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Everything posted by EmperorSteele

  1. The "downside" is that everything is SUPPOSED to come with some kind of cost; whether it's influence, or time, or effort. That's how games work. People enjoyed this game for ~10 years without being able to instantly teleport around to their base or to other zones. You had to run/jump/fly/TP around a little bit. And yes, things were made easier or more convenient along the way (inherent fitness, travel powers sooner, merging of train lines, Ouro and PORTAL network, etc), but having /ebfp or a no-cost "go anywhere" power just goes too far. But, let me ask: What DO you enjoy doing? Maybe that way, we can add teleport options with a cost relating to the content that you like to do? Like, maybe completing a TF will unlock that contacts' zone as a TP destination? Or maybe doing a Bank/Paper mission for a certain zone? The Pocket D Pass is already "Spend 1 hour in Pocket D", so we already essentially have role-players covered. Give the team some ideas that aren't just "give it to me for free", which people are SAYING they're not saying, but then they balk at any suggestion of cost or effort. LRTP and the other teleport options will have costs associated with it for EACH character. This will (probably) NOT change. The question then, is, what cost are you willing to pay?
  2. For what it's worth, I've been playing missions solo, and 10 minutes is fine. I get in, do the mission, and by the time I'm done, LRTP is usually back up. And if it's not, I still have two portable base portals, two mission teleports, and an Ouro Portal to get from place to place. Or, I can just use my travel powers to get to a train in about a minute or two. That's just been my experience though, YMMV.
  3. Looks great! Buuuut, I think the blue and red colors might be too close in hue? Can we get someone with colorblindness to look this over? (Sorry, old graphic design schooling kicking in)
  4. I was refering to all the drama and complaining =), give people something to REALLY kvetch about!
  5. At this point I'm wondering if it would have been better to just nuke the passcode with nothing given in its place. Or, keep it, but using it disables XP, Inf, and drops for 5 minutes =D
  6. I'm 90% sure the SG portals drop you off at a base portall; the Long-Range Teleport drops you at the train, or, if no train is available, it drops you at a base portal (as is the case with hazard and trial zones). If this isn't working this way, submit a /bug report! Now, in that regard, we can talk about the placement of the base portals. Some of them (Talos, Skyway) are hilariously close to the train lines, so I think this is a worthwhile discussion to have. Skyway, for instance, I think it'd be nice to have the portal in a more central location in the zone, but I get why they put it near Synapse. Finally, the devs wanted to make sure that getting the new powers involved some investment. It's not their fault that some people have dozens or hundreds of alts (though I suppose that's the natural consequence of giving people 1000 slots per server)! So no matter what, people are going to actually have to put some work in. Also, you shouldn't' NEED to get all the powers on each character. I mean, how much do you play all those alts, anyway? If you have 40 of them, playing each one one hour a week is already a full time job, so I highly doubt the lack of a convenient teleport system on each and every one is going to impact you all that much. Especially if everyone ELSE has those powers, you can continue to use the old base macro when a teammate summons a base portal, or if a teammate uses "team transport" (which absolutely no one has complained about having to buy on every character), or you can use your actual travel powers to spend 1-2 minutes finding the nearest train or base portal, just like we're supposed to!
  7. Oh, get your mind out of the gutter! ... Although, I may have to do the same, because now that's all I can see. Dammit >_<
  8. The Bug is this: The command could be used to access ANY map (not just bases), at ANY time: Missions, arena maps, other zones, etc. They're not going into too much detail, because other servers may not have patched it, but yes, it WAS being used this way, so it had to go. It's also why no one's screaming this in large orange letters.
  9. TBH I think they've always behaved that way? I'm not 100% sure, though.
  10. So, I kinda had an idea that might mitigate this all somewhat... dunno if this is an original idea, and I don't have time to read a 7 page thread, so, apologies! "ADVANTAGE". In D&D 5e, when you roll to make an attack (or try to do anything that requires skill), you roll a 20-sided die, and usually have to meet or beat a certain number to succeed... A 20 is an auto-hit, and 1 is auto-miss. 5% chance either way, sound familiar? However, there are certain situations that allow you to roll TWICE, and select the better result (or sometimes, you have to take the worse result - Disadvantage). Some of these situations are the following: You are hidden, and your target doesn't know you're about to strike; You are invisible, and your target cannot defend against your attack; Your opponent is prone, and unable to defend themselves. Conversely, you have Disadvantage in the reverse situations: If you are blind, or your opponent is invisible, you have disadvantage on attacks against them; If you're trying to fire a ranged weapon while a foe is in your face, you have disadvantage; If you're prone or unable to move, you have disadvantage on dexterity-based saving throws. etc etc. Now, for CoX, maybe we can have an "Advantage"-like system where the game will occasionally roll TWICE to see if we hit. Mathematically, this would result in only a 2.5% chance of missing. Maybe it could be an enhancement that has a "Chance for Advantage" proc? A tier-6 set-bonus? A condition that occurs when we have 150% Accuracy? Conversely, maybe having a LARGE amount of defense, or stacks of defense (like high def + stealth on) can impose Disadvantage on attacks against you. I dunno, something to chew on. Yay? Nay?
