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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. ... for your build. That's what you forgot to put in. It's easy to forget, especially on these forums where it seems every third word is something - "Cap" or "perma-" that.... not everyone does that. And so changing for *your* build may seriously screw over other folks.
  2. We don't need to nerf one of the few anti-faceroll mobs in the game. You can do what Khelds have done for Quantums and Voids - make a macro that targets sappers. Yes.
  3. I think (it's been a while) if you unpublish you'll lose those, but I'm not 100%. Do you still have the file in your local stories? If you check your hard drive, do you have the .storyarc file?
  4. They're being used for the heck of it / RP, mostly. "I need you to keep this safe." *Starrunner gives you Kheldian Tech.* (Yes, my Khelds will sometimes pick up Kheldian tech just because.) There's no in game use any more. Frankly I was surprised to see it actually available here, given how long ago on live it vanished.
  5. ... going this route, you can pick a character, use the second build you're probably not using, and make a build that you won't play *but* that will have as many categories (through power picks and pools) as you need to catalyze things. That way you're not messing with a "working" build (and can probably catalyze several at once.) Something like a controller - brawl for melee, fighting pool for PBAOE, most have ranged and targeted AOE - and of course controls, the goal being just to get as many categories for this to change. When done, unslot and swap back to the normal build.
  6. I should not read these after lunch. My brain insisted that you called it "battle waffle." Need to chew on it a bit before serious comment.
  7. I'll second some of the Aion wings - and flight mechanics - even though I haven't played that in ages. Having flight an integrated part of exploration, combat, etc. instead of just "neat travel power" was fun. I mean, come on... No matter what else you might say about Aion (grindy pvp game) it is gorgeous. Plus they had longer robes/dresses. Honestly, a massive graphics and costume option update (so we've got more "graphical anchors," plus we can get fingers and toes and lose some angles...) would be wonderful in general. Then there's "customizable / make your own graphics," like one of my guys from... way back in APB had.
  8. COntact - Brick Johnson (the VEAT contact, yes.) Arc - Track then beat down an uppity soldier/widow who's getting a bit too full of themselves. Just to play that arc from the *other* side. 🙂
  9. I don't try for speed, generally, but even on live the time was really getting cut down. My first 50 was in I3-I4, playing with teams, playing with debt (it was a blaster, after all) and was... 350-400 hours. Well before it ended, played (not PL'd) characters were 80 hours and fewer. That tended to be mixed with RP time, so...
  10. Yay... there's 0 of several out there, regardless, so just for *stock,* thanks!
  11. Eh, I'm running an EM/EA, I like having the stun proc in there (I don't tend to bother with LOTGs, admittedly - I don't chase builds. Hell, the EM/EA is a cat, using Mako's sets and going for Leviathan mastery because it amuses me to have them fish-focused, bonuses be damned. 🙂 ) I just like layering the stuns.
  12. Personally, I *like* having crashing T9s... but they have to be worth the cost. With IOs and Incarnate abilities, it's hard to make the argument for several of them that they are. (I actually don't mind Fire's.)
  13. I'm assuming it does that so you know why you're not getting into the first one (say, if you're trying to get there for the MSR, or trying to join your team for the rest of the missions, but they're in 1.) But that's purely a guess.
  14. I don't disagree. As an alternate, I'd assume (I know...) there's a plain old "Foot stomp" with the original colors, then "Foot stomp (customizable") for people. Depends on if the original's still available to do that with, I suppose.
