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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. So... yay you, I guess? I'm not sure what your goal in posting any of this is. I'm an altoholic. I'm well over 100 characters on one server on one account. Being an altaholic and wanting to play all these different combinations isn't an excuse to not hit 50. Nor, frankly, does giving up in 30-40 mean you "know" a powerset or power combination... you don't. You're not fully slotted. You're not seeing how it performs, either solo or in teams, against the toughest enemies and content. Granted, we're getting harder things at lower levels, but they're still generally designed to deal with "incomplete' characters. And no, 50 - and the Incarnate system - isn't, and doesn't have to be, a "grind." Know how you get there? Playing a character. Yes, I've got characters I primarily use for raids - not because I "have to grind," but because I like them on (generally mothership) raids. Others? Hell, I'm on an RP server. I probably have gotten there *even slower* hours-wise, but they're T4'd and incarnated out... because I'm just playing them. Sometimes exemplared down, sometimes in custom AE content we write up for our SGs, or just running missions Suddenly I look and "Heym everything's unlocked, and I've got a ton of shards, threads and Empyrians, I should use those." What I find really funny in your post is that you contradict yourself. You say you don't want to experience content (40+ and incarnate,) because ... you want to play the content. Do yourself a favor. Get one character maxed out. That doesn't mean "ignore all the others." I don't - I character hop a good bit (too many stories to tell.) But pick one or two you like and try out some of the content you're skipping - the stuff you're labeling as a "grind" despite never having played it, at least by your own description. You'll find those sets you "know" have more in store with how they interact with APPs/Patron powers, maybe more Pool powers and fuller slotting against enemies you've never touched. There's a good bit more growth there you haven't experienced.
  2. Well... Cat: "Difficult situation" is a bit of a defining trait for her. Daughter of a cop - one of the "old school" sort, who finally retired early out of disgust because of the slide into corruption of the precinct, police taking bribes, etc. SHe still joined the force, but kept finding herself blocked and redirected from within the department while investigating some fairly dark activities. She ended up working with the FBI, basically having her entire precinct, people she'd grown up with, taken down, as well as a judge and some other officials... but very much got the point she should leave town. ANd then there's Allie's whole situation... and the mess she's finding herself in now. Her plan to just run a nice, quiet PI office isn't quite panning out that way... Rez: She basically had her body turn against her, going from an athletic, outdoors girl to someone stuck in bed and in continual agony. She finally forced herself ot ignore it - and nearly got away with that until a nurse realized she was still very much in pain. Thanks to some experimental tech, not only is she not suffering from it... as much... now - it's still low level in the back of her mind - but she has the ability to help others, too. Ishku: Her world was dying as an affereffect of warring mages, the sun itself being hostile instead of comfortingly warm, crops failing, children no longer being born. She saw her parents killed in front of her, then had to go hide and live on the street. Finally caught, with a friend, for stealing, they were tossed into an arena and told to kill each other (the punishment for... quite a bit being "death in the arena.") She survived - something she's only recently come to terms with - and went on to fight for some time, until a chance cross-dimensional trip from a Primal group gave her the chance to leave and actually *live.* Pri - Clone, designed as part of a line to control teams of lesser clones. Knew she was due to be killed off while they "examined the prototype" and used her as the source af a new, modified, next stage of clones. She was freed from that, living with Grace and a few other freed clones and fighting back - she's literally *just* been given a chance at trying a normal life, which is rather disorienting for her.
  3. I'm thinking (I was trying to find one way or the other) that the Furies are empowered by the Well of the Furies - prior generation of Incarnates, essentially - but they act on their own, not at the Well's direction.
  4. Oh lord, now you've done it. Like telling someone you hope their shift will be quiet. Calling down doom, that is... 😉
  5. WEll, they have to know about it first. Barring SG bases with it (that, again, either you have to be a member of or know about,) I don't think either *starter* zone does. A followon zone (Oakes/Kings Row) does... if you know where to look for it.
