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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Hmmm. I'll often have what a character would do in my mind. As far as how they act, or how I respond? It's *heavily* situational. If I'm on SG night, for instance, most of my replies are IC - we actually kind of keep local IC (with what seems to be standard parenthesis if we're going OOC on something,) the SG chat is IC, and we've got our global which is "OOC bs-ing" by default. If I'm elsewhere, I'm generally talking/replying OOC, since most people don't know my characters. I'm *rarely* in Pocket D, which is kind of my exception to that (and even then half the time someone's talking to me obviously OOC.) General "this is my life" chat... has nothing to do with my RPing and goes into Discord. 🙂
  2. Personally, I don't think this would have the same... allure as "I know I can hit the jackpot." (Aside from the other psychological tricks casinos use to keep you feeling like 'just one more time...' ) Especially with the idea of "Can't delete til 50." I think this would be the most PL'd AT... just so people could get to 50 and delete it. I mean, people like to plan. People like to look ahead (... and PL to get there, admittedly) to get that next ibg power. Masterminds, getting each of their pet tiers and upgrades, for instance. Getting that "big attack." Emps getting their RAs, controllers their pets, etc. The only way I could see "randomness" working would really be "you're at an average for all ATs, you get a random primary and random secondary." (None of the other limits.) Yes, you could end up with armor/armor, or control/control, you could be an empath/pain. You could end up with a fairly unsoloable character - but it'd also be something you can plan to work around, too. That armor/armor - how would you like to be FA/SR? Could you work with that, pools and P2W attacks? How about a Ninja/Bots MM? Giving random but full *sets,* people could do some planning.
  3. ... ugh. I'm sorry, this just sounds... really bad. And the restrictions are - well, not particularly logical, either. No AE? There's more there than just farms, so no. And "can only delete when you hit 50?" Why? If you're stuck with one attack and you start getting random powers - say, level 2 you get a teammate rez, 4 you get, say, Fast Healing, 6 you get Personal Force Field... you can see where this is going, right? Would you *want* to be stuck with that? There's absolutely no way you could plan this out, and how would you feel about having one join your team - say, for an ITF - that's randomly been given two attacks, one hold, three rezzes, Sonic Cage, Time Bomb, etc. Sorry, for me this would be a *hard* pass... and I *like* some sets, mechanics and ATs that people generally call "weak" or "underperforming."
  4. Depends. If you're dealing with an AOE-able mob? Sure. But something like, say, Protean, who (a) I'm dealing with 1v1 and (b) has a melee-range attack/effect (his self heal) I want to avoid? Gimme an ostrich, I'm playing Joust. I regularly have him not able to heal or land a hit on me.
  5. There *are* people who don't get that sands - or a confuse - doesn't help. Tell everyone to stay at the top of the "hill" that goes down to Meinst. Go down, use something to pull her, and run back up to that spot. SHe's much faster than her zombies and will make it there and generally get beaten down before they show up. Makes it harder for someone to kill a zombie.
  6. Yeah, I've got to agree. I've got 100-some alts and most of them I feel do get leveled up and equipped in "a reasonable time." I play most of them through from 1-50, they get inf, they get equipped - but I don't need perma-this or capped-that or billion dollar builds, and yet the game seems to work perfectly fine.
  7. Honestly, I used the resume_info.txt out of sheer laziness. Nobody else has access here but me, so... *shrug* I can spend the whole second or so it takes me to type in my password. 🙂
  8. Honestly, there's reason for them to be somewhat vague. Namely that there are people who like having defined lines so they can push them or get as close as possible to them intentionally and then waste mod time arguing that they didn't go *over* that line, they were just half-a-hair's-width away from it, while still upsetting or attacking people who would otherwise be covered *by* that umbrella. And that's not uncommon. Yes, it leaves a lot up to moderator judgement, but overall it's probably less headache for everyone involved. Especially with our smaller, volunteer team. As far as what you're talking about? If it's an issue, report it. General is... frankly a cesspool I completely remove, at least from the times I've looked into it. Depending on the sexual content, it may *be* covered by the COC. Or it may be a slip in a conversation going public between two people consenting to said conversation. (Frankly, it's another minefield.)
  9. Honestly I'd like to see a "first step" for this being some - let's say "standard bases" you can pick from when you start building ("City street," "Personal apartment," "Jungle," whatever) that you can then start customizing. Kind of get the process down and streamlined. Then move to "import base from file."
