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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I have ... Celery. (Debating moving it over to my main account.) The bio: (Had to be done.) The Hamidon knows it has to evolve to drive its takeover. So it started creating new forms. Brutes that could beet its foes to oblivion. Some, it gave the skill to arti-fully choke its enemies. Don't ask about the kumquat. But Celery. Celery is aware. Independent. Cunning. Rebellious, it fights against its creator. Celery stalks the night.
  2. ... we need a Mighty Hover power. Hover to where there's absolutely no doubt you're hovering, and *will* hover, right there.
  3. Well, they're boxes about yea wide and yea tall, filled with electronics, drives and small hamsters that are *very* good at heating up a room en masse. Mostly the electronics do that, the hamsters just kind of ask for more water. Only ones I can really say antyhing about go with the server descriptions - I'd check the individual boards out. Everlasting is the best server, since it's the unofficial RP server. 🙂 There's often something going on. Like MSRs? Two a night. Hami raids? Several per night. And everything else keeps rolling. INdomitable is the unofficial PVP server. Can't say what it's like over there. Reunion's the Euroserver. I understand there are many small cars and disco clubs there, and they type with outrrraaaegous accents. 🙂
  4. I *want* to say it's from the buffs from the toggles being reapplied. Not 100% on that though.
  5. ... I solo it on pretty much everything. Takes a little prep work, but no reason to skip it or enlist help. Just something that can distract Honoree or Holz on occasion. (Shivans are free, reinforcements are... fairly cheap.) Just as long as I'm not the *first* thing attacked. (I still don't get people needing help with Trapdoor, either.) You get extra bonus fun if you're running something with trip mines. Don't click on the pile-of-rubble glowie, clear things out, plant trip mines on either side of the front of the "bridge" (there will be *nothing* there once you clear the room in front) where you pull holz and honoree from. Click on rubble, portals appear, portals get blown up. 🙂 I did mention that. 🙂
  6. Which is a separate bit all together, but yeah, I'd love to see him back in Galaxy (Echo: Babs)
  7. Interesting, and I wouldn't mind something *interesting* being done with Galaxy. As far as BAB... he's a very convenient trainer, since you come out from there if you run Officer Fields' arc, and he's right near Thiery. Frankly I find myself leveling near there a good bit early on. (Not everyone DFBs to death.) While we don't need *more* PVP zones, we don't need to have them taken away, either. That said, I would not argue with a *copy of* Warburg being added to Redside - it's chock full of things that would interest redside, lorewise. And a *copy of* Bloody Bay (with inactive meteors) likely as a coop zone - both since there's presence there on both sides and both would want to do some investigation, as well as giving a location (besides... what, one mission on both sides? Two?) to get the Shivan defeat badges. Siren's call? A *copy* of it blueside, since it's blueside events that made it (and I still see "oh, there's a major, hostile enemy presence IN ONE OF OUR CITIES, we'll just let it sit there" as pants-on-head stupid. Yes, I feel that way about the Arachnos base in Faultline, too. At least in Mercy you get to kick the other side out.)
  8. Incarnates. Building out your build. Going back and playing the stuff you missed. Or what I prefer, lots and lots of alts for new ideas.
  9. Recent pickup. Rad brute. Ultraviolent Ray.
  10. Passing through atlas: Worried Citizen: My lost my family in Galaxy City. I'm so alone. NPC is not a troll.
  11. If we're looking specifically at ATOs, which I think most people buy the packs for, they *are* sold at the merit vendor. The rest of the stuff is nice - and does drop, generally - but the ATOs tend to be the focus. Though it *would* be nice to have an alternate way to get them. Heck, I'll buy a Winter IO, sell it for 17-25 million, and turn around and buy a hero/villain or rogue/vig pack sometimes. 🙂 That way I take a shot at what's in it and still have some inf left over.
  12. Yeah, this could go in badging, but it's really not a "badging" discussion. And no, it's not a meta discussion, really - I'm not talking "Yep, I can use the extra 5% health from this accolade." What badges or badging locations do you just *like* - just in general, or on specific characters/types? I've got a couple that I just like visiting. Echo: Galaxy has "Tank" - obviously, I'd like it on tanks, but it's more for the "turn off anything but sprint and try to get it" little mini game. Back of the leg, thigh, back, try to stop on the shoulder and hop onto the hand. I don't always manage it the way I *like,* but I find the attempt fun. Moreso than Echo:RCS's "Ace," even though it's sort of the same thing - though I usually try that with travel powers. (Honestly, there should be a badge on the bald head of the statue in Steel.) Bird Watcher and Blue Steel (remember, nothing but sprint!) are also fun. Not as *much* of a challenge, but fun. And I will admit to a few catpeople with "bird watcher." >.> Probably the last one I tend to go for is in Boomtown - Destined for Valhalla. Because who doesn't like running/jumping up the side of a building... even if it is tilted over? (Or maybe especially because it is.)
  13. I don't disagree, but you shouldn't have to search for anything - there should be a "Hidden" showing. (Or if that doesn't work, use the combat buffs window and keep PVE and/or PVP stealth radius selected - it'll either show a value or a zero.)
  14. Well, Monday was never good anyways. Tuesday, things go a little sideways. Wednesday things go better - just for spite. Thursday and Friday take too long. Before you know it, Saturday's gone...
  15. Why would you want to do that? Have you *seen* yourself? Oh, wait... 😉 (I kid. Been asked for, I probably wouldn't use it but wouldn't turn down others having the option.)
  16. Probably took away the silverware. 🙂
  17. Someone earlier was asking about building domination (in game, not here.) Yeah. Attacks? Build domination. Pets? No. (Their pets don't, either, nor do they benefit from domination.) Placed AOEs (I was on dark, but spectral terror does this, too) don't. Multiple pets aren't necessarily a bad thing - Dark, for instance, has two sets, but having them untouchable is likely an issue. As are the two invisibilities, which do nothing for domination. One would likely be kept - it's "thematic," and I'd guess it'd be the toggle for the sake of escorts. But the other would have to be replaced with something.
  18. Had to double check, but my elec/elec sentinel has the full primary and secondary. WIth a few hundred characters on live, I'm sure I had several there. 🙂
  19. I'd rather have them plan it out and test it than "just do it."
  20. I'm assuming that's a "we had one on live, we don't have one here."
  21. I can disagree. Not a fan of the redside aesthetic or "compact" (and few) zones - it leads to burnout on it *really* fast for me. And the writing... I'm going to preface with "It's *really hard* to write for villains," because it is and there's just not enough dev team to cover so many possible motivations, but for a lot of it you felt like a lackey. Then you get to play a VEAT and the arcs make you a dupe. And there's not really a heads up for things like Bocor or Phipps, which have things some people might find offputting. Honestly, AE's the best thing to happen to Redside, storywise. since people can craft whatever fits their character.
  22. *nods* Not necessarily for the multiple paladins - though that was nice - but for the whole "you can stop something before it actually gets bad." Yes, it was rough if you tried to do it "at level," sure - damage aside, lower levels have a heck of a time dealing with end drain/-recovery - but it was fun and felt like more of an accomplishment. Honestly we need more events like that.
  23. I wouldn't object to that being a trigger. About the closest way of doing it that's in there now I can think of is lead escort to door - that triggers the glowie ("thanks, now that I'm sure they can't get the macguffin code, here it is.")
  24. I wouldn't argue with the winter / ATOs dropping extremely rarely outside of the packs. OTOH the packs themselves dropping would make getting the ATO-less ones less annoying, since you haven't dropped 10 (or 25) mil on it.
  25. Asked for before. Phantom army, among other things, are an issue. Also, personally... meh.
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