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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Yes. Or think we do. Then fire off the transporter, to notice that "wait, that didn't take the selection for some reason." A check isn't unreasonable. You could even have an option to skip the check, just like we do for other things (like selling/deleting salvage used in recipes, deleting enhancements, etc.)
  2. No, it's a bit of common sense. Unless you want to find either a bunch of mods to monitor chat 24/7 (or a bunch of bots that can and will make mistakes, and do so frequently,) have them monitor *private* chat and more. Would you want to play that game? How strict would you want them to be? Any mention of anything that could be remotely sexual? Would you like to have bots ban people (because it's the only real way to do it) for throwing a cigarette butt to the ground, because "butt" was what someone decided was a sexual-activity flag and it autobans, or someone with a WWII vet character talking about the Enola Gay, because gay also has a sexual preference meaning? Because that's the sort of thing that happens - and not always with 'bots. Hell, just look at our chat "censoring" through live and now. It's had some ... odd... choices. Like I said. Same rules as real life. Consensual sexual activity with your partner in private? No, you don't want the government monitoring it. It's fine. Same activity in the middle of a restaurant? It gets... frowned on. At least in most.
  3. No. While we don't have a - say - chat log or exact description of what happened, it sounds like the person described by the original poster is repeatedly making unwanted harassing comments. People involved in ERP with their characters are ... well, basically having to follow the same rules as real life. Keep it consensual and private. In the bedroom, you, your partner, the trampoline and feathers are fine. In the train station, not so much. (And not just because it's kind of low to use the trampoline effectively.)
  4. They make custom chairs for everything else...
  5. Quite a few things for females that don't look painted on. Sometimes painted badly. (Bikini tops, sport tops, etc. ) Fingers.
  6. Oh, I do. Before we could recolor, "swarm of nanites" was a popular option. Starting from a point of "THIS is where your powers come from" (in the case of everything but epics, since they *are* tied to their storylines) is just ... nails on a chalkboard to me, though.
  7. Or just like having people around to BS with. *shrugs* I've heard the equivalent of "I'm farming, looking for people to chat with while getting levels" a number of times.
  8. ... which my mind jumps to saying "Free Dominguez with Any Purchase."
  9. Not there. There are a few places where it happens - as Rudra mentioned, it happens on ambushes. It'll happen on the very first mission from Levantra, too, where you... *sigh* save Fusionette and Faultline. I've had existing Rikti take on the raid leader or the ambushes. It'll happen in the "Defend Portal Corp" mission (where you take out the rikti inside a Portal building, then go outside - when you save the adepts, ambushes spawn, and they'll get attacked sometimes.) It's not just there, either - there are times as a Kheldian we'll have a Quantum or Void hunter spawn (I think in the middle of Longbow, typically) and they'll get attacked. Not sure what flags them, and it's definitely not all - or even most - ambushes.
  10. ... and of all of them, that bit of "it comes from here" has *always* bugged me. Sort of like the Well being the "source of Incarnate powers" and you having to decide fast or slow to avoid it trying to control you. I mean, sure, easy to ignore (and I tend to,) but ... rrrrrrrgh... *recolors dark armor to tan and calls it sand or dust just to spite the description.*
  11. Blame mana. Besides, it's hard to put a bar like that in paisley.
  12. You think that's new players complaining how cakewalk-easy the game's gotten, huh...
  13. All this. Suggestion for this is to turn cht logging on. You'll get a text file that way. If you want to screenshot chat (or, for less annoying things, like mission clues, bios, etc) - /screenshotui 1 so it grabs the UI. Take screenshot. /screenshotui 0 to turn off the UI grabs. You can even bind them.
  14. Some of the things you'd think would be blindingly obvious to post actually have other names internally - maybe from a last minute rename or something. (See slow/snare....) I could see /ahget, maybe, but given even from your original post you're saying "the auction house interface would have to be open," I'm ... kind of not seeing an advantage, really. Plus, given some of the items also have levels, on top of quantity and price, I could see some serious mistakes being made that are a little easier to parse when you have the AH interface. A more limited set of functions I could probably see, and they've kind of been requested before. /ahsell salvage common all 10, for instance, to just dump all your common salvage on the AH at 10 inf to clear out inventory. And yes, that could be macro'd I suppose, but I don't particularly see harm in that. I just think the execution of what you're describing could be problematic (and cause more headaches with support tickets) if you got more detailed. I'm sorry, but the OP's right - this is a kind of weak argument against. It's like saying /em sit instead of going through the menu to pick a sit emote is "automating part of the game." It's not macroing multiple attacks or playing the game without someone there. They'd still be there typing in the commands (or hitting a macro key if there's something specific they'd do frequently, like the /ahsell salvage common thing I suggested above.) So, yes, they'd still be "playing the game." We already have slash command alternatives to quite a few common actions, from opening specific windows to chatting to yes, firing off, toggling and detoggling powers. Unless you're trying to suggest that those are also "automating" the game, you'll have to explain exactly how you think these commands would be any different. I'd also suggest looking through the current slash commands list. I see similar commands on there, like /architect_claim_tickets # (to automatically claim a number of architect tickets,) /dialoganswer (yes/no) - another text (and macro-able) option instead of clicking, quite a bit of SG management that doesn't need you to open the interface and more. Nothing besides the target (the auction house) of what the OP's asking for is new in concept.