  10. Some numbers of mine: 27. 18.. 32 3/4. 1187. Absolutely nothing to relate to them in game. 🙂 And yeah, I'm falling behind on my alts. Though I did make Team Screaming Ninja on another account the other day. (Nin/sonic.) Actually managed not to die in her first MSR. (Granted, 35/36, but still.) OK, ok. Everlasting characters, main account: Total characters: 102 Blaster: 5 Brute:17 Controller:12 Corruptor:8 Defender:2 (shockingly.) Dominator:8 Masterminds:12 Scrapper: 5 Sentinel:5 Stalker:9 Tanker:5 Peacebringer:6 Warshade:5 SOA:2 (1 crab, 1 huntsman) Widow: 1 (Night widow) Base maintenance characters: 2 Other servers - Reunion - 1 - brute indom - 3 (PB, dom, brute) Torch - 3 - (2xbrute, 1 dom) Excelsior - 3 (dom, sent, pb) Total characters, 112. Honestly, I thought I had more defenders. Just means I have to remake a few more favourites. And I have more masterminds than I thought, but most of them were "pick what fits the character" more than "I want to play a mastermind." I have to get cracking on my alts 🙂
  11. ... if "the devs had to keep adjusting PVP powers/effects" is the argument trying to disprove PVP being intended as part of the game design from launch (which... search on old statements,) then PVE wasn't intended either, as... powers have had to be continually adjusted in PVE, as well. I mean, come on now, nobody calls it "city of blasters" any more, you can run multiple armors, and regen's barely able to regen from being nerfed so often.
  12. No, not the "kill 10 Rikti." After you do her intro to vanguard portion of the runaround, she tells you she's giving you something - take it over to the next guy for some vanguard gear. Back when RWZ was introduced, this was a costume piece - part of the Vanguard armor you'd then have to grind vmerits for on every character you wanted it. Now, that's just - available (fortunately.) But she still says this. She should actually give something - not something major, obviously ("Here, have an ATO!") but *something.* A mini Redding rifle or Vanguard wizard wand. A mini-HVAS pet. Something minor but, hey, it's part of your induction.
  13. I know it seems faster if I'm hitting F1-F5 rather than clicking. Might just be perception.
  14. ... and my brain goes, "Well, you know what? Give human form khelds an over-the-shoulder tentacle-blasting option..." Just imagine. The warehouse is recently put back in order after the Council's ... acquisition of it from the prior owners. The guards in the hall are talking, when someone notices a lone figure walking to them from the door. No council uniform... is this a contact? The figure's eyes start glowing purple and tentacles emerge from their back, blasting the guards with an unqualified "no" to that question...
  15. Nope. If you're the offender, you don't find out until the slime suddenly erupts around you. *nods* 🙂
  16. If they get past you, yes, they start attacking the henge.
  17. Well, no. Straight news would be "Hey, they just reported the president tested positive for cornoavirus." Though, given the situation in the US, even *that's* going to get ugly with the followup comments - just look around and you'll see conspiracy theories and ... let's just say fairly negative comments about it and him. Even "just news" can light the fuse on a powderkeg. Honestly, the way you worded the example starts leaning on being partisan (not saying if it is or not) and I could see arguments starting just on that sentence. But even *my* example... like I said, current events and persons tend to cause *strong* feelings and lead to arguments, in those cases. (versus, say, "Chevy showed off a new Camaro.") Boils down to "just use common sense," I suppose.
  18. People can be against something and state it without having to present alternatives. After all, for some people (not me,) an "acceptable version" of PVP would be "remove it entirely."
  19. Honestly? Not really. Not any more than "we have IOs available now, not just SOs, and more power picks from not needing to fit in fitness" and the rest of the general gameplay changes would explain.
  20. *Rusty Muffler looks up, both alarmed and a bit annoyed. "Why do you want to attack mechanics? What'd we ever do to you?"
  21. Thank $deity. A month of that was way too much.
  22. As far as "general off topic type" channels, isn't this why General was created (and in my case, gets shoved out sight?) It's even in the name. No, we don't need a "politics" channel. CoC has this - Controversial and adult content, including: Sexual, provocative, pornographic, or adult content Violent content Controversial religious content Controversial political content Anything involving controversial real-world individuals or organisations Anything involving sensitive events, both current and historical The example Dragon gave drops *solidly* in the last two, and flirts with the third, so... don't say it. No, we don't need mods babysitting. Or we shouldn't.
  23. I've ... kind of gotten to enjoy soloing it, honestly.
  24. I've occasionally given mine separate voices. I tend to have the Kheld and host keep some degree of separation and personality - for instance, in one RP sg with one of my 'shades as leader, I had someone develop a "cyst shell" that could be fired from a sniper rifle, with the intent of damaging the "matrix" of the bonded Kheldian as well as the body of the host. While the host was kept unconscious the Kheldian was able to communicate over a nearby comm on its own while it healed.
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