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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. While Win11 may have its own issues, the launcher works just fine with it.
  2. *Presses button* *Reporters get formatted information on their desk about my latest exploits.*
  3. Hmm. Characters come from everywhere. Cat... I don't even recall. Just that she was from chicago, and I had a sort of noir detective inspiration for her look, and that was about it. She sort of just ... developed. Turned into a supporting character, then a leader... then Homecoming came along and she's having to rediscover a good bit of that. Rez Dispenser was a name. I get plenty of just pun names, some leading to characters. I mean, I had it on live, but she wasn't a *character* there. I just liked the name. She turned into a *character* here. And started getting several layers to her. (Same sort of thing led to characters like Feliney Assault, Feliney Mischief , Lousiville Slaughter - yes, she uses a bat - and the like.) Ishku is sort of second generation. Initial character was inspired by a nifty little character piece of art done on DeviantArt - can't find it or I'd link to it. Gamer-y girl, lots of black and green, red tie. Inspired the initial traps/* defender, Trixie Trapsy, who ended up changing over time. Got into a storyline where a belt her father had given her to help her hide was actually causing a few holes letting other versions of her through... among them, a gladiator version, initially called Gladia-Trix, then Trixie GT. Eventually this (one of several intended to be short lived, almost joke versions) got into a story arc, got rescued from her world and adopted into a family in Primal. She didn't have a *name,* really, that she recalled at that time. Her adopted brother said "is coo'" about something... and she started replying to things with "ishku." Which turned into her name. She's now maturing quite a bit, and is reclaiming some of her heritage... she's gone from a bit of a joke to someone with quite a bit of depth. And then there's my first COH character. Memphis Bill. Bit of a stroll to get through his inspiration. Back in the ... 80s? Marvel had their short lived New Universe. One of the titles was DP7 (displaced persons / paranormals/whatever they decided that week.) One of the *characters* was this kid who basically was acidic - Scuzz (dennis cuzinsky.) Well, when my friends, 15? 20? years later and I was in Oregon, decided to start a Silver Age Sentinels game, I used that as inspiration for my character, though he was less of an ass. Put some of my own twists, and others the game lent themselves to, on him. Game fizzled after a bit, I went to Freedom Force and then saw COH. And that character was the first one I decided to try to make - closest sets I could find at that time (issue 3) was a fire/SS tank. Rolled it up... then came "what to name him." I basically looked around a bit. Spotted a movie, Memphis Belle, and thought "y'know, Memphis Bill sounds kind of good. Hints at a story. Let's use that." Of course, there are characters that inspire characters. My first 50, an elec/elec blaster (sentinel here, with a 'vintage' version) was my ... fifth? character made. Therra Arcson. (Also the one that got me into RPing, so she developed a *Story.*) Given I started during I3, Khelds were new... so when I saw this glowy white transparent squid thing pop out of a door, I had to find otu what it was. And play one. And on my birthday, Therra hit 50 and begat Therra Paladina, her Peacebringer version, from when she was thought to have been killed (see more SG storyline!) And then things branched out. Figured by then, she'd been a pain to the Thorns, so during the same Council cave collapse that ended up getting her captured when her team thought she was buried in rubble... well, there's blood and hair and such. The Circle got ahold of those and tried to make their own version to ruin her name, kill her family, then her... except Therra's patron blocked them from copying her powers. So Therra Malevola became a Dark/Thermal corruptor (who killed the mages that made her, blames T for her existence, etc.) She eventually got to retire, got married, had a family.. which led to her daughter, Erin Snow, who went undercover as Caitlyn Haruspica for a while. And then there are alt-universe versions, like the one where the person who became her husband gave up and lost control to his nanites finally when she was thought dead in that cavein... and in that world, she had to kill him and determined it was the government's fault, and the only way to keep that from happening was to make sure th eright person was in charge - her. So she did, using what was called the Vindicta doctrine to ensure loyalty and restrict magic and arms... and so Therra Vindicta popped into the world (tricked into it by some of her underlings and a few remaining COT mages who had to get rid of this threat.) Pretty much anything electric got a Therra version... and she's shown up in other games, too. Edit: Can't forget the other biggie. Music inspired characters... such as Deadly Diana. Who, yes, is inspired by Dirty Diana, started off blackmailing bands and got bigger... There's also powers. Either in related names, like my SS/Stone Obsidian Flake, or in look, like how - I think it's Carapace in Bio reminded me of lava, so... Lava Flo.