  6. Boosters heck. Refreshing the jetpacks would be nice, too.
  7. Hmm. Cat: Doesn't. Hasn't really looked, doesn't really feel she has time, or really anything to offer. Plus there's this odd outfit that, for some reason, changes how she acts and feels somewhat... including that she's really missing someone who's supposed to be in her life as it is. Rez: Has Robert. Loves Robert. Robert gives good footrubs and is fun and silly and lovable. Ishku: Has Matt. Dates. Enjoys said dates. They "get" each other. She's happy. Pri: "Romance? ... no idea." (Bonus answer: Grace - "Absolutely not." Friends are fine, but ... bad experiences.)
  8. Just so you can compare directly. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Dean_MacArthur Personally he comes off more like Desperate Guy. And it doesn't show all of *your* dialog options that make it pretty clear *you* are the one in charge and he's doing what he's described as doing - kissing up (poorly and obviously.) He was really one of the first redside contacts that tried to put *you* in charge (as opposed to the rest of Redside where you were a lackey and/or treated like an idiot.) I'm trying to ... not let tone in this start sounding like I'm saying "You're oversensitive" or dismissing how you feel about this contact. I'm not. It obviously bothers you or you wouldn't post this. My main concern is that any attempt at rewriting... risks "bland-izing" him and turns him into another forgettable contact. So let's knock the ball back in your court here. With the lines he says available to you in that link, what sort of things would *you* suggest as an alternative, without losing the feel of the character (which I tend to characterize as "The 70s called, they'd like their bell bottoms back.") That's why I've edited this a few times. Trying *not* to do just that. (Dismiss, that is, not "trying not to think." 🙂 ) It's easy to slip into wording that reads that way, So for the OP, if it *does* sound like that - my apologies, that is not my intent.
  9. Meanwhile, I got Holy Schist. Also, thanks to the way I always misread a friend's comment, I now have Electric Pagan.
  10. So the ... "path" they take is: Knives of Artemis -> Knives of Vengeance (which start showing changes, they're described as a "sect" of the KoA whose leaders are loyal to the Talons) -> Talons of Vengeance. (Though that's not always the case, as the Huntresses and Zealots are described as "Citizens of First Ward" who swore loyalty.) The Talons upper echelons are listed as loyal to the Furies (not the Well of the Furies, which is different - Ms. Liberty's "Girdle of Hera" was originally a wedding gift to Maiden Justice by the Furies, for instance, and looking at MIss Liberty's info in the wiki you can see she's named Alexis after one of the Furies, and both that and the novels mention Statesman befriending the three Furies - now, they're likely incarnates and powered by the WotF, but I can't see info on exactly the nature of a direct relationship. They can act independently, though.) Trying to find info on just "the furies" is a royal PITA, though, since *every single entry* about lore pets mentions coming from the well, and multiple recipes mention "essence of the furies," among other things... couple references though for them being their own thing (primarily for hte belt...) Edit: AMA post mentions "To answer your specific question, MAGI’s sample was a personal gift from the Furies to Azuria in return for a favor she did for them. It seems even incredibly powerful mythical beings sometimes need multiple references when applying for a business license." Edit edit: Two of the Furies are named in clues in newspaper missions - Tisiphone and Alecto. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Maiden_Justice https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Girdle_of_Hera
  11. Most of mine ... it'll depend on what they're late to. Something social, they won't really sweat it - they won't *try* to be late, they'll apologize, but things happen. If it's work related, they'll try harder to not be late. They'll let people know so they don't worry - conversely, most will worry at least a little if someone else is late. Kind of a generic answer, but I don't really have anyone with quirks about it, so... *shrugs*
  12. I'll counter with a time where it actually would be useful. On Everlasting, at least, MSRs can fill quickly. Leave the zone, and you may not be able to get back in. If you realize you're suddenly on a team with a MM with group fly and you don't want that - perhaps you're melee - you either can't change it or you may miss a chunk of the raid. (Meanwhile, you may have wanted it literally minutes before at the hamidon raid. Or, yes, you may have just forgotten to swap it back - or it's a newer character and you haven't run into it before, so you haven't thought of getting it done, or may have thought you did on that one - since there's no indicator other than "Hey, I'm suddenly flying."
