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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. *tosses two cents in* I'll say, for me, playing someone else's build usually = a character getting a respec soon because I feel like I'm playing someone else's character. I did it once with a Warshade I was familiar with back on live and ... nope, not doing that again. Made me appreciate the multiple builds we have available, as I didn't have to trash what I had to try it. That's with "a character I'm playing," though. The power selections tend to vary with what I'm facing and what I need in the moment, and end up being as much a part of their "story," in their way, as their costume and bio. I rarely farm, but for that sort of - to me, "utility, not character," yeah, I'll grab a build. For me, though, wanting that sort of character is *rare,* and I generally appreciate seeing the "why and wherefore" along with it. (Part of why I like, for instance, the "low budget guide to fire farming" as opposed to "here's a build," or did a CEBR back on live before that got nerfed, farm-wise.) Regardless, I'll generally say "I don't do builds," probably half because of the above, and half because it seems so many are geared towards perma-this-capped-that gameplay that I'm not after. (Eh, maybe 65/35.) I find it boring. I don't want to be "untouchable," I want to need to be aware of what's going on and react to it. As far as others asking for builds? Doesn't affect me. I'd just hope they've played through the game at least once, that they've got some idea of what powers do - or why they're being taken in builds and slotted X way, past "I need an extra .71% S/L... What does S/L stand for anyway?" And that they're not doing it because of the other issue comparing COH to other MMOs - they're coming from somewhere where "playing the game" = "rush to the end and get in raids to get the good gear for the next expansion that is mostly a level cap bump that invalidates all your gear."
  2. Would love to see it, but I'd want the wonky editor (used here and elsewhere in game) to be addressed first. In the meantime, https://fbsa.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Main_Page
  3. Discussed elsewhere, that's not the only reason some of those costume pieces aren't available. Some flat out *do not work* with player characters. They're custom-mangled for specific NPCs, "bleed over" into other areas, etc. There are actual technical reasons we don't have some of them that go beyond clipping. Aside from that, no, I do not think locking or limiting a costume piece is a good thing at *all.* Just like it was frustratingly stupid to have "My character is a Vanguard such-and-such," but having to grind V-merits to get costume pieces (only available on that character, and not at creation,) this would just be an annoying, arbitrary limitation. People get inspired for characters by costume pieces, among other things, and should be able to use them, not be "The Rocketeer, but right now just a guy with a leather jacket and guns because he can't get a rocket pack or helmet yet."
  4. It's simple, as far as I'm concerned: If you're joining a team, play as a teammate. If you want to speed things up / stealth / etc, ask first. And don't assume "yes, this mission is long, that will help" = " do it with every mission." Some people might be fine with that. Ask and be sure first. (Where that's been *really* frustrating is when I've been with an RP SG, worked up arcs with clues, ambushes, etc. and had someone decide "Well, I can run off and find the glowie." No, don't do that. Especially while everyone else is fighting and nobody notices until "hey, what's that path that's going through the rest of the map, where's that NPC dialog coming from..." )
  5. No, but there are a few other things that could happen, from in-game (someone checks it, either a visitor or through remote access, and does something in-game either to your characters or "up to and including getting your account deleted/banned,") to "People tend to use the same or similar passwords elsewhere, and this kept it in plain text," so even if someone had no interest in COH, it could be a gateway to affecting things that *do* matter. Not a liability anyone wants.
  6. I've heard of odd things causing odd problems, so I'm not going to dismiss the thought that someone gets motion sick / vertigo / dizzy watching their character spin.
  7. Dear god, no. If it's a toggle, it would be an offensive toggle - and thus drop when the player is mezzed. I've had this be *the* source of damage (at times managing to get the last bit of damage to kill the thing that keeps mezzing me) more times than not. If it becomes a toggle, it loses that ability, and I'd only really use it on my Sentinels with their built-in mez protection.
  8. (A) Redside already has patrons, and (B) Blueside has police as well, y'know. More specifically, the RIP are there mostly to terrorize lowbies and Skulls in Mercy. The PPD show up throughout 1-50, either as part of missions (and upgrading through things like Awakened and Psi police) and just as part of the environment (NPCs and contacts.) Redside, you don't even see the RIP in Oakes. (I just went and looked to double check my memory - I saw one person who looked police-ish and was labeled as "Security Guard." That's the closest thing to a police presence.) Not really "patron" material.