  15. Sounds like somewhere I used to work... But GVT pretty much has it, as far as "canon." I mean, "Demon" sort of falls under "general description of probably malevolent extraplanar entities." There's noting saying the judeo-christian concept(s) of "hell" don't exist, and plenty of people who play with those interpretations of heaven, hell, angels, demons, and other related beings. But we also know of other gods and realms in COH, as well. If you want to go with a "this interpretation of hell, its hierarchy, denizens, exactly as described here," go for it. If you want to call it a place ruled by someone named Frank where they play nothing but techno-country-rap... it's another version in another shard/world/dimension. Go nuts. :)
  16. Are you talking graphically "I become visible for a moment" or "Mobs suddenly see me, stealth radius drops" for a moment?
  17. They're actually trained *to* 50, first? (I know, but basic question out of the way first. "My screen's dark" always gets "is the power on" first.... )
  18. Yes, I'm aware. I even make mention of that in my post... *in what you quoted.*
  19. I can't say I've ever had this happen. Possibly because when someone would call out a quantum or void, I wouldn't be hiding in the corner. Those were *my* meat... I had quantum, void and cyst kill counts in bios for quite a while, 'til they got nerfed down to being just extra XP.
  20. I actually like the idea of "powers with a cost." Crashing nukes and the like - something you have to think "is this going to be worth the risk" to use. The cost has to be worth what the power gives. The problem with them currently is what they have to compete with. Why have a crashing (and I know...) Thunderous Blast when Ion Judgement does the same thing with no real cost and is available to everyone? Why have a T9 armor that does XYZ values when you can hit the same values, or really close, with IOs? Yes, granted, the blaster or corrupter gets them at 32, defender at 38, but... eh? (I mean, it makes a difference to *me* having them exemped down, but still.) It's a much harder sale today as they sit - and making them "worth the cost" now just would equal even more power creep.
  21. Or, if you absolutely, positively don't want to play them... sit in a farm briefly. What is it, two hours to 50? Badgers set up badge farms all the time. These don't even take an unusual setup (get X type of enemy to damage/hold you for Y many hours.) Find or make an AFK farmer on a second account, let them sit overnight, leave character in farm. You don't even have to see them, much less actually play them. Or don't go after the badges. *shrug* Nobody's forcing anyone to get them. They don't unlock or reward anything else and confer no advantage. As far as badges favoring choosing certain powers or powersets... sure there are. Healing badges come to mind immediately. Either need a powerset with a power that heals others, or you have to dip into the medicine pool, which you may not otherwise have done, or have to take one specific Incarnate power branch. And those are going to require a bunch of time either playing or sitting in a farm setup. Nothing new here but scope. And before there's a "why do it then," because some people - like me - like the sorts of things these badges would stand for and actually *do* play "one of each.... to 50" type challenges. Yes it takes time. I'd do it anyway. They're little goals to reach for the fun of it.
  22. I'm not sure what anyone's calling "new" as far as mechanics. All those things have been there before. Hell, there's a map in a Shard TF that doesn't let you see more than a few feet in front of you. Hazy map? We've had that in Kings Row (last 'dyne lab, Eagle Eye) and ... whatsisface, talos, the mediport conspiracy arc. Glowies have had weird outlines before. (see: "Touch crotch of guard to get through zone gate.") >.> Move your cursor around. Changing objectives - heck *we* can do that in AE. One thing happens. Click. Other objective kicks in. Actually gives some pacing to a story. Happens in regular missions, too. Timer? Again, mediport arc, Hess TF and more. Damage, debuffs, end drain? Again... we've dealt with this for ages, starting with the Vahz wasting disease when we didn't have IOs or temp powers to counter it. Redside? Get hit with smoke bombs and psi debuffs that kill your vision. And yes, there are items around that, as soon as you destroy the first one, you should notice the BRIGHT RED text saying what buff you've gotten.... like in the tech lab when you destroy the lab machinery. Just did this on a team of 4. Little bit of a challenge? Sure. Horrible, die in a fire arc? Not even close.
  23. Depends on your definition of "interact." The ones we fight are more likely to be converts, as the Restructurists - the military arm - wants to add to their ranks and keep fighting, while the ones we talk / sign treaties with (such as in Serpent Drummer's .. first? mission) are the Traditionalists, and don't *seem* to be bringing in converted Primal humans. Though they don't seem to turn them away either if they don't want to fight. Name wise, the only one we know of is B'nadek (or however it's chopped up) as far as I'm aware. So I don't think we can really tell.
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