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Everything posted by EmperorSteele

  1. Well, here's the thing with leading from Discord as opposed to not using it. Saying aloud "Team 1, slow down" or "Tic, Everyone attack!" is a LOT faster and more efficient than typing enter, typing one of those messages clearly, hitting enter again, and hoping everyone notices the little text in the corner of their screen. Macros take care of the first problem, but doesn't solve the second. Unless the devs ever decide to make a feature that has the league leader's text come up IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN IN GIANT RED TEXT You'll have to deal with the fact hat people aren't paying attention to this My advice is to overcome your discomfort with discord. Hearing is (generally) easier than reading. However, like Glacier Peak said, if it's one person always ruining your runs, check and see if it's the same dude each time. It's one thing to not pay attention to or understand directions. It's another to ignore it, and another-nother all together to purposefully sabotage a badge run. Another culprit could be DoT. Maybe ask people to swap out of DoT Interface procs or not use other powers that rely on such effects (like most immobs). Also, pets; any that can't be made to heel (like Controller pets) should be dismissed during the 5-2-burn stage. For Really Hard Way: This usually needs some prep. Have everyone acquire as much of the following before starting the run: 1-2 hours of EACH of the P2W buffs (will cost 2.5 million for an hour of each). Have everyone get 4 Ultimate inspirations, and fill the rest of their tray with Epic Team Damage inspirations (available from Luna in Ouro. Though this is a bit negotiable; if a blaster needs purples and oranges, it's better for them to have those. You can't DPS if you're dead!). For Interface, diamagnetic, reactive, and degenerative are the best choices to deal with Tyrants stats. Purple patch and max stacking means they won't do much, but every little bit helps. Also, make sure they're using the Longbow or Banished Pantheon T4 Lore pets. These are specific since they have good -res in their attacks. Strategy: People HAVE to know to MOVE and NOT STOP when the message "The air around Tyrant cackles!" comes up. Wait for the flash, then circle back and continue to attack once the lightning pillars are in place. Make sure people DON'T FLY, as, much like with Battle Maiden's blue patches, the lightning patches can hurt people UNDER them, too (specifically, people can fly, but make sure they're low enough to the ground that other players will see a lightning pillar). Tyrant gets a regen boost at 40%. This is when you need to call for Lores (if they weren't out already), and have everyone pop multiple Epic Team Reds and an Ultimate inspiration each, if they haven't been popped already, then go as hard as you can. Try to avoid dying; this doesn't boost Tyrant's stats, but it's less DPS being maintained if someone has to stay trapped in Dream Doctor's trippy space bowl for 30 seconds. You only have to burn off 30% of his HP; at 10%, that's when the Well goes "lol chump" and reverts him to a normal lvl 50 AV. At that point, you've won.
  2. This has given me a lot to work with; thanks!
  3. Yeah but 25% of 0 is still 0 =P I kid, of course, but I think the basic point still holds merit.
  4. So, per the title, I'm running a Plant/Emp. I slotted everything I could with sets, and realized I have recharge to spare, so I wanted to take out one of my AoE sets and procbomb a power. The question is, which one? The candidates are Roots, Seeds, Enflame, Vines, Carrion Creepers, or Fireball (yes, this is a magic user, how can you tell? =P). I figured I could turn at least one, maybe two of these, into a Proc-Nuke for m04r damage! But, which one(s) would be most effective? Do Enflame or Carrion proc often while in use, or do they only proc when cast? Do procs have a chance to go off each time a damage tic occurs on DoT powers like Roots, or only on cast? Seeds is up often enough to have consistent AoE damage, but I'd have to give up the 5% defense bonus from the Coercive Persuasion set. Any advice would be great, thanks in advance 😃
  5. If you're using the Homecoming launcher, there's a button on it that opens your screenshots folder (actually I think Tequilla has a button for this, too). Otherwise, you can just look for the screenshots folder in your CoH directory. 😃
  6. Yeah, the crux of my question was pretty much "People don't want Illusion for Doms, they want PA for Doms." Get Perma PA to get all the aggro, then pew pew away. That's a bit reductive, though. I'm sure Doms would appreciate Superior Invis and Deceive, too. Maybe if anything, get rid of Phanty, make PA the level 32 power, and put another ST control in it's place. A sleep, perhaps?
  7. Would you still want it if they took out Phantom Army and replaced it with a control or debuff power? Because I feel that's the major roadblock to porting it.
  8. To be fair, the lawyers weren't charging us much during covid, if at all; see here: I think this month was the highest they've ever charged (though I'm not 100% sure). I don't know if that means something big happened, or if that was just a cumulative amount for billable minutes back when they weren't sending invoices.
