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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I don't see it as a problem, but if they put in some alternate... *shrug* customization's a thing, it'd just be another one.
  2. Because it's not "a" story arc, and these are designed specifically for those ATs. They are part of the reason for those ATs to exist. And the ATs do not "require" multiple respecs. The VEATs force you into one at 24 (which I find annoying,) that's about it. Honestly, it's simple. You don't like TFs, you're going to miss out on the storylines in task forces. You don't like being a villain, you're going to miss out on the redside storylines. Don't want to play a Kheld or Veat, you're going to miss out on those storylines. Your options are (a) run them or (b) read them on the wiki. Seperate them from the ATs and you might as well just delete the ATs - after the *massive* rewrite needed to make the arcs generic.
  3. Guys, I don't think "you can use IOs" is actually.... relevant to the question. Or how easy it is to make INF. It's like answering "What is the distance to the sun" with "You'd die before you reached it" and problems with designing a spacecraft to get there and survive. As far as the OP, it depends on quite a bit, including what you're slotting and if you're actually slotting everything (prestige sprints, swift/hurdle/health/stamina.) SOs don't all cost the same. And yes, I'm pretty sure "are you upgrading every level or when they turn yellow" would enter into it. ... though, hmm. That's kind of an assumption on my part there. Think I'll go look... Updating this in a bit. Edit: Yeah, quick look. Character from 1-4, hitting upgrade every level (which, yes, is a silly thing to do) is more expensive, since you're paying the upgrade cost each level - doesn't care what you're upgrading *from,* level wise, just a cost for a new set of "your level +3" SOs. (In other words, creating a character, running to level 4, it didn't care that at 4, I had level 7 or level 5 SOs, it charged me the same 83k to do it. So your cumulative cost is more.)
  4. All for it. And streamlining the system's already been started. We don't have to earn iXP (or different sorts of XP) for (say) Judgement and Interface, or earn them separately, and Hybrid would have needed "Advanced IXP." Instead, each level's earned all at once, and everything requires iXP and threads... except for Alpha. Shards, then Threads, were part of a grind to keep people paying for incarnate system access. We don't need that here.
  5. Which it is not meant to be. Back on live, JRanger was (briefly) a user who started just posting "no" to everything. Not even things he necessarily disagreed with. There's a little more history to him elsewhere online. Basically he picked up the "There's a forum cartel that doesn't want anything to change and just says no to everything" idea and (along with ... someone else, whose name I don't quite remember) got somewhat aggressive with it, as I'm recalling. So when I /jrangered him, it was tongue in cheek. More "You're being a bit silly with this - are you sure this is what you want to be known for?" than actually malicious or derogatory. I didn't expect it to last more than a few days, a week at the outside. I figured he'd either get the point, talk to me about it, or be annoyed enough to stop and cool off a few days. Instead, people took it, ran with it and just used it instead of "no." Or in many cases, as you put it, a derogatory "no." Frankly, since he's (obviously) not here, and the OP certainly hasn't done anything to warrant that sort of holding up of a mirror - and I can't think of any other thread it's been put up in that does - it shouldn't be getting used. If anything, the most appropriate (in the vein of how it was meant) thing to do right now would be replying to it with a /pfalcon. And if you read the first reply, it should be obvious as to why. Personally, I'd be perfectly happy to see it put back on a "do not use" list. I'm amused that it's remembered still. I'm not in how it's being used.
  6. I *think* the tools/utilities/downloads section might have info or links about graphics replacement. It would, as I recall, need to be a specific size/format/color depth/etc.
  7. Well, some people have forgotten, or just don't know, what the actual purpose of posting /jranger was to begin with. It actually wasn't specifically saying "no." There is, perhaps, a touch of irony to someone (besides myself) getting known for posting it, though.
  8. As far as "single gun," we do have a pistol as a temp power (a few, if you count the crey pistol.) I've got characters it fits and that use it. Not sure how interesting a set it would be, mechanically or visually, but it would certainly fit some concepts. And we've got plenty of skins already in the game for it.
  9. Yeah, good bit of tech and animation work would need to be done. Not sure if the team as they sit now could realistically do it (given time and numbers,) but I think it'd still be fun if they could.
