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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. It wouldn't in the least to me. My electric characters are not electromagnets. They are, for whatever reason, pumping out electricity during attacks, around them, or whatever. Electric field is doing enough "pulling" toward my character by doing damage and getting their attention. And chain induction... it's not pulling anywhere, it's jumping from place to place, so having that somehow pull towards a character would just be weird.
  2. Definitely wouldn't want this in Telekenesis. Doesn't really make sense for either Electric power mentioned to me, either.
  3. One of the things that came out - I *think* around the time of AE, I can't certainly say before that - is the ability of NPCs (contacts, typically) to react to a few things about your character. He/she/him/her being the most common, though there's a little bit of other stuff (such as extra dialog for one contact in the Origin of Power talk-to-run-around bit when you meet the one for your origin.) It adds a little immersiveness when you run across it - typically in AE, granted. I don't actually expect this to be *realistically* doable, but I'd love to see this expanded with a few other tags you could pick to describe your character. Undead. Robotic. Incorporeal / Ghost. For the Khelds, for instance, "energy body" or something. There'd obviously be a longish list - and, yes, a lot of work for what could be done where. What inspired this? Well, doing one of the newer Vahz arcs (with Watkins.) Second to last mission, you're told you have to sit in a warehouse for several hours to decontaminate, right? What if one of the dialog options - for the appropriate character, that is - was "I'm a spirit. What body is there to contaminate?" It makes zero difference to the arc, but a touch like that would be interesting. (Yeah. A COH 2 thing, honestly. But it would be neat.)
  4. Yes. It is also a low budget attempt at mind control. It is a new water flavoring system. It is a farmer named Hank. It is the platform for a run for President of Zimbabwe.
  5. ... I'm assuming you specifically are talking about task forces / strike forces in that range, not 'stuff in general?' There's a little *more* in that range - ITF, as mentioned, plus Manti and Numina. Katie Hannon's in Croatoa (30-34.) Think you can do Calvin Scott by flashback, not sure when I've seen anyone do it though. Woodsman and the Abandoned Sewers are in that range, too. Actually quite a bit to do. Might not *feel* like it since it's taking a bit longer between levels, and some of this stuff is just not run much, but it *is* there. (Honestly 30-35 I'm often finishing Croatoa, myself...)
  6. If you want it, do it. Start organizing villain events. Do it on regular times. Get villain groups together to run VG things at regular times. Advertise it. Put the work in to make it happen. For instance, start planning and advertising. Tuesday? Nope. BROOsday - redside brute bruising (ok, the others can come along if they want.) Wednesday? Widsday... Widows (and SOA,) go through the arcs, missions, whatever. Thorn Tree Thursdays. Friday, take a day off. Saturday is shatterday - get those radios in, get as much mayhem going as possible. (I'd also suggest, if doing this, you get backup in case you can't show up, because this can burn one person out quick.)
  7. Definitely the Taxibots. Can't really say I miss the instance herding thing. Boring as hell if you're not the tank. Just "everyone stand around and wait. Someone nuke. OK, next floor."
  8. Which is not you choosing to not fast snipe, it's you running off and not doing anything, and if anyone does anything that looks like it's attacking you, you're back to being "in combat" and forced to fast snipe or sit and wait even longer. Yes, even if you're at capped defense and they don't have a chance of hitting you. (As for what can be an "attack?" You know the mission in Croatoa where you get the wand from Skipper Legrange and have to "get data from all ghosts?" Touching the fog in there counts as an "attack" and throws you into fast snipe.)
  9. I'll be perfectly happy to say anyone that thinks support characters are or were "dying all the time" without IOs is full of it and either has no idea what they were talking about or knows no play style other than "run into the middle o fthe biggest mob and see what happens."
  10. 1, I don't want my powers changed to shorter range and shorter damage by something looking at me funny and that being considered an "attack." 2. If I'm sniping, I'm trying to kill something pre-aggro, out of range. Meaning I don't want the lower damage *or* lower range. I've pretty much never wanted or liked fast snipe, and the more I've dealt with it, the less I've liked it.
  11. The Experienced Marksman set has a Recharge/Fast Snipe IO. Any chance of getting something that sets you to permanent slow snipe? Even if it's not part of a set? I'd put that in every blaster, defender, corr, dom... anything that has a snipe.
