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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Superman. He wouldn't just float there screaming for 20 episodes. 🙂
  2. Does it on warshades, too. It's been a thing since live. I'm not sure what triggers it.
  3. ... I definitely end up with a total of 120 if I start with none. Even double checked logs. 80 merits for the first run.
  4. Some time back on live.
  5. Since I have a character that creates games, she needed a new character to add to her series. Surprisingly, Catty Whompus was available. >.> Yes, she does use a mallet.
  6. You can get (as I recall) up to one full level's worth of patrol XP. Ten bubbles = ten days, the way it was initially set to fill. Wiki article Not sure what you're asking about with the day job. The law enforcer one gives an XP bonus, but that doesn't give more or less patrol XP - if anything, it should burn through it faster.
  7. I'll throw in "Putting in an SSD may add some real life to it." Did it to a 2014 Mac Mini (that had 4Gb RAM and a 5600RPM notebook drive) and ... nice change. It's actually usable. 🙂
  8. I really wish people would stop with the "gimping" thing. Not everything has to be "OMG I got eleventybillion DPS and capped my capping cap!" There's absolutely nothing wrong with trying something different out, especially when there have been occasional posts about trying to figure out a melee/support character since live - which is exactly what this sounds like. "Gimping" always comes off as a fairly derogatory term. If you wouldn't play it, fine, don't play it. But comments like this one just sound like putdowns.
  9. Eh. I'm personally fine with them, generally, but won't turn down options. Options are part of what make things fun and make your character "yours."
  10. While not thematically linked (though, really, you can come up with any rationale,) I *love* my mind/fire. Though if you've played a lot of mind and want to get away from it... On live, I think I was level 3 when I started cranking the difficulty up. 🙂 Plant/thorn was also fun, though I know some people don't like the spiky look. You could always do fire/ice or ice/fire, too...
  11. So what you're saying is NCSoft is now a firm.
  12. I don't think specifically for COH, but I've heard the idea from time to time, just using dice rolling sites (or actual dice.)
  13. I'm just going to say "I disagree on many points." I really don't think PLing is the evil you're describing. Honestly, I think a lot of us *have* seen the content on other levels and have done it to death. (I know I have. And I normally play through fairly regularly - it's one of the reasons I don't do much redside, there's just less variety there.) Also, don't assume "PLing" is "PLing to 50." There are levels, for instance, I *hate* dealing with on a mastermind and will pass by - and pick up again in the mid-late 20s. People will play how and where they want. What we have to keep in mind with all this is that we have a *small, volunteer* team - one that's doing a damn good job, but still a small volunteer team. We saw population drops on live when we had a full time, dedicated team as well, but they came back more frequently because issues (with content, new powersets, new ATs, etc.) came out more frequently. We're *just* seeing "issue 27" in beta right now. Expecting tens of thousands on all the time (or even multiple thousands) for long stretches, as it sits right now, is a pipe dream. If someone won the lottery, flat out bought the COH IP for whatever NC wanted to charge for it, said "Hey, homecoming team, how would you like to make this your job," hired more staff so we could have parallel development teams and could guarantee (say) 2-3 issues a year... we'd still see drops between them. More population, sure, but we'd still see drops. For me, right now, my main reason to return is RP. I'm on less during the weeknights - maybe joining an MSR or hami, or running a mission or three - but I'm guaranteed to be around Saturday nights, most weeks. SG night's sacred.
  14. Yeah. We have police stations and hospitals. *Someone* obviously never did very well at Sim City. >.> 🙂
  15. Y'know, I started on Pinnacle. I remember very distinctly being on a team back in i3, running Hollows missions, seeing a Kheld pop out of their mission in Nova form and going "I'm going to play one of those." Haven't stopped playing khelds since.
  16. I have it packed away somewhere. As well as the COV collectors edition(s,) art book and all.
  17. Photon Seekers are... ugh. They're horrible, they've always been horrible, most of the time I remember them doing anything it's just sitting there adding a little white puff to the back of a target's head and not doing anything. Maybe throw a ranged blast or two into them for a few seconds before they explode (or don't.)
  18. Oh, the response was purely in fun, not in criticism. 🙂
  19. We need new GM replies, I've *read* this one before. 🙂 (Though it does somewhat circle into another common and hard-to-implement request of AE missions having doors in the wider world, too.) Honestly, the ideas I've had for Boomtown since live would take *far* longer than that, given it would be reclaiming/fixing buildings and such - I generally envisioned 3 stages and wouldn't have been surprised at it being a year plus in between.
  20. While I'm not against it, why don't you just add extra trays? (I typically have the three wide ones, then three 6x2s - generally close to full by 50, but I'm fairly standard with what I put where.)
  21. Heroside, it's Manticore. I think villainside it's Scirocco. (Edit - Nope. Ghost Widow.) (Edit: Somehow I was just looking at the support pet.)
  22. They don't need XP boosts or other little gimmicks like that. They just could use some content. And while repeatables are ok, having stuff thematic to the zones would be better.
  23. Is it indicating the elevator or his actual location back in an alley?
  24. The only time I could think of it coming in would be when they added the 'coins' to the top of contact heads, etc. (and later (?) an option to turn them off.) If it was in game, yeah, that had to be a *really* short time...
  25. Yeah, I spent a little time going through the "when was that added?" post here (in guides) and didn't see mention of it.
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