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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Except that Comm officers, for instance, are already more rewarding than normal enemies and you *can* interrupt their summon.
  2. For most NPCs that summon something (Raider Engineers, Comm officers, etc.) if you hit them while they're summoning - or hit them with a DOT before they can - their summons will fail. This doesn't seem to be the case with Death Shamans. Since I'm on a dark/dark Corr while I'm playing this (part of why this is annoying, with dark being resisted,) opening up with Nightfall (cone DOT) on an unaware Shaman will let him turn, start the animation and summon - even while taking DOT that would interrupt another summoning NPC. Can we get their summon added to the "interruptable" list? Their summoned zombies already don't give XP.
  3. Zero. Sometimes one. *edit: Not counting the forced VEAT respec, but I don't play many VEATs. I level my characters "organically," I don't tend to plan them, and unless something's particularly bothering me, I consider their power choices part of their story. I'll also use secondary builds, depending on if they need it for whatever reason .
  4. Well, we already have bonus *damage* versus some types of enemies (Ghost slaying axe vs ghosts, short circuit vs robots,) I'd think (hope?) this could be an extension of that.
  5. ... given I have a character that's from an (in universe, lore-wise) video game running around in COH, I could see use for this. Though I'd want an FX option that actually did show "Bang!" and the like on occasion.
  6. 1. SGs are social constructs. SGs are RP hubs. SGs are utility centers. There are several points where an SG may be more desirable than just a "personal base." 2. Better to ask in Excelsior's forum, down a ways. 3. Base raids were killed on live. No plans announced to bring them back. (Especially with all the things that can be done with bases now.) 4. I'm an RPer. I've got multiple SGs I'm in because of it, as well as my "Catchall" for alts. And I have a lot of alts. 5. Depends on what you mean by "top SG." Does the most raiding? Biggest base? Longest name? Most involved with RP? Farms everyone? Live rated them (as I recall) by Prestige earned, which really didn't mean the SG was any *good,* just that it had people farming prestige. Be specific with what you're looking for, then ask around (again) in your server's forum. Or team a lot, see who you like teaming with, see if their SG has a spot open.
  7. Only because I *literally* just moved into the place on the 1st... and the PC was set up a few days after that.
  8. I have Fraps somewhere. Alternately, /demorecord, /demostop, link the various ones together into one big demo... if that's not broken again.
  9. There's also an alternate sound in COHModder, not sure if it'll help or not.
  10. Getting sorted after a move. Down to one bigger screen and I'm not complaining. Ryzen 7 3700 Geforce GTX1080 (was going to be upgraded with this gen of cards, but... ha, yeah, right. Maybe next year.) 32 Gb RAM Gobs of storage.
  11. Are you talking about during Rikti invasions or on MSRs? Everlasting's MSRs tackle them constantly. There's beer on them thar ships...
  12. Thank you. That feels right. Regardless, PM'd Troo to try to ease things down. (Honestly, I usually think he's all right.)
  13. As I explained in an edit better than 10 minutes before you replied - dishonest wasn't the word I was looking for. I also stated in that I didn't think you were doing that out of malice. And nothing I've said here has been dishonest, so...
  14. All for the highlight idea, but this... dear god no. :D Broadcast going across all zones would just be chaos, with people not knowing how to use local, costume contests and the like using it, etc.
  15. More data points, though the question wasn't shot my way :) Honestly, I seem to remember gladiator matches being removed, or talked about being removed, at some point. Personally, I thought those were hilarious, but lost interest after a while. (I don't remember if some of the arena kiosk issues on live were part of why - "too much hassle" if not done right or not. It's been a long time.) Hadn't heard of the other idea, but it sounds sort of like a stripped down one I'd heard elsewhere where actions or missions affect control of a zone, mission availability inside... sort of "pvevp" I suppose. Which might be interesting, or frustrating. One of the things I think I'd see as an arena option is similar to something mentioned as a difficulty option elsewhere in suggestions - disabling IO set bonuses. Primarily because I had more fun (and I think the zones were more accessible) pre-IOs, where we could do things like have a PUG of three hold a zone until the odds from the other side were just overwhelming. One of the complaints sometimes leveled - and not just at PVP but at builds in general - are the "multibillion inf builds" some people think are needed. No, it won't even the odds for someone new or casual vs. a hardcore, PVPs several times a week player, and there are still AT differences (and quite a bit more,) but it would address accessibility. (I don't think it'd go over all that well, but still.)
  16. Explained in the post you're quoting. The way you phrased it was out-of-the-blue hostile. (Thus my comment "it sounds like you have a beef there.") Also, whether she phrased it like she was speaking for *all* PVPers... eh, debatable. I read it as general, you read it as absolute, from the sound of it. That's purely a subjective, personal read, and I get where you're coming from (I'll tend to counterexample when someone *does* blatantly do that if I feel the point is needed, IE "Nobody goes into Echo:DA for anything but badges or adamastor," I'd react to with "actually I have characters who have a good bit of backstory there and do spend time..." ) Also explained directly in the post you're quoting, in the section you cut out. As I said - and even highlighted - it was a mechanic in *every PVP zone except RV.* The way you portrayed it was a Siren's specific mechanic that was one of the reasons the zone was popular, which is incorrect. At this point, you're being somewhat dishonest, (Edit: Wavicle suggested 'disingenuous,' which kind of fits what I was looking for. And is less hostile sounding.) and I know you're better than that, man. ("Dishonest" isn't really the word... it's escaping me. I don't think you're doing it out of malice, but you're not giving the whole picture there, y'know?)
