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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. No. It's just variety. I've got characters that they and their attitude/aesthetic fit perfectly. They have very few named bosses. Higher up, though, there are some artifacts in use. I think the main reason is just that they're blown by so quickly nobody remembers.
  2. I don't know if it has the same issue as the AH, either, with trying to load in another database. I don't think the hit would be anywhere near as bad, though - the issue Outrider brings up of not having a static map to return you to is likely the bigger issue. If that could be worked around, *I* wouldn't be arguing against it, certainly.
  3. Yeah, I've been out of it all week. (Less fun reasons. Felt like garbage.)
  4. Having just gone through and checked, 135. Two accounts, though there aren't many on the second, and mostly concentrated on one server. Less than half of what I had on live.
  5. I've got to be honest, I pretty much completely ignore the combo system when on a DB. If something happens to be ready and I notice, I may use it, but... *shrug* Otherwise, yeah. Extending the time or not ending the combo? Wouldn't argue with it.
  6. Eh. Of all the events, I find the Nemesis one both the most boring and uninspired event *and* probably the most annoying. I get the badge thing, but... eh.
  7. I ... honestly like the old DA better. It had such a unique atmosphere, and the "vanishing" civilians (well, their ghosts) and fog were great. The new one's got content, sure, but it's more "city zone with red and a kind of weird corner." Mind you, I started to like old (well, echo) DA on a character *with teleport,* so it took a little figuring out at one point how to get around - didn't change my opinion though.
  8. ... come on, nobody thought of "the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout?" I am disappointed. 🙂
  9. Depends 100% on what you want to do, support or attack. And how you like to play, such as how active you like to be. (Mind/time or mind/kin will play differently than mind/ff, for instance.) That said, dom wise, I love mind/fire. It's a blast.
  10. You asked why that exists. I said why I think it exists. You are a sidekick, you are learning from your mentor. IE, flavor. I don't know where you got everything else you threw in that reply from what I said.
  11. I know I pretty much cheesed the last Croatoa mission by wormholing a Red Cap over and as far away as possible, repeatedly.
  12. I'd say it's flavor. You're a sidekick, not a peer. Kid Superguy, not Superguy themselves.
  13. Heh. You know, I think I'd still want to try it... *once.* Even if it's just "ok, we're just doing the first mission this way, then reforming to do it seriously." Just because.
  14. You're not required to use IOs to complete any part of the game. And no, it's not necessarily a stretch, however the game is designed with the idea you'll slot *something,* and SOs drop ready to use just by playing. Then again, as ... pretty much anyone doing the classic hero challenge will mention, you can go some time without slotting SOs (or DOs) because of the cost, running under our rules.
  15. Let VEATs, or at least crabs, who take the Leviathan pool have the option for water spout. Or find a way to grant it as a temp power. There's exactly one reason I want this and it has nothing to do with actual gameplay, only smartalec-ness. 🙂
  16. The incarnate system came into the game much later. That said, the UI in general was set up back then, so there are probably limits to what it can do. And yeah, I wouldn't mind a system like the OP describes.
  17. I'd have looked in the PVP section, but I don't have a build for it. 🙂
  18. Yeah, I like doing things like that. I also wish there were more missions with "Don't attract attention!" conditions like ... pretty sure it's Levantra's (the "strange case of arnold decker" arc, I believe.)
  19. 1. Has anyone intentionally run this (or even just one of the pair) without Alpha slotted? Yes, there's a level drop for you. But for someone looking for a challenge... or with the right team... 2. With the above, is it necessarily just alpha? If you deliberately unslot Alpha but leave Lore and Destiny at t3 or t4, are you just slightly less debuffed?
  20. 4 points handles most content. 8 is what I aimed for on, say, my fire tanks with no KB protection inherent to them. Past that, depends what you plan to go after. I believe PVP has its own preferred levels, for instance.
  21. 1. Should all archetypes be able to solo? Yes. And all of them can. More to the point, all *powersets* can. This does not mean "take down an AV in 2.6 seconds." At base levels, with no fancy builds (but realistic - not "pure healer," one attack and brawl,) atll ATs and powersets can solo content not designed for teams/leagues (and even some that is, such as posi 1.) 2. Should all archetypes be able to solo at +4/8? No. That's unrealistic to expect. (And again, we have to go to *powersets,* not archetypes. There are definitely, for instance, controller builds that can solo perfectly happily at +4/8, but I highly doubt you'll find one for my Earth/FF, for instance, no matter how many purples and the like you put in, that wouldn't be an exercise in annoyance.) 3. Is there a difference in performance expectations for content below level 50 versus level 50+? Honestly... not 100% sure what you're going at here. After 50, we're hitting a degree of homogenization thanks to some of the Incarnate powers - every AT will have a nuke, pets, etc. I don't expect (again, going to my earth/ff example) every AT and every powerset to suddenly jump up to the +4/8 level casually. I expect some things to be harder. I don't think we *had* content over 50 long enough to *really* set (and balance) expectations. 4. Should players be using Invention Origin enhancements by a specific level or range? No. They should be just what they are - 100% optional. Content and expectations should not be geared around them. 5. Do players who can solo +4/8 at level 50 have an outsized impact on teams or other players? Maybe this is as intended? I'll give this a "maybe," as they're *also* most likely running incarnate abilities which have an impact of their own. So what has what impact? That said, I would *expect* someone who's dumped the INF and tweaked a build on a character to regularly solo at those levels to have more of an impact. We can't make content harder just for them, necessarily.
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