  4. She was too busy giggling at someone and insisted I ask later. (Honestly, Rez is refreshingly boring, family wise. Got along with her mother and father. Sister's off in college. Works days, snuggles with boyfriend in evenings.)
  5. Family's ... interesting. Cat's an only child. Mother and father still alive, but her mother had her kind of late. Whle she missed them when she moved to Paragon, they were still there... and yet she's found herself adopted into a space rabbit clan, because being an only child is a tragedy to them and they couldn't let that happen to a friend. Plus she's in that sort of extended "Might as well get used to it" watchful-type group from a certain sparkly dragon, as she's realizing. Ishku saw her parents, minor magic users, murdered on her own world for their abilities. She was later brought here and given a new family she just couldn't picture herself without at this point. Pri's family... well, she wasn't born into one, she was created. The clones Grace freed were an ever-shifting group, but the closest to one she's had. And now... well, we need to find out what happens.
  6. Think you're thinking of the sprints, which - being just recolored sprint - are already "your" powers, slottable, etc.
  7. Also, even if you're experienced, RP wise, watch for Crystal Dragon's RP welcome wagon/intro classes. Just to talk and get together with a few people, maybe get some rust off. And yes, non-newbies show up there too. 🙂
  8. Cat: Collects (and reads) old pulp detective novels, magazines, etc. May have a few covers at poster size. Will sing at church, when she goes. (Or karaoke.) Rez: Sketching. Little bit of electronics tinkering, but not exactly an inventor. Baking. Volleyball, when it's warm enough. Pri: Singing. Portable, doesn't need any equipment, goes with her anywhere. ishku: Martial arts. Dance. Finding herself getting into writing, with a bit of sketching, thanks to her dream journals.
  9. But why not put that just into the pet, then?
  10. I'm not sure what you *would* enhance them with. Which is probably the biggest problem. At most, a 2-3 piece set with recharge and end reduction enhancements, which would be fairly limited in use (as even pet "sets" can be used not just by MMs but by most other pet powers.) On the other hand, having two powers you don't really have to enhance means free slots to use elsewhere...
  11. Well, they are *temporary* powers, not *your* powers per se. And I don't believe temporary powers can be customized - they don't show up anywhere you *could* make such a selection. I mean, think of it this way. if Superman borrows one of Batman's batarangs, it doesn't suddenly turn red and blue and shape itself into an "S." The idea is that they're something picked up on the side, not actually part of your powerset or abilities.
  12. Hmmmm... Maybe for the instanced raid. On Everlasting, at least, it's 30 minutes of "bring everyone," from level 1 to 50, and it's basically a giant party and social event (twice a night, every night, and this ... sunday, I think... for several hours straight.) It's relaxing, it's a bit of RP, it's a lot of joking around, it's introducing characters, etc. And for me, at least, since they kick off just as I log off of work it's a great, no worries, unwind time as well. I kind of *like* that there's no "Go here, do this, now go over here, do this...." - if I want that, I've got hami, I've got keyes, I've got most of the itrials. Plus it would automatically gatekeep, getting rid of the welcoming atmosphere we have for lowbies, removing an area to make introductions and the like. So... yeah. I'd rather not see this on the zone raid, but since the instanced raid already has a level minimum, maybe there.
  13. ... doesn't Hover force that pose? Granted, it's taking another power if you don't have it... Maybe put it (and the yoga pose) as new flypose options...
  14. Well, it wouldn't require creating anything new, as far as a system - you can buy more charges of P2W powers, after all, to have a jetpack for longer and so forth. Some temps are meant to disappear for story reasons, as well (think the various things you test against primal Clockwork, and I *believe* the Wheel of Destruction temps,) so those generally shouldn't be. Going over them case by case, though? Sure. I don't see why I wouldn't be able to pick up more arrows for the bow and arrow temp power from Croatoa, for instance.
  15. Not sure how doable this is, especially with legacy sets. A new mastermind type that does the VEAT route (without the annoying, unneeded and did I mention annoying forced respec at 24) where you choose 'branches' is the closest example I can think off right offhand that might enable this. Couldn't speak to how or if the sets and their weapons are balanced with those pairings in mind.