  13. Yeah, I think a "sub-gull" would be the most to expect, primarily with the movement type options. But it'd be useful.
  14. Yes. "Pool boy" builds have been done since live.
  15. Depends what you want. Sometimes I'll just throw a KB resist in there on a squishy and call it a day. But I don't aim to cap thnigs, so...
  16. ... I really have to wonder what's going on with MSRs elsewhere. Do people not talk? Is it just raid leaders going "NO TALKING! Just press your buttons! You talk or interact with people, you're banned! No fun allowed, just press your damn buttons!" Geez... As far as what to do on other ATs? We have all sorts of folks pulling. Running the rim to get stragglers into the bowl. Getting toggles on the grates nearest the bowl on the side that's not used for bombs - because you *will* get a steady stream of Rikti in that way (don't break the grates, as melee - just taunt them, you'll get rikti.) On my usual-raider Warshade, I load up on Ultimates and am constantly shadow slipping Rikti into nice clumps to attack. My Dark/Pain corr doesn't tend to stay in the middle "aura rocking' - aside from the added buffs/debuffs, I'm constantly attacking, heading up to rescue melee with a heal (or rezzing - and attacking any enemies nearby to get their attention away from the rezzed person.) I'm rarely bored no matter what AT I'm on, unless I'm already tired or in a mood and not interacting with anyone.
  17. $$ tends to be used (as I'm recalling) to separate parts of a bind or macro. Not sure about +$$...
  18. Hmmm Well, if Cat's not in one of her "Downtime? What's that?" periods... long hot shower, fluffy robe, book. Rarely thinks about going out, though she'll come along if invited. Not like she has a ... what's that word... life. 🙂 Rez: Time with Robert. Or family if they're visiting. She does literally need to recharge, but that doesn't take long, and the forced downtime - now that she's with someone - she finds rather nice. She *has* to slow down and chat (and flirt.) Ish ... well. She's a "somewhere in her late teens" character. Not sure how old, and she's doing extra schoolwork and getting tutored - her old world's priorities were "what were you going to eat" and "oh, you're still alive" more than "Let's do long division" or "Why did George Washington fight the Japanese at Waterloo?" But she's doing all right at catching up. She enjoys her martial arts and dance classes, listens to music (loves Ann Lee, even if she can't sing - another bit of damage from a damaged world,) going out on dates and occasionally hamming it up when her brother's trying to do a Youtube video. (She has fans, which she still doesn't get, but finds amusing.) Sleep's not ususally just relaxing for her - she's finding herself back on her home world and learning about her heritage, so she's growing there. Pri... Sings, when she can. Downtime hasn't been a thing for her, really. She might, finally, be able to relax and not be on a hair trigger.
  19. While Win11 may have its own issues, the launcher works just fine with it.
  20. *Presses button* *Reporters get formatted information on their desk about my latest exploits.*
  21. Hmm. Characters come from everywhere. Cat... I don't even recall. Just that she was from chicago, and I had a sort of noir detective inspiration for her look, and that was about it. She sort of just ... developed. Turned into a supporting character, then a leader... then Homecoming came along and she's having to rediscover a good bit of that. Rez Dispenser was a name. I get plenty of just pun names, some leading to characters. I mean, I had it on live, but she wasn't a *character* there. I just liked the name. She turned into a *character* here. And started getting several layers to her. (Same sort of thing led to characters like Feliney Assault, Feliney Mischief , Lousiville Slaughter - yes, she uses a bat - and the like.) Ishku is sort of second generation. Initial character was inspired by a nifty little character piece of art done on DeviantArt - can't find it or I'd link to it. Gamer-y girl, lots of black and green, red tie. Inspired the initial traps/* defender, Trixie Trapsy, who ended up changing over time. Got into a storyline where a belt her father had given her to help her hide was actually causing a few holes letting other versions of her through... among them, a gladiator version, initially called Gladia-Trix, then Trixie GT. Eventually this (one of several intended to be short lived, almost joke versions) got into a story arc, got rescued from her world and adopted into a family in Primal. She didn't have a *name,* really, that she recalled at that time. Her adopted brother said "is coo'" about something... and she started replying to things with "ishku." Which turned into her name. She's now maturing quite a bit, and is reclaiming some of her heritage... she's gone from a bit of a joke to someone with quite a bit of depth. And then there's my first COH character. Memphis Bill. Bit of a stroll to get through his inspiration. Back in the ... 