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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Got a few on the market or in storage, hmm? :)
  2. Yeah, that event's been that way. Either a prisoner runs off somewhere, or one of the Freakshow (often one of the fliers) runs off in the second portion and breaks it. I know I've tried taunting one back into the general area and had it not work (one that specifically ran.) I've also tried just a generic "prisoner" to see if it would count (it doesn't.) The third phase is usually fine as you just have to defeat the three named/special prisoners and they don't normally run off. If I recall, this didn't (or barely) made it onto live, too. Frankly, I think this could be "fixed" (or cheesed, to be honest, but looking short term) by not requiring the specific mobs that spawned to be the ones killed (other than the three special prisoners in 3rd phase.) Make the walkway and area enclosed by the cops a "neighborhood," and let us draw generic prisoners or Freakshow into it to defeat X number if the ones supplied run off.
  3. Ugh. Already don't like that setup just from the quoted bit. I don't like having Arachnos - a hostile foreign power - *building bases* in Faultline and Siren's (and part of Atlas, apparently) already. It's just ridiculously stupid. "The villains own half the city" is just that writ large. The only way a "villain" should "own a city" is something... oh, Crey could pull off, where they're a big enough corporation they "own" a large chunk of the economy, have political clout, etc. - enough to influence events and hide things. I mean, if at any point the USSR owned Brooklyn, it wouldn't be tolerated. Don't even have to go into the article after that.
  4. Wy are you "cranking out" 50s? There's this whole other game, 1-49... And yes, you get build 2 unlocked at 10, 3 at 50. They have their own enhancements, pool selections, etc. As far as "should I do IOs," it's your character - do what you want with it. *shrug* Will it be as enjoyable without them, or do you need perma-cap-etc-etc-etc?
  5. Yep. Edit: Though if one were to be added, I'd want it to be turndown girl. With commentary. "You're taking that power? Fine. I suppose it's your life..." "You're putting slots there and think you have a chance?"
  6. Instead of snow, I foresee piles of coal ever... wait, that's Sharkhead.
  7. So, there's a good bit hidden away in the .pigg files - people can swap textures, sounds, etc. by searching for items and either modifying them (client side) or putting a replacement file in the appropriate directory. What I'm curious about, though, are those clues that come up as you do missions. Now, yes, you get a souvenir when you finish a story arc giving you an overview of what happened, sure. But on the way there? Lots of other clues. Some are kind of boring ("You found a gun!") and some give interesting little details ("email" exchanges with lore info and the like.) The Wikis are missing some of these, or they're questionable, and those of us interested in lore minutiae can miss these puzzle pieces. Is it possible to extract these in some readable format?
  8. Riiiight, hero. "So, where do the villains hang out?" Sure. Then we tell you and next thing there's this surprise raid by Longbow. I'm on to you.
  9. Technically the Galaxies are "nictus weapons" themselves (along with some of the Vampyri and War Wolves.) ;) However, Nictus damage was "designed" specifically to counter Kheldians, lorewise. It wouldn't make sense to have that start damaging everyone. (And that damage type was pretty well gutted - Qs and Vs just do negative energy damage now.) (Heh. The image in my mind right now is someone with a powerful magnet going "I've scrambled these drives, you'll never get the data off... And now I'm going to scramble you!" Then trying to stick the magnet on someone and watching it fall off. That's pretty much Nictus damage vs Khelds, versus everyone else.) This, however, makes sense, given the Calvin Scott arc (I'm forgetting who actually gives the missions.) Plus they've gotten their hands on War Walkers. I'm sure had Live been live longer, we'd see them appearing more (I'd hope we would.)
  10. Hmm. I flat out don't use "seeking" type lists. I prefer to just have connections happen. Might be a response to a SG recruiting, or an event, but ... yeah, I don't put "personals" out. Discord - Usually if I'm on one (actively,) it's a SG or coalition and I'll have a subset of characters there - since the few I'm actively on generally have a "cast of characters" for RP. Quick reference sort of thing. Rarely updated with "recent events," since the people involved know what's happening. Here - I started a list of characters. Also quick references, also not really "live." I don't tend to go back and edit them. FBSA: I've started pages. Eventually I'll get them done - this would probably be the closest to a "master list" for me, at least for my primary RP characters and ones I otherwise find interesting, character-wise. The ones I'd most likely try to keep up to date, though that falls behind as I'm horrible at updating and wiki-ing. Virtueverse itself, IIRC, had some database issue. When I went over to look at a few old characters there, the info was ... wrong. I'm kind of not bothring over there. So I guess in general I'm fairly scattershot about what I put where and what I do with it.