  16. If you pay attention to the help chat, you'll quickly realize nobody pays attention to it. I don't think it's even offered in a way people recognize it's there. :) (Or that the vets even remember it, for that matter.) Besides, it needs more - it doesn't go into how sets or set bonuses work (and how could it, really, in a way that lets people *do* it - even if it had you make a "university tutorial" set that was generic to everything, you'd still have to hope they had slots for it, or provide special unslotters that are character bound or something, and hope people are seeing what you want them to see.) Doesn't touch on catalyzing, boosting or converting, either, since those were introduced after, or the hows and whys.
  17. While Windows does use the (final) extension to determine what to open it with, you can name a file hey.look.at.me.I.have.lots.of.dots.txt and it's perfectly capable of knowing it's a text file and opening it in notepad (or whatever you have set to open text files in.) And if they're *in* files, it doesn't care. Linux and Mac open them (as I'm recalling, I don't use it extensively) through WINE, or some derivative, so the same rules apply in that environment. But, yeah, extra punctuation isn't an issue. As far as files used by COH... the only things we really generate are costume and power customization files (and others if you create binds and save them, or AE things.) It automatically takes care of the extension and handles them all in game (we don't really have anything else looking at a .costume file, for instance.) So that should be a nonissue.
  18. While not things I'd do, since I find them *really* kind of annoying when people "circle" doing this- On Springs - for Superjumping (or... the other one, forget the name) around within a set area (about room size) for 5 minutes straight. Oh So Hyper - For using Superspeed or speed of sound inside a set area for 5 minutes straight. Must actually be *moving,* not just standing in place or bouncing up and down, for this.
  19. Lazarillo pretty much hit the problem I see with this. Though if we could get rid of the "exclusivity," so you CAN put "the" as the start of your name (Yes, someone could be The The whatever if they wanted,) I'd be for it. (Though, doesn't it show up in small print above the name, visually?)
  20. Cutscenes are pretty much "take control away from the player, move the camera, run a script on the NPCs." (That's how people "cutscene-bomb" the last mission in Cimerora or Marauder's entrance in Lambda, for instance.) I don't think it'd be able to show an interface. I don't disagree tutorials in general need help. The destroyed galaxy city one is... eh, Twinshot's kind of annoying (and skippable,) the university "how to craft an IO" one doesn't really get presented to the player, same with AE. I don't know how to address that effectively, though.
  21. *Right now,* there's not a way to do sound customization in game - and there are several sounds varioud people can't stand or would like changed. However, check in the tools/utilities/downloads section - it may need updating, but I believe someone was compiling a list of sounds, and there should be some instructions on how to silence them. Yes, it's a little bit of a hack, but it's a "sort of supported" one (well, not the sort that would get you in any sort of hot water) that can be used as a workaround. (And yes, eventually I'd love to see sound customization. I'd like to find a set of files to make Sonic blast not sound like "hey, we found these random sound files" and get sets of male/female/electronic/other sounds, for instance.)
  22. Ooh! No. Limit the total number of slots to 5. Period. >.>
  23. Someone keeps shocking it with the electrodes.
  24. Nope. I don't want anything done for "bragging rights." It's one of the primary drawbacks of the prestige system - and that isn't even really about how much INF you have. I was trying to work out a system where the people doing the searching can pick something (how active, how much is PVP involved if they're into that, etc. as well as just being able to see what the group describes *itself* as better. In my mind, you could have ten different people looking for SGs, putting in what they're looking for, and get multiple different "best match" sort of results. Someone searches for, say, activity only, they get a ranking (probably not the *most* useful) of groups that have had activity of, say, 30 of the last 30 days, then 29, etc. They select "RP" for RP groups, that list changes, they move that to 60 days, the list probably changes, add "number of accounts" (for instance) and suddenly the groups that just have one or two actual people behind them drop way down, etc... making it an actual search and "custom" ranking of sorts.
  25. It gets "little to no use" because it shows absolutely no information that's *of* any use. And not everyone comes to the forums. Having people completely forget the forums exist is a thing, going from conversations in the help channel, even with a link right on the launcher. Better to have an in-game resource that's *right there* for people to use.
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