  12. 1. DA already does. 2. Would screw over those of us using it for its original purpose. The zone has multiple story arcs in it, as well as Incarnate-rewarding repeatables. It has its own purpose. It doesn't need to be messed with. I also have to point out, for the "how often do you see people that..." bit, that (a) we have a *much* smaller population than live, and (b) even here there are servers that apparently people have trouble finding other people on. I'm on Everlasting, so yes, I do see people - less frequently than live, but that should be expected.
  13. DA was revamped so people could unlock and build their incarnates without grinding through the same trial over and over again. It gives solo and small team players a way to do this - something that was sorely missing (annoyingly) when Incarnates were unveiled. Starting mobs at 54 would work against that. There *are* higher mobs in the zone, just like regular zones have higher leveled mobs in different zones. Just (obviously) not right up front.
  14. Yeah, not interested in dragging them to me, typically. Pinning them and whatever else is on their way in place, yes.
  15. That cuts out some mission/objective types, where you find, complete or defeat something and have something else trigger. Besides, the "show remaining mobs" code doesn't always work.
  16. When it happened to me, it was not my primary character (back on live,) and hasn't affected (noticably) characters here for me. And also wouldn't have had the numbers I'd seen (at the time I noticed it, back on live, I'd been playing for *years,* and for hours pretty much daily.) Someone had an explanation back in the day about being in TF or AE mode or something, I don't recall what it was. I think @Kyksie is remembering something similar.
  17. Well, they're not that smart to begin with....
  18. Not sure if I ever posted this. I know I've thought it would be a good idea for quite some time. Heck, make a few "testing ground" instances, both offensive (you attack whatever, see how you do against various resists, regen, etc.) and defensive (see how much of a hit you can take, or how your regen does, no debt.)
  19. "Formal?" It was created to poke fun at someone who started just saying no to everything - that being the sum total of the post. (I should know, I'm the one who created it.) It's as informal, post-with-a-smirk as it gets!
  20. And to think this is the first thing that comes to mind for me when someone mentions "boomer..."
  21. Sleep should be breaking for you getting attacked as well. Sure you don't have another effect on you? And as for using it in a brawl? I'll use it if I see something armoring up, putting a PBAOE -tohit or dispersion bubble up. Shuts it right off, even if they're only "slept" for a tenth of a second. Cuts right through in most cases.
  22. Do you do that for all your content? Asking if Frostfire can be run at level 8? If Posi 1 can be done at level 8? If Manti can be run at 30? No. Nobody does that. They all show up at their minimum level and can be run at the minimum shown. Given *that* history for pretty much all other content in the game, why should *anyone* expect the LGTF to be any different when they see it at 35?
  23. It's also pretty reasonable, given that *exact same information* that you can do it at 35. Similar to the ITF, which has the same range. Will it be harder? Sure. Should it be completeable at 35 if it says it starts at 35? Yes. You shouldn't "need" someone at the top level when the game says "you have X level range which can run this." And no, you shouldn't need to "ask in help" or "do research." Also... lol, right. Because the ITF (in the same level range) is "challenging to 50s." No. It should have content appropriate and able to be completed by the whole level range, because that is the level range you run into it in. Or, it should be re-raised up to 45 if it's *not* appropriate for lower levels.
  24. ... because it's a game that's saying "hey, you can run this content you haven't done?"
  25. If they feel they need to defend their intellectual property, they will, whether or not anyone else is making money off of it - because someone farther down the road who *has* money can say "Well, they let this slide, obviously they're not interested in keeping this property/look/etc to themselves." Whether *we* (as in the homecoming team, not the players) are not-for-profit is irrelevant. The fact they've defended their copyright *is.* (As well as homecoming showing they're being reasonably proactive with doing things like generic'ing looks and names.) As far as a waste of money? They pay their lawyer for a letter, NC and HC gets the letter, HC (or NC) decides it needs to be shut down. IP defended, more cheaply than a court case. The "plus it's more ingraining these characters into culture so it's better" bit? That's like telling a working artist "oh, give me art for free so you get exposure." Exposure doesn't pay the bills. Besides, when it comes to marvel/dc/star wars/dragonball/whatever IP characters, obviously they *have* the exposure for you to be copying them. And yes, "anybody can draw anything they like for fun," but the Homecoming team isn't a bored teenager drawing in a notebook. They're operating in a much different level - where, yes, they do have to worry about these things.
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