  10. What I'd have to ask is "What level are you running it at?" 50? 50 with Incarnates? The reason I ask is that, what's dead simple with an Incarnate'd out 50 could be insanely difficult for people at the *lower* range - in this case, 35 - of the TF. At which point, you have a few options - - Raise the minimum level of the TF. Should be done sparingly, if ever. There's otherwise not good reason to do it with this TF, the rest of it's perfectly handle-able by the rest of the level range. - Add some difficulty options. I wouldn't mind if this had a "Everyone's got Alpha slotted, give an additional difficulty option" sort of choice. - ... ok, forgot what else I was thinking of. 😉 I wouldn't *mind* seeing different mechanics at the end of TFs, honestly, besides "hit big bag of HP." You somewhat lean towards something like LR at the end of the MLTF with the towers. Rom's got the rez-and-big-stun going at least. And yes, I wouldn' tmind *all* the TFs to just get a *change* (past, oh, maybe posi) every once in a while to keep it from being predictable. Heck, even make 2-3 versions of the same TF with different ending goals or mechanics, though that's a lot of work. About the only thing I'd immediately say would be problematic in this would be getting the robots involved. Past maybe a blast or something, there's an issue with targeting things over a certain size, as I'm recalling.
  11. And none of the other ATs, barring VEATs, are designed with a built in storyline as part of their packaging. Yes, epic ATs hold a special position - and should *keep* that. You want to dip into the Kheldian war, you can - run Moonfire, and the war wolf world from... unai, I think? Let's not steal some of what makes Epic ATs special.
  12. They are the storyline that makes the epic AT an epic AT. They are written, quite frequently, with the assumption that you are playing an epic. So, no, running it as a blaster would make no sense. A tanker is not going to particularly care about the mechanics of quantum weaponry. The circle is not going to try to separate a Kheldian from its host in a non-Kheldian. Solid "no" from me. The VEAT arcs just suck in general, and I'd say no there just to save others from having to be exposed to them.
  13. Which server are you on? Everlasting has three double raids a day (and two MSRs in between,) every afternoon/evening.
  14. Ehhh.... Personally I'm not in the "all the GMs in all the zones!" thing. GMs just ... aren't that interesting, really. That aise, there's a technical reason - The Volcanomech has an issue - it's too big. The Jade Spider's fairly large, and as I recall, *it* causes problems with targeting. This thing would just be silly. (Engine limitation, IIRC.)
  15. Pretty much any build can do missions and join in task forces. Did that with that very combo starting in issue 3 on SOs. Soloing AVs? Ehhh... Electric's thing is end drain / -recovery, which tends to be more significant on a defender or corrupter. Not going to say it can't be done, but you'll probably end up finding yoruself working the poison dagger temp power from P2W into your attack for the -regen, if that's going to be a focus for you. Fortunately they're cheap.
  16. A motorcycle canon? So ... they're sitting on the accepted ways and truths of motorcycles? Wouldn't that just be a stack of manuals? ;)
  17. Dear lord, no. Sets get ridiculous enough as it is. Don't worry about the numbers. You're playing a game, not balancing a checkbook. Reading things like this: all I can say is that it's not the sets ruining the experience for you. It's a focus on "Must Have Numbers!" If you're running a farmer? Fine, worry about numbers. PVPing? Sure, worry about numbers, it's an actual competition. Outside of that? It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. You don't have to be capped-this-perma-that-goes-to-the-bathroom-at-+4X8. The team's not "carrying" you. You *can* be the character you want. and lines like that and the other one I quoted just make me sad at how much "the numbers" have hurt your experience. There are very few times I've seen any build I'd call "gimped," and the person had to work on it. Things like the /Rad corruptor, pretty sure it was the first halloween event on live. Team picked them up because they were rad and we were trying to fight GMs. In their 30s, they only had the healing aura. Why? They were "a healer." That was "gimped." That was an actual detriment to the team. They could be neither what the team wanted, a rad with debuffs, or what they wanted, a "healer." And that's one of the very few times I've ever seen a build that couldn't contribute or that I'd agree was "gimped." Otherwise, I'd throw the word out of the language and the concept out of the minds of players. Now, yes. I know some people *like* theorycrafting, *like* chasing said numbers, and if they're doing so to see just how far they can push things because they can? Fine, great. They should be able to. It's another part of the game, and I'm happy they can. But when I read something like what you put out, "I can't make the character I have in my head because MUST HAVE NUMBERS OR GIMP!" - the numbers are damaging the game for you, as far as it sounds like, and the best suggestion I can make for you is to uninstall Mids, delete files, stop reading builds and just start throwing stuff together that looks fun. You'll survive, you really will. Go hang out with RPers, you don't need numbers there.
