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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. 1 and 5 seem to be the same thing, somewhat... though, there aren't Praetorian based SGs or bases, so... As far as 3 and 4? They're different animals. Having them behave differently "makes sense" to me, personally.
  2. Seemed to install all right, other than not creating a shortcut until I ended the task and relaunched it. Nice little reorganization to the files, too. Edit: With this seeming to have portability as one of the goals... I know this isn't *tied* to the launcher, but somewhere in the stretch, is there any means of being aware of different resolutions and how they affect window placement? (I'm thinking of, say, someone having this on a USB drive and going between a home system and laptop. I know me jumping between my desktop - 2560x1440 - and either my mini or laptop (1920x1080) = "windows will be overlapping or really spaced out.") Obviously *not* a priority right now. Just a thought.
  3. I don't think this pack's for me, but thanks for creating the option 🙂 (I'm addicted to my photon torpedoes. 🙂 )
  4. The one problem with this stance is that we *do* have powers crossing over from other forms now. (Don't recall if that was a live or SCoRE change.) The T1 and T2 blasts are available in Nova and Dwarf (one each.) There is a disparity in offense for Dwarf forms, as it is - White dwarf gets three attacks, a heal and a taunt. Black dwarf's heal is also an attack, and its AOE is a buff (mire.) And, of course, if you take the appropriate human form attack, both finally have a single ranged blast, too. (THis isn't to say I necessarily agree with the OP's suggestion. I'm on the fence.)
  5. Yeah, origin, AT, primary and secondary are baked so deeply into the code that, as I recall, it would not be an insignificant thing to make it changeable. (Heck, I'm guessing it's a carryover from the original design where origin would do things like define just how *many* powers you could take and update and such.)
  6. ... So many potential responses.
  7. Yeah, as has been mentioned, people have been soloing/small-team-ing things for a long time, starting with (as I recall) Lusca vs an Illusion controller - on SOs. Took a while, but it was soloed. While there has definitely been power creep, especially at the top end (perma-everything, capped-everything, etc,) I wouldn't call the 8 person Hami a sign of the end times or anything. If it became a nightly thing PUGS could do? That'd be way too far.
  8. Well, I had some editorial... comment... when it was first offered. I like the convenience, but.. well...
  9. Why does it have to do anything other than not be stealthy? (set stealth radius = 0.)
  10. You should have the option to hide the post, I believe.
  11. I don't know about turn off. Not really for or against it. Sell, break down to brainstorms, there are things that could be done, admittedly.
  12. ... where *are* they at with that? GMs, inquiring minds want to know! Total transparency! Or is it a conspiracy... *puts on tinfoil hat and cape.*
  13. Yep. They do a fairly good job of informing us of what's going on, as well as not just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. I appreciate both of these things.
  14. *Adds a badge for the lack of new badges.*
  15. I don't think Cimerora would "fit," personally. Yes, I know it would be convenient, but the other portals just send you to other locations, not thousands of years back in time. (Also, I don't think you meant "common" there. "Come on," though...)
  16. It's not a question of "when not needed." This goes right along with wanting FX-less armors and such. Some people just don't want their character hidden, whether it's under armors, buff effects or - in this case - stealth. Yes, even in combat. Mind you, I'm not arguing for it for myself. I prefer to have the effect there so I *know it's there.* But it fits right in with requests for other powers to not have effects that obscure peoples characters.
  17. Nope, it was explained in the OP: Some people hate not being able to see their character.
  18. If one's already created, you have to know it. There's no /retrievepasscode or anything similar. You'd have to create a new one, after which I suggest putting it in your SG's MOTD (check the settings) and emailing it to yourself.
  19. I never plan based on updates. Well, most of the time. Honestly, most of my alts are either "I miss this character from before, time to remake," "Huh, that sounds fun" or "*snrk,* (overheard/misheard phrase,) wonder if I could make an alt about that..."
  20. YOu mean the "chained" missions which just drop in? Yeah. Having those be their own missions instead would be nice.
  21. I don't know that I'd want this as an IO. Seems more like a power customization item. Or as mentioned, Null. Though there has to be some sort of indicator, just for those "why is the hostage not following me? Oh, that guy on the team has stealth" moments where you want that obvious.
  22. Also this. Double checked. There's no suppression, per se. You stop, animate your firing animation (which is not that long,) and keep going. That is not suppression. Superspeed still does - there's a noticable few seconds of slowdown (superspeed and aim at someone, attack, and it's decidedly there.) Superjump does. Fly and Sorcery do. If you're not sure if you're being suppressed? Open up your combat attributes window - movement. If you're being suppressed, your Fly speed will be cut in half for a few seconds. Doesn't happen in Nova.
  23. ... for some reason I can't parse what this sentence pair means. I sort of get the first (Nova's restricted to Nova abilities, plus IIRC what you pick as the eye attack, if you take it,) the second... they already are since you have to use the human form abilities?
  24. Slots do not get "exemped below." They are all or nothing. If you have the power, you have all the slots that you put in that power. (The IO/enhancement levels *do* matter, but - say - if you had six level 15 IOs in a power you took at 18, but put six slots in in the 40s, you'd still have all those IOs available when you ran, say, a posi 2.)
  25. Your assumption is, Patriot's is not.
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