  9. This, really. I've been sort of "eh" about the option before, but thematically it still fits, given the graphic (as I'm recalling) still looks like a whirling cone of force/wind/whatever around the character, it'd still fit the name/idea *and* open up the power for concepts that don't involve hyperballet. ;)
  10. That change came later on live, as I recall.
  11. They'll make announcement of anything (other than exploit fixes) coming when it's time for it to show up on test. Don't forget, not a professional development house with full time staff and funding. Small, volunteer team doing this around their real jobs. Things come when they come.
  12. Old post, but when I posted it I was talking about the keyboard specifically. I don't need my case playing disco-ball, but... yeah, the Razer software being aware of things has been useful in some games.
  13. Something like this, I think I'd want to see if we got something Patron-like heroside. It has more of that sort of flavor to me.
  14. Right. So what you're saying is HC is a pack of liars who just *say* they've been talking to HC? Also, the "go on for years" has been discussed elsewhere. Easy enough to find. Legal action against other servers is between those servers and NC and frankly about as relevant as saying "Oh yeah? Well if my car's out of gas how come my microwave still works?"
  15. Check your Accolades. Do you have Mercy Mariner? If not, you don't have all the Mercy exploration badges. (Easy way to be sure.)
  16. No, many other servers are very happy to use the spaghetti on wall approach and throw stuff out there, no matter how complete or stable it is. (And wipe or roll things back when, oops, that must be why it wasn't live, it broke stuff.) HC seems to take a more cautious approach and actually... have things *work.* And look decent. More ... like a development house. Given they're in negotiations with NC for licensing and whatnot, being shown to be serious (and cautious and thoughtful) about maintaining and developing it further is a *good* thing. Also, there are two 'branches' of code servers seem to be using, and from my understanding not everything is compatible. One uses "just as it was on shutdown" code and goes off from there, the other (including HC) uses code expanded and worked on since through SCORE (and possibly others.) ' There's no "That other server uses it, so now it has their stench, we'll never touch it" involved.
  17. I had to double check that (on test) since I remembered them coming back - but I don't have a lot of characters with macros. That said, another place they don't show up is a second build, which means there's another place having a "macros" window where they can persist and move to and from would be nice.
  18. If they did that, I'd want an enforced - say, 5 second - delay between the button being available to be pressed, just to avoid (well, let's be real, make harder) an accidental "blah, keep converting, ooh that's what I wanted*click* gah!" moment for the player.
  19. If they're done under the "bottoms with skins," they wouldn't be able to, as I understand it, since the "skin" takes the other colors. (I don't know why they can't use patterns like tights, I'm assuming because they wouldn't be able to stop them from going over the skin.)
  20. Wow, I know it's "talk like a pirate day" and people are talking booty, but this is just being an ass. If the event had an intentional "Keep them from escaping" - such as, say, the "Prevent 30 fir Bolg from escaping/stop the ritual" from Skipper's ark in Croatoa - there would be a "X have escaped" fail notice, and the event could reset. There is not one. Therefore, no, the point is not actually "stopping prisoners from escaping" in a game mechanics sense. The prisoners also make no attempt TO escape - they will, if people leave them alone, happily stand there staring at the PPD. They only run when generic NPC "run" conditions are met, like any other mob... and then do not return. ANd that, of course, is only the first and third parts of the event, and utterly irrelevant for the second, which can *also* fail with a (flying, typically,) Freakshow mob haring off somewhere. They are not trying to "escape," which makes your point moot. That's exactly what's missing. A few things, though: 1. There's not a "Prevent from escaping" area defined. From what I've seen and had affect me, it's fairly small. (It's also "Help the PPD apprehend the prisoners.") 2. Even if you get all the (first wave) prisoners, the second wave is Freakshow. Notoriously, they have flying NPCs. They take off and never come back, as well - and do so quickly and easily. Also, 3. I went onto test to - well, test - something I was fairly sure I recalled happening - namely, if a prisoner or freakshow gets too far away of the rather nebulous "Defeat here" area, yet you still defeat them, it doesn't count. However... guess what's stuck on test, with no prisoners in sight, for who knows how long. Since I seem to recall defeating one that ran, with the counter in the corner, and having it not count.