  11. *gasp* GMs are biased against fire tanks! 😉
  12. I ALWAYS USE MY INDOOR VOICE TO CHAT! IT'S NOT MY FAULT PEOPLE HAVE REALLY GOOD HEARING AROUND HERE! OK, seriously, though... I'm slightly on the fence. I'm not sure it would help the chat scroll issue *that* much. (Which could be environment dependent.) Then again, it could be adopted much more eagerly than I think and help a great deal. Can't say I'm really against it, regardless. Might need different coloration so it can be told apart from local more easily, that's about it.
  13. (Nitpick: Archetype. Arch types are architectural features, or something to discuss with your podiatrist. Yes, it's a me thing 🙂 ) The ancillary pools are there to shore up some gaps in what the archetype has. For instance, if you look at melee pools, you won't generally see shields - they've got them in their primary or secondary. Look at a blaster, you'll probably see some sort of shield, but not a ranged attack. Probably a hold or some sort of CC. Meanwhile, that melee character gets ranged attacks, where the blaster doesn't. The controller will get a shield and ranged attack, since it's primarily control and buff/debuff. So proliferation of that sort won't really happen - a blaster doesn't need another ranged attack in their ancillary. However, when we come to ancillary pool... "themes," I suppose? Still plenty of room for those to get added - like your ninja tool or munitions examples? I'd love to see that balanced out across the ATs. It's surprising that some don't have dark, for instance, or psi... or, as pointed out, munitions or something else "Gadgety." (It can be argued, I suppose, that mace mastery touches on that, but ... eh....)
  14. You're starting to look a little fenced in there...
  15. Yep. I have two accounts, sometimes I have one to support a second main, sometimes I farm (rarely.) Most often it's RP related - a version of a character on the main account that needs to drop by for some reason while my "real" character is there, for instance. It's also letting me host Kheld arcs for a SG that's repurposing them without anyone having to reroll established characters in odd ways. It can come in handy in odd ways.
  16. I think it's a mix of "The mission picked something of that rank and it happened to be a robot" and some group-specific things (that one Orb ... is it in the main goldside arcs or FIrst Ward?) If it's in a paper mission, I just assume RNG, most of the time.
  17. Someone who is timid around gnus, obviously! Alternately, for some reason I think of just slightly overripe or soft fruit... "This apple's a little gnushy."
  18. Again. Epic = story based. Yes, I know you want to ignore this. It makes zero difference. Wow, you really do not get it, do you. This is *the world reacting to you.* Quantum gunners appearing in other storylines was even explained IN the Kheld storylines - the Council selling guns to counter you to other groups. So, no, "the whole story line bit" does not go "out the window." Instead, it explains the very reason they show up.
  19. Which are tied to the story. There's actually character classes that have the world react *specifically to their existence.* Not with a generic ambush or name-replace-placeholder in dialog. Also, as previously noted, given how heavily nerfed their enemies are, you're hardly "f@#kd." Maybe if you AFK for half an hour in front of one. Don't even need a "build" for that. They're pretty much nothing but extra XP at this point, threat wise.
  20. Yeah. That used to be *really* frustrating back in the day... had things like a mid-teens villain get a newspaper mission, issue changed, broke the mission and I walked in to something like level 45-50 storm elementals.
  21. She doesn't look humble at *all.* :)
  22. ... did you only see "Add personal item?" There are permissions which allow or disallow base editing per rank. By default I think they only allow the top or top two ranks to edit. If you weren't the leader (or they were edited,) you wouldn't have seen it. (Even if it's an alt-holding SG, versus a group of players - one character will get the "big red star," comra... ,er ... big red star, the others will have whatever other rank.) If your one character was the only one in it (say, an apartment/house type base,) don't know what to tell you. Still, happy base building!
  23. Psst. Forgot the evil laugh.
  24. They merged them when Going Rogue was in beta, since they were going to end up with *three* currencies that did the exact same thing, and trying to figure out a conversion for the exact same thing was getting ridiculous - as was trying to deal with the markets. I mean, it was a headache *reading* about it while that was going on. (Also, yay, got 10m on a level 12 alt earlier today that it really needed. Thanks Yomo.)
  25. No, no, don't you recall? It was an "expansalone." ;) (I'm so glad they never used that term again...)
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