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Everything posted by Menelruin

  1. I often see mentioned in guides to different support sets how one or another is really better for Defenders, because the effects just aren't strong enough on Corruptors. I know certain blast sets are best for Corruptors because of how they interact with Scourge, but what are the better secondaries? I'm assuming Storm is one, since I see a lot of Fire/Storm Corruptors.....
  2. Has anyone made a build for Poison/DP? Does the extra -damage from Toxic ammo help much?
  3. I think the idea is to have a variant animation OPTION, so you can choose for the powers to be all or part psi blade if you want. You'd still be able to do all psi blade, but it wouldn't be FORCED on you. Like how you can do an MA character and swap the kick animations for punches, in case you were trying for a boxing theme or something.
  4. I noticed there don't seem to be any builds for this combo. Not going for "synergy" so much as covering all bases for support and debuffs.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't SELF-buff effects like Tough, Assault, etc., have a stronger effect for a soloing Defender than a soloing Corruptor? Even though in theory Corruptors are supposed to be the more solo-capable AT? What if a Corruptor's buffs that were self-ONLY were stronger than those of a Defender? So their secondary would still be weaker than a Defender, but their pool powers could at least give them a little boost. Just a random thought.
  6. As ridiculous as it may sound, I wish I could use "bright" colors for some dark sets. Remember Hollows in Bleach?
  7. Are there actually animations where you BLOCK with the shield? I thought most of the SD animations were more passive stuff, like "stand there in a cool pose."
  8. My absolute dream game would be a combination of City of Heroes with Minecraft, where almost EVERYTHING is destructible if you do enough damage to it.
  9. Does anyone know how hard it would be to simply scale down an effect, and or make it hit fewer targets? I'm thinking of something involving a small version of the Vorpal Judgement animation.... Okay, rough draft, but I suck at thinking of new names for powers, so I reserve the right to slowly edit them in as I think of things: SPEED COMBAT: You are able to make use of your enhanced speed to deliver blows with the force of a wrecking ball. All powers deal smashing damage. This power has an accuracy bonus, as the enemies seem to be moving in slow-motion to you. T1: "Rapid Strikes." Flurry, taken from Super Speed. T2: "Vortex Draft." A 1-second duration Whirlwind, take from Super Speed. Causes knock-UP on all nearby enemies, in addition to smashing damage. T3: "Dashing Strikes." Burst of Speed, taken from Martial Combat. T4: Chronos, taken from Temporal Manipulation, as the Build-Up clone. T5: Reaction Time, taken from Martial Combat. I figure if Dark Melee can have a power that's just a debuff, we can do it here, too. It just FITS thematically, and for that "I'm faster than all the baddies" feel. T6: Confront (obligatory) T7: Rending Flurry, taken from Savage Melee T8: "Supersonic Strike." A weaponless version of Shield Charge, from Shield Defense, but targeting only ONE enemy, for extreme damage. T9: "1,000 Fists." A toned-down version of the Vorpal Judgement, with some of the graphics animations removed, fewer targets hit, less damage, but a quicker activation. May add some sort of "cloud" effect in the targeted area, as if all that can be seen is a blur of your character dashing around. Other powers I considered throwing in were Ki Push from Martial Combat, and a weaponless version of Whirling Smash from Titan Weapons. Thoughts?
  10. What hero planner are you using? I tried updating Mids and it still doesn't have Elec Affinity....or did it update a day or two ago?
  11. The specific reason I'm asking is to AVOID work on animations: I'm trying to think what existing power animations can be ganked and recolored to fit this. Note the thread I posted a link to.
  12. I'm imagining it might have a secondary effect of -regen, like the subject's body has to work to fight off being deconstructed by it.
  13. Depends on the tier of angel, and how quickly you want it done.
  14. Water molecules are famously pretty dang small. Water Blast is still visible =P
  15. That would also be awesome, but the things you listed are probably more in line with a "natural" Control set. The thread I linked to has some cool Rifle-based set ideas.
  16. So someone made this awesome thread a while ago, to try and minimize work for the dev team if/when they add new power sets: One thing they've done that I really like is try and fill in thematically appropriate power sets for different origins, such as a specialized crowd-suppression rifle for a Natural Controller. One thing that's bothered me for a bit is that while there's clear options for a Tech based Blaster (Beam Rifle/Devices), MM, and some other ATs, IMO there's not a really good fit for a Tech Controller or Dominator -- usually in comics, you don't see someone use machines to CONTROL fire, cold and the like in the sense of pyrokinesis, more just generally blasting it out at people. So I was thinking Nanite Control might be a good fit. And there'd probably be a lot of good options for existing (player AND enemy) powers that could be rolled into it. The problem is, I'm not sure how it should LOOK, which determines which effects would fit best. There's the smooth, flowing look from "gray goo" type stories and games, including the T-1000, which would probably work best visuals taken from Water Blast: And there's the jagged, crystalline look you get sometimes, like in The Surge, which would work best with Ice/Earth control recolors: Also in the same game, there are airborne clouds that could be done with some Smoke effects, such as different gas grenades, Storm Summoning, and certain Fire powers: Also, all of the above could potentially make use of graphics from the Nature powersets. So I'm just wondering, before I put anything in that thread in Suggestions and Feedback, what do most of you guys visualize when you think of a Nanite Control set? Gaseous? Crystalline? Flowing? Or something totally different?
  17. You know, going through the AT and set combinations, it's cool that this thread has filled in some Defender and Troller options for the Natural origin, but IMO we need a definitively tech-origin set for Controls. How about Nanite Control? I'm thinking it would borrow from ice/earth, along with some of Poison, and maybe Rad Emission's choking cloud. Probably also has a Caltrops equivalent instead of something like ice slick or quicksand. I don't have time to put this together just now, but thought I'd throw the idea out there.
  18. I'd like to point out that Takeoff in Mighty Leap is just FUN.
  19. I want to see a weapon option for Beam Rifle where it's actually a staff.
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