  18. It's *slightly* more complicated than that. It's easy to remember a "rule of 3" with SOs, since they give the same amount (regardless of level) of boost (at even con.) IOs, at least commons, give a consistent *different* amount at each level - so it's not a matter of just saying "yes." You could put six level 15 defense IOs in and not be hit as much... or use two level 50s (I believe boosted,) since a 15 boosts less. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Enhancement_Diversification (Looking at it, the description there should be tweaked as it mentions SOs, HOs, etc. and "dual origin" could be - but more important is the value, so ... yes, it does affect IOs as well, if you're wondering. Need to figure out and edit in better wording.)
  19. Honestly, I'd move them both *in*side. They're detectives, not Walmart greeters.
  20. If it's possible, yeah. This would be great.
  21. Hmm. Yeah, had a friend who saw it streaming and said the same thing - no issues with it there. But dear lord, in theaters...
  22. One question before saying anything else - was it the *movie* that had this mixed so that the soundtrack was beating me up, or just my theater seeming to have it cranked up to 11... no, wait, 11 was the quiet part... Just got back and I honestly feel physically beaten up by the sound. OK, that question being out there: 1, visually... I don't think I've seen "concept art executed beautifully on screen in the final movie" so well before. Some of those scenes looked like they could have been just painted. 2. The baron. I love this version and how he was executed. Especially the floating. It didn't look ridiculous. 3. There's *one* line or interaction that's always bugged me for not being in any of the movies so far. Just after that first duel, As Paul's getting accepted, might start thinking "ok, killed someone, not so bad, and good things happened because of it," his mother asks him "How does it feel to be a murderer?" and it kind of knocks him back to earth with "oh, yeah, killed someone." No movie's had that line. This is the first one I haven't really felt like it needed it. It's a weird thing to get hung up on, yes, and it's 100% me, but still... And yes. Looking forward to part 2. Fully appropriate and it feels paced properly.
  23. There are reasons for the other MMOs to have the crafting systems they do. One is grind, of course. Sit there and fish for weeks, or slowly make daggers of dullness 'til you can upgrade after 100 to daggers of butterknifery, to dagger of hey that kind of hurt, etc... in the meantime, you're paying a sub. The other - and bigger - item is that they're *gear* based. Why do you craft? To make and upgrade gear. Why do you rush to the end to raid raid raid? (And why do they keep adding expansions and bumping level caps?) The gear treadmill. (And why? To get you to pay a sub - or buy a microtransaction to bypass that grind.) COH is not "gear" based. Yes, we have enhancements - but they're not gear, they're essentially skill modifiers. If you swap out Gladiator's Javelin for Thunderstrike, you're not suddenly moving from throwing javelins to zapping people with electricity - you're getting different set bonuses and changing how the power works slightly, perhaps. And of course you can't just swap in a melee set and go from blasting to beating them with a club. Now, for your specific suggestions: 1. A tracking system already exists. And you do get to craft slightly better versions... by crafting higher level IOs. You get a discount, too, once you memorize the recipe (and a badge!) 2. I would not be against adding "lone wolf" procs to add some variety to builds, but not as part of a crafting system. 3. No real opinion. They add badges for things frequently. And you do get badges for crafting things already. 4. Not sure what you are looking at here. Components for recipes are so easy to come by - even rares - a "rebate" system isn't really a starter. 5. Eh. I, for one, prefer the accessibility of the system as it is right now. Not against new IO sets or the like, but I'm not fond of the idea of locking them behind things. We passed beyond that already. Finding something new to implement it feels like a step back to bad old days.
  24. Have to ask - did you play on live? Multiple paladins was a regular thing until they changed the event to the (broken) Shining Stars one (which we inherited and started with here.)
  25. Well, this seemed to have happened when they fixed the orientation of the zone. (Mentioned this some time ago.) Not from the discovery of a hole :)
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