  17. Asked for before, and I still agree it needs an overhaul or three.
  18. *raises hand to both of those* I go in there "organically" as I level, as well as after passing max level. Though I suppose I'm just a "Pv" since I essentially never see another "p" in there. Just as a data point.
  19. ... and to add a twist, you can have up to three builds with very different focuses on the same *character,* not just AT or powerset. My solo FF/* build is going to have power and pool selections (and slotting) much different from my teaming build. It may have more offense and more damage put into its attacks, for instance, while the team build may have fewer attacks and have the secondary effects given more emphasis, as well as different pool selections.
  20. But did it bring *more* in, even out of curiosity? Mind you, I'm not saying that was a waste of time - every segment of this community deserves attention, including new shinies (including maps.) I think it's as worthy of time as new costume pieces, new story arcs or anything else. But if the whole point is to draw more people into the PVP community and maps - preferrably to *want to PVP,* versus just get a new badge or something... well, I don't have the answer, honestly. We're not a FPS where a gun can be balanced against another gun. We can't even "balance" within an AT because the potential powerset pairings are so widely different. A fire/kin is vastly different to an earth/ff, even if they're both controllers. Honestly, the only balance "answer" I have is what I was saying even way back on live. "The ATs aren't balanced one on one. Balance means 'bring a team.'" (The most "balanced" fight I'd ever had was my ma/regen Stalker against a ma/regen Scrapper. It was amusing. We called it a draw after 15 minutes... we just couldn't kill each other.)
  21. Well, we went from XP 1-50 to Physical/Psychic iXP (which IIRC were rewarded by different things, or we went from one to the other... it's been a while) to advanced IXP, so, yeah. After all, on live - more types of "stuff" to have to earn/unlock = more grind = more time paid for a sub. I'm all for dropping Shards for Threads, personally. Simplify the system more.
  22. Well, given you started out being hostile/disparaging to AA... ... can't exactly be read neutrally, after all. It honestly sounds like you have a preexisting beef there. And yes, there are some people I *do* expect to be able to accurately speak for a larger part of a section of the playerbase or a sort of playstyle. AA or macskull for PVP, for instance, or Veracor for raids/raid management/etc. Does it mean their statements should shut down discussion? No. But it also doesn't mean their general statements about a community should be dismissed as "absurd" statements. These are the people I see *running* events and being leaders in some section of the community - and thus expect that, yes, they do have a feel for how that community in general would react. Regardless - ... I'd have to wonder if *any* amount of tweaking would really bring a noticable amount of people into the PVP zones past what happens now. The PVP community was larger pre-i13 changes, it cratered after that and as far as zones never really recovered. BB, Siren's and (to some extent) Warburg have just coasted along. Here, I think I've seen someone besides me in the zones... *maybe* three times, and one of those is a guess. One was someone AFK in the middle of a bunch of drones, and one person vanished within a minute of me showing up. (The third time would be a rescue of someone stuck in geometry, come to think of it.) That's it, and I do go in with some regularity. The COH community in general, despite announcements and plans for incorporating it going back before release, has never had a huge interest in PVP (and some segments have been actively hostile.) Honestly, most of the "PVP" I've seen has been RPvP, with players describing and working out actions against each other. No odd mechanics to figure out or re-learning or reslotting needed, no zone restrictions... closer to tabletop, if anything. I don't know if there really *are* any tweaks or mechanics reworks that would really create a sudden, sustainable influx of proto-PVPers to the zones.
  23. Other than indom, I'd kind of see that "capture the flag" bit as a fast merit farm TBH. I can't think of the last time I actually ran across an enemy player in RV on Everlasting, even with going through a full from-nothing pillbox capture. Run from one side to the other ten times for 35 merits? Sure! If there's no cooldown (or even a short one - where I'd just do pillbox captures and get my pet,) I'd be fairly merit-rich in next to no time. Honestly, I don't think RV *needs* much, if anything, added. It's got the main "zone game" of trying to control the zone before inversion, which awards points *and* gives decided areas to focus fighting on, it's got the heavies (again, a focal point for fighting, as well as for those interested in snagging badges,) it's got AV fights once a certain number of pillboxes are taken over. Plus, as mentioned, it *is* the zone where people get to fight at full power (which, itself, is probably a big part of the popularity.) Much more just starts getting more complicated and unfocused.
  24. This. 100%. The raids take a little bit of coordination and are mostly (other than the pullers) button-mashing. It's more a regular social event than something that requires a lot of thought or coordination to do successfully. Frankly, I can't think of the last time we had "too many lowbies." Even my incarnates will run around trying to find something to hit before yet-another-Judgement wipes out the group I'm running towards.
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