  11. If it were up to me, I'd rebalance a bunch of these. Alpha is fine, though I did find myself nodding at a suggestion that if you get them all, you can go "a'la carte" (did I spell that right?) and just pick the bonuses you want. Especially since for most builds, there's only like 2 or 3 good choices anyway, and a lot of times you're enhancing stuff you don't need to. Spiritual I'd tone down. Longer recharge on those suckers, and maybe reduce their effects when not on a team or league. Alternately, I'd reduce the effectiveness on other targets. So like for Barrier, YOU get like +50 Def/Res, but your nearby allies only get half that. Judgement, similar thing. Also, more options! Interface I'd like to buff, especially for solo play. Maybe make the debuffs and DoTs like 2x or even 3x as strong, but it scales back downwards the more people who are on your team or league, like a reverse Vigilance. Lore, I'd make sure EVERY T4 Pet has a -Res effect on their attacks so that they're all as mechanically useful as the Longbow and BP ones (or at least something else as useful, like -MaxHp or -Regen). Also, I'd give Vanguard their Giant Mech! Hybrid, I'd make all except Assault better, dunno how exactly. Damage is king, so the other ones need a way to catch up. As for future plans, well, I'd aim toward making us as strong as we are in Mender Ramiel's flash-forward: Tough as nails and chumping AVs: More DoT, stat boosts, survivability boosts, etc. Obviously these would have to scale back as to not completely trivialize an already completely trivialized game. Maybe something like the boosts at P2W, except they last 2 minutes at a time instead of an hour. And like everyone else said, stronger baddies to use these powers on!
  12. Luna in ouro sells Super Insps for threads. You can sell those on AH for inf. 😃
  13. So, I thought of something about 8 hours too late, and the proper thread was closed, so I'll ask here: Is there a reason why the prestige sprints have a NoFX option? Isn't the entire POINT of those sprints to have the FX?
  14. You are a uniquely disturbed individual. I love it. Carry on!
  15. "Taken down", like, where the heck are they keeping the giant-ass pumpkin Atlas was carrying? ...though I guess it'd be the same place they kept the original globe.
  16. Was there anything else going on, like a zone event? Were these Council previously fighting 5th Column (Counci usually lose these fights, so maybe the AI is messed up if they actually survive)?
  17. I would think it's your personal difficulty settings more than anything.
  18. Is there a specific map you want to see ported? I know that not every map is available in AE, but I'm also hard-pressed to think about which ones are currently excluded. Make sure you're looking in the "unique" maps category for anything that isn't a warehouse, office, sewer tunnel or a cave.
  19. @ROBOKiTTY Well, you said "So why not spin up separate PvE instances for those zones?" (emphasis mine), so I interpreted that as meaning all the PvP zones. Like, Plural. You can see how I may have made that assumption! You either mistyped, or Freudian slipped, or something. As for the challenge/frustration part, well, removing all challenge/frustration wouldn't be very rewarding. Not to mention, different people find different things frustrating. And while there is some precedent for removing artificial frustration (reducing the points needed for Empath/Immortal/etc; removing 90% of the AE badges when the devs realized everyone was farming that shit just to get the badges and didn't actually care about making good AE content), I don't see PvP as being in that same ballpark. The PvP badges are rewards for exposing yourself to PvP. And, trust me, I've had my fair share of frustration dealing with PvPers. Raising up your all-powerful hero or villain, and being made to feel important and impactful and like a big shot in the game world, just to get chumped in one shot in a PvP zone, it's really demoralizing, to say the least. But, it keeps ya humble! Again, trust me, i HATE it! Despite my misgivings about having to deal with PvP and some of it's users, I also don't think it needs to be "fixed" with non-PvPers interests in mind. Last time we tried that, we got i13, which made the situation even WORSE for casuals and badgers venturing into a PvP zone! I say, leave it be.
  20. Dammit I was in the bathrooooommm!! XD
  21. So, what, run around a pvp zone, invincible/invisible against players? Nope. It's a PvP zone. You enter, you have to deal with Players.
  22. Well, -technically-, Praetoria IS another dimension, so you could lump it with the other "Extradimensionals" for 10 teleport destinations in one teleporter!
  23. Damn! So close, but I'm ALSO in someone elses shot, does that count?! =P
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