  9. I think DFB has a reward option that increases your End Recovery, and it only drops SOs... oh, wait, "no teaming". Nvmnd =/
  10. I'm pretty sure that's what TK does when someone is immune to repel, but are still held.
  11. Uhm, TK has repel, not KB. It'd just be a toggle hold, then. Which I guess isn't awful. Was that where you were going with that? But yeah, I'd also like to see Mass Levitate... though my existing builds are already pretty tight, not sure if I'd be able to spare the 5 or 6 slots I'd want in that power! Also, terrorized foes DO stay afraid. It's a part of the effect that it temporarily breaks when they're hit, allowing them to run or take a potshot, but then they return to quaking in fear. Unless this got changed and I never noticed? Also, why would you want to make Mass Comedy worse by making it anything like World of Confusion?
  12. Yeah, depends what you mean by "effective". Plant is good for aoe damage, control, and even support with a regen patch, but it's not top tier for ST damage. Illu is good for support and agro management with group invis and Phantom Army, and even has a hard-hitting ST attack, but it's not so great at locking foes down. Grav is great for ST damage, but is an otherwise standard control set. And that's not even touching on the secondaries. Basically, tell us WHAT you want to be "most effective" at, because I don't think that any one combo will be a clear winner in every category.
  13. I mean, I used to be a Mind cheerleader, but then I played, like, other ATs and other Controller sets, and my opinion on Mind has become a bit more nuanced. And then I went and made an SOs only Mind/Time build and it was the slowest, most tedious thing EVER. Yeah, I didn't take a single point of damage going through a 0/4 radio mission, but it took ALMOST AN HOUR. It's kinda disheartening =(
  14. Yeah, if you don't want to be stealthy, just, turn off any stealth granting powers. =/
  15. I think maybe a super-nerfed versions of seeds should be TESTED, and then have the numbers brought back up to a healthier place. See how it works with a 15 second duration instead of 37.25. Give it a 2 minute recharge. Lower the target cap, range, arc, increase the activation time... make it literally unplayable, and slowly creep back up. I think we'd arrive at a happy medium, though to be fair, that would still constitute a nerf. As for Mass Comedy, and Mind Control in general... I don't want to lose anything, but I'd also like to have a power that turns minions and LTs into pets or something. Pipe dream, probably!
  16. Yeah, things probably skew a bit towards being too convenient/easy, but mind you, the way things WERE, were ways to keep people playing and paying. Since this is a non-profit venture, there's literally no reason for any of that stuff. Give people what they want and let them play! That said, I do get nostalgic for having to earn things. It was an ACCOMPLISHMENT when you put on your first cape. It was AMAZING when you got yourself decked out in that shiny Vanguard armor. But not so much for the 30th time in a row.
  17. There's one other thing to be cautious of: over aggro. Even if you're a tank or brute, that doesn't guarantee that a nearby group, or leftovers from the last group, won't go after your multibox toons. I personally have found it very hard to multibox on high combat settings, because I look away for one moment and whoops, my buff-bot is dead. This might actually be helped somewhat having another buff toon so that they can buff each other and mitigate some damage. Or just put a ton of inf and effort into softcapping them... though if you could do that, you might as well do that for your primary toon and not bother with the buffin' bots. Also, missions with elevators are a pain =(
  18. All I know is I slot up Dominate with procs and now I'm one-shotting Minions. Fun, but probably O.P.
  19. Yeah, it's always been a preemptive clicky, not a reactive one. It'd be nice if this were changed, but honestly I'm okay with it the way it is.
  20. I like the idea of procs starting weak, but get better as you slot more of the same set. I think what could also be done, instead of a fully draconian one proc per power, is to limit procs within a power by rarity/type. So only one rare, one purple, one PvP, and one ATO allowed each per power. So you could still proc load quite a bit (max of 4 procs per power), but not quite as much as we do now.
  21. There's a lot more wrong with Mind than just Mass Comedy's recharge. Not arguing against reducing the recharge, but that would be a band-aid when what we need is full invasive surgery. But that discussion is beyond the scope of this thread. As for Seeds, if I had my way, I'd probably lower it's target cap, arc and/or range. My grand idea would be that it starts out at 3 targets at level 8, and it gains more as you level up, up to a cap of 10 at level 50. It's a level 8 power and needs to act like it.
  22. To be fair, in the old Lore bible, they did mix up DeVore and VonDorn a couple times, so I think maybe the writer(s) just had a thing for that kind of name.
  23. Skill checks. I mean, this game really doesn't have skills, so regardless of your character's origin or background or age or whatever, they still only need 4 seconds to hack a super computer or crack a safe or render a magic alter inert or do anything else that isn't straight up attacking someone. Stealth is another. You either have it or you don't, so you really can't "try" to sneak past dudes. You either can or you can't. But regardless of that, you don't get an attack bonus while unnoticed unless you have a specific power thay says so (Hide, basically, and whatever that one power in the various /ninjitsu secondaries is called). On the flip side of that, if you're "hidden" well enough, you can do jumping jacks in the middle of a brightly lit room in front of a dozen enemies and they won't notice you, which wouldn't fly in a tabletop game!
  24. It would look like a slow motion avalanche!
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