  15. We have Winter IOs - available only through the winter packs or AH. They do... winter-appropriate things (cold resists, slow resists, adding slows and -rech, even freezing someone in a block of ice.) Why not develop some for the rest of the year, having them cycling through seasonal events as drops? (Including the winters, yes, so there's another avenue to get them. Put the drops on a timer if needed.) Now, yeah, it could be argued the SBB is a "summer event," but at this point, we might as well just call it the "movie event," since it's available year round. Now, no, I don't have specific sets in mind - or events to tie them to - but as rough themes? Spring - Time of rebirth and renewal. +regen and healing options, procs to introduce a little peace (chance to placate or lose aggro,) etc. Summer - It's summer! Time in the sun, time for the hotter blooded. Sunburn (fire damage proc.) Beach-themed (chance for a watery AOE, chance for quicksand... since, well, beach,) that sort of thing. Perhaps even something that does extra damage against ghosts, vampires, etc. as a tack-on (IE, not necessarily a "set bonus" on its own, but an addition with.. four, say, pieces.) and other creatures of the night. I'd suggest recharge, but... let's be honest, there's plenty of recharge going on. Fall - Traditionally harvest and hunting time. +Absorb instead of healing. Snares, accuracy/tohit bonuses, if it's possible even add something for having summer sets and making them more effective during the halloween event. More resists against the dark (both negative energy and -tohit resistance, though you could say the bonuses do that second part already.) Winter - Leave as is, but IOs drop during winter events.
  16. Ugh. Yeah, that pretty much would have killed the game for me. I was always glad the game grew "wider, not taller" - we got new zones, new abilities, new missions, but 50 was the cap. I wasn't *thrilled* with Incarnates, but with them stopping where they had, eh, fine, it's a bit more endgame stuff. That description sounds like "Typical MMO gear grind," which ... is why I didn't tend to play other MMOs. "Welp, you were level 70, now everything's up at level 80. Three months? It'll be level 90. We expect you to need level 200 soon..."
  17. I can! (Yes, I am just being contrary here. 🙂 )
  18. Well, the second part kind of is related to the first. 🙂 If I'm saying it, how many people aren't and would be skipping even more TFs? (Not to mention people reacting ... *poorly* to a failed run.) Granted, probably overstressing on it. It's more just putting that POV out there.
  19. No they don't! 😉 As it is... I don't think moving the two would be a positive change. Tweaking them, sure. On the Mastermind side, you can after all still "attack" (though you can't control minions) while in it, so the "only affecting self" on everything else with it has been superceded a bit. Lower the defense a little (it should still be high defense) and allow attacks to get through - but at a reduced power (say, 15%) due to having to get through the FF. Powers that just affect yourself are obviously not affected. Force bubble ... I don't see people complaining about *when used properly,* but the higher radius does make that more difficult. You run forward to keep someone under dispersion, and enemies get pushed back ahead of that. Dropping the radius to the same as Dispersion bubble should make it easier to keep track of.
  20. They're already available in DFBs, so it's not like this would be introducing something new. Plus, yes, follow those patch notes. 🙂
  21. We've already got other powers with alternate animations, I would not object in the slightest to this being put in as an option.
  22. My main concern with doing something like this is that it would push people to *just* do, or at least strongly perfer, Master runs. Personally, I tend *not* to like MO* runs, since for me they tend to add stress to what should be fun - one person dies (depending on the master requirements,) the whole team is screwed out of it, even if it's not something that person could have helped (say, ambush spawns in *right behind* someone and focuses them down before they notice.) I don't begrudge the people running them, they're just not something I like.
  23. So there's a (rather annoying) event in St. Martial where you plow through a pile of longbow, plow through a bunch of family inside a building, then fight the longbow outside again (now with double EBs! Hope you brought someone sturdy.) Which, fine, I can bypass it... ... except that apparently they're using a location that's a valid mission door, as I found out when I tried to do my villain alignment mission. Clearing out the event did nothing - all you got to do was go back into the (now empty, then once more with longbow outside) building and back out. I'd logged out, played another character for a bit, logged back in, chose another mission, the works and it was still at that location. Finally had to abandon the mission and re-accept it. Can we mark this door as "not valid for missions" so nobody has to go through that again?
  24. How to fix this: When you see people in help saying "I don't bother slotting til 25 or 30," say "No." 🙂
  25. Development is not and should not be a democracy. Especially of the playerbase. They can (and do) take suggestions into consideration, but at the end, it's their call on what can and should be done. They have access to more information and a broader view. They'll buff what they think needs buffing, tone down what they think needs toning down. IOW, I might not *like* getting shots, being told to exercise more, change my diet, but given I'll live longer and have a better life as a result, I'll listen for my health. I'll discuss tweaks and preferences with my doctor, but in the end, they can see what's going on better than I can. If the health of the game requires soemthing to be nerfed? I'll take a healthy game over one that's broken.
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