  21. Every word you've written indicates you don't get it and/or don't want to get it. Has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with me. Frankly, it indicates the ATs don't click with you. Which is fine. There are a bunch of other ones to play. Have fun over there instead.
  22. Short form, humanform you'll *possibly* be happier with peacebringers. But try both and see. I used to have a guide somewhere from live... Here. This is over a decade old, so there have been changes to the game, but I'd say there's a fair amount of still valid. (11/2010.) Quoting a section of it... (Again, remember... written in late 2010.) So in short, I'd basically call a Peacebringer more steady and predictable than a Warshade. You will have Build Up or your heal/HP boost *now,* it will recharge in *this* many seconds and then give you *that* much of a boost again, versus "I mired/eclipsed in a group, I am god! ... now I've been fighting this boss for a while, there are no minions and I'm barely getting anything from one target."
  23. Quoting just this bit, but skimming through... there's a lot of bias in the post. And it seems you're aware of your own, which is fine. But some of this needs pointing out. There has been a *lot* of discussion about why more people play heroes, and it's not just - or, I'd posit, the majority - "I want to be Captain Four-Color GenderAppropriateScout." I mean, for starters the game itself is labeled "City of Heroes." Yes, there's "City of Villains," but ... look up. The site's not listed as "City of Villains: Homecoming" or "Cities of Heroes and Villains: Homecoming." Heroside is front and center. You start out (unless you choose Praetorian, and that is a whole other kettle of fish) in the blue, heroic environment, unless you take steps (add -cov) not to. We no longer split by AT, other than Epics (and that's a good thing.) But from the get-go in character creation, you're heroic blue. The only real nod to villainside is ... a click button in a box at the end. If people, new or old, ask where their friends are, where the teaming is, etc. they'll generally be told "heroside." Which leads to more people looking at heroside versus villainside, and that likely feeds on itself. Villainside is, at best, represented by a few mobs. Or, if you step toe into a PVP zone and someone else happens to actually be there who can fight you, you've been... defeated by a villain. And just being defeated leaves a bad taste in some peoples' mouths. *shrug* Then there's the environment and writing. Redside keep sgetting described as dismal, dirty, grey and depressing when conversations about "why aren't people playing villains?" come up. (On top of that, some of the arachnos maps make me *long* for the 5-layer-cake caves. That ridiculous 100-story-tall reactor room when you're on a kill all and need to find that ONE LAST MOB... ) And the writing - while it was changing a bit near the end - is just hard to reconcile with villains. Villains tend to be the ones driving the plot. Making the plans. Having their own agendas. Mission wise, you're written as a lackey and a dupe. Alternately, there are just missions that make people *really* uncomfortable. "Villain" does not mean "amoral, psycho- or sociopathic, murderapeillage is my middle name." And yet, the content railroads your character and makes assumptions about them - you'd deliver a young woman back to Bocor, you'd deliver people to be cut up by the Vahzilok and so forth. Playing redside, *far* too often I have to just ignore what the game *tells* me my character is doing and/or wants to do. But part of that is just the difficulty in writing for playable villains in an MMO. I don't want my character railroaded into actions they'd never take ... and so I rarely find myself playing redside, even though I do have characters that most certainly are "villains," to some degree, and belong over there. I think playing redside is what turns people off of playing redside. If we could *play our villains as villains,* as the planners, the instigators, the ones going for the big score, or going for revenge, or even "this is what they know, life's hard, to get what you want you need to beat it out of someone else," without having to know the ins and outs of AE and without being depicted as a dupe, pure evil or just pants-on-heads stupid and unaware, there'd be more people playing redside.
  24. Everlasting's second (10 or 10:30 PM ET) MSR is going to be pirate themed. Trying to get Piracat set up and at a useful level before that.
  25. Yes, and when that happens, the event cannot be completed, thus the description of "broken." I've completed it before, too. I've also had it become unable to be completed because of exactly what you described - and the mob *does not* come back, or doesn't count when it seems to. "It sometimes works" is not exactly the most confidence inspiring description. If my car "sometimes" worked, it'd be in the dealer for repair or replacement as a lemon.
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