80s? Marvel had their short lived New Universe. One of the titles was DP7 (displaced persons / paranormals/whatever they decided that week.) One of the *characters* was this kid who basically was acidic - Scuzz (dennis cuzinsky.) Well, when my friends, 15? 20? years later and I was in Oregon, decided to start a Silver Age Sentinels game, I used that as inspiration for my character, though he was less of an ass. Put some of my own twists, and others the game lent themselves to, on him. Game fizzled after a bit, I went to Freedom Force and then saw COH. And that character was the first one I decided to try to make - closest sets I could find at that time (issue 3) was a fire/SS tank. Rolled it up... then came "what to name him." I basically looked around a bit. Spotted a movie, Memphis Belle, and thought "y'know, Memphis Bill sounds kind of good. Hints at a story. Let's use that." Of course, there are characters that inspire characters. My first 50, an elec/elec blaster (sentinel here, with a 'vintage' version) was my ... fifth? character made. Therra Arcson. (Also the one that got me into RPing, so she developed a *Story.*) Given I started during I3, Khelds were new... so when I saw this glowy white transparent squid thing pop out of a door, I had to find otu what it was. And play one. And on my birthday, Therra hit 50 and begat Therra Paladina, her Peacebringer version, from when she was thought to have been killed (see more SG storyline!) And then things branched out. Figured by then, she'd been a pain to the Thorns, so during the same Council cave collapse that ended up getting her captured when her team thought she was buried in rubble... well, there's blood and hair and such. The Circle got ahold of those and tried to make their own version to ruin her name, kill her family, then her... except Therra's patron blocked them from copying her powers. So Therra Malevola became a Dark/Thermal corruptor (who killed the mages that made her, blames T for her existence, etc.) She eventually got to retire, got married, had a family.. which led to her daughter, Erin Snow, who went undercover as Caitlyn Haruspica for a while. And then there are alt-universe versions, like the one where the person who became her husband gave up and lost control to his nanites finally when she was thought dead in that cavein... and in that world, she had to kill him and determined it was the government's fault, and the only way to keep that from happening was to make sure th eright person was in charge - her. So she did, using what was called the Vindicta doctrine to ensure loyalty and restrict magic and arms... and so Therra Vindicta popped into the world (tricked into it by some of her underlings and a few remaining COT mages who had to get rid of this threat.) Pretty much anything electric got a Therra version... and she's shown up in other games, too. Edit: Can't forget the other biggie. Music inspired characters... such as Deadly Diana. Who, yes, is inspired by Dirty Diana, started off blackmailing bands and got bigger... There's also powers. Either in related names, like my SS/Stone Obsidian Flake, or in look, like how - I think it's Carapace in Bio reminded me of lava, so... Lava Flo.
  22. She was too busy giggling at someone and insisted I ask later. (Honestly, Rez is refreshingly boring, family wise. Got along with her mother and father. Sister's off in college. Works days, snuggles with boyfriend in evenings.)
  23. Family's ... interesting. Cat's an only child. Mother and father still alive, but her mother had her kind of late. Whle she missed them when she moved to Paragon, they were still there... and yet she's found herself adopted into a space rabbit clan, because being an only child is a tragedy to them and they couldn't let that happen to a friend. Plus she's in that sort of extended "Might as well get used to it" watchful-type group from a certain sparkly dragon, as she's realizing. Ishku saw her parents, minor magic users, murdered on her own world for their abilities. She was later brought here and given a new family she just couldn't picture herself without at this point. Pri's family... well, she wasn't born into one, she was created. The clones Grace freed were an ever-shifting group, but the closest to one she's had. And now... well, we need to find out what happens.
  24. Think you're thinking of the sprints, which - being just recolored sprint - are already "your" powers, slottable, etc.
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