without needing to stay on a leash to benefit. Confuses ARE my absolute favorite effect in the game, bar none. So you have my interest with the suggestion of a "when cast on enemy, act as a confuse" option. but thematically, I would say that could be Clear Mind (to act as Cloud Mind on a foe...). Although I suppose a confuse with that low of a cooldown would be wildly OP. I admit though, I don't use Absorb Pain. Died quite enough in the old days to it, have felt no desire to even have it on tap. If someone gets in over their head THAT MUCH, well, Darwin can teach them what I could not.
  15. Dude. That's pretty insane, considering that was on LIVE with much more limited characters per server per account. But mostly I'm impressed at the sheer volumes of names you came up with that passed your own personal "do I like this name good enough"? test. I'm seriously picky on names. I may um... browse that list looking for inspiration later. I wouldn't directly copy an exact name, but we've all been there searching for synonyms or prefixes or suffixes or puns to get something we like.
  16. I admit, I do not use jetpacks that scream "Techonology!" on Magic-Origined characters.
  17. I have 32 characters. 2 are lvl 50 1 is lvl 43 5 of them are in their 30's 8 of them are in their 20's 10 of them are in the teens the rest are single digits I see zero "problems". Nothing wrong with playing lots of low level characters and not rushing them to 50. If I only ding one 50 every few months, I'm okay with that. It ain't a race.
  18. If I don't feel like doing an event, I just don't do the event. Rikti are invading. "that's nice" *enters door mission* I guess it can be more of an issue at low levels if they hit King's Row and there just are't many other places you can go, and you don't have a travel power yet, and they harrass you halfway across the zone before you can zone out. If I didn't want to do the event then, I would just switch to an alt that has more levels and a decent travel power. Or, I'd switch to a goldside character. No Rikti Invasions goldside. and I really love the 1-20 Preatoria arcs.
  19. Gale actually coudl be devastatingly strong. Get a pair of Storm Defenders on the same team. Get them used to alternating casts of Gale. They could Chain-KD a giant pile of mobs leaving them 100% completely helpless and unable to respond in any meaningful way, holding them helpless while the rest of the team kills them. KB/KD as a form of perma-able AE Hold. And you could do that from a very early lvl if you had decent accuracy, all the way to level 50. Necessary? Heck no. And there's probably better stronger ways to trivialize mobs now. But I do think that's what the original devs were thinking of, back in the day. Stormies Gale'ing things into a corner, and using Hurricane to keep them there.
  20. a) absolutely agree with this b) I would recommend the weekly discussion thread. It's an open topic all about animations: Weekly Discussion 49: Alternate FX/Animations.
  21. I'm not really *against* recipe storage as such, but I admit I find it FAR more efficient to craft the recipe, possibly convert it, very likely auction it, and then buy the IO I actually want. (which for me, is usually an Attuned IO, but maybe an un-attuned 50 for say, a Purple set or a PvP set) I find I come out ahead with this so much that I don't WANT to actually store dropped recipes. Although I can't say it should be forbidden to other players. I mean, they can already store quite a lot of recipes via email to your own global, or stash it on the AH but not post for sale, etc. Not sure how much recipe storage would really matter in the grand scheme.
  22. And if you're dealing with the Family, you can have "a mob of mob mobs" 😄
  23. Ack! My apologies @Galaxy Brain, I mistook who originally posted the image!
  24. I actually meant a Blue Oni for the summoned T3 pet, not for his own personal costume. But I admit, that's a great piece of work you did in the costume editor there, and I'm shamelessly going to copy elements of it for a "Battle Armor" costume on him. (so far my MM himself has a sleeveless Baron jacket / sorceror look, and a businessman in a grey pinstripe suit look.... something for the more understated infernal evil....)
  25. The proc would still be doing Fire damage I assume, so it would probably need to be a fire animation. That said, I could see wanting a blue/white flame to go with electrical blast. Certainly for my Ninja/Cold MM, I've wanted a Blue Oni with blue-colored powers. (blue fire sword, etc). It's firmly on my Daydream List, not on a list of things I think I'm likely to see. But colorizing MM pets might be a babystep on the way to full customization.... someday? 🙂
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