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Everything posted by Menelruin

  1. Is it "resistable" though? I've been following threads about this in the Brute forums too, and they mention how some self-heals can be debuffed by Hami, and some can't.
  2. Hey, another thought just occurred to me: You know how some sets have procs that heal you? Does Hami debuff THAT healing, too?
  3. Menelruin

    Energy Will

    I think it's next on the dev team's to-do list after Dark Melee =D
  4. Have it so "Marcus Cole" is resurrected, but the Well had already passed on his incarnate powers to someone else. So now he's no longer able to play with the big boys himself, but he still REMEMBERS tips and tricks for up-and-coming supers, so is useful as a trainer. Problem solved.
  5. Was just curious if anyone has done a build that, between the primary, secondary, and epic, covers fire ice and electric attacks.
  6. So, weird thought....you know how Flash could run up a 5 story building and get momentum to go up 6 stories or higher? Is it possible that slamming into an obstacle at super speed gives you a half-second duration EXTREME boost to jump HEIGHT, paired with a debuff to jump SPEED? Basically as if you had used the object as a ramp to send yourself flying upwards, almost completely vertically.
  7. YASSS. Been wanting SOMETHING elec2 that could drain mobs dry rapidly!
  8. Doesn't Savage, much like SM, have a ton of range? Also, there's a thread somewhere in this sub forum where someone breaks down every secondary.
  9. Regarding the usefulness of sapping as a strategy..... There are 2 possible debuff effects that, if either were applied to Electric attacks across the board (excluding maybe Melee, which is already strong), would increase the viability of blue-bar attacks. The first is a negative-value "conserve power" applied to mobs (but not necessarily pvp), significantly increasing the cost of every ability they use. This would mean even after they get that "tic" of Recovery, it won't last for many attacks, and they'll be drained again. The second is kind of out of the box, and again wouldn't apply to PVP. What if we make a new debuff for PVE, that makes it so that every time a mob uses a power, it ALSO costs some HP? That would mean either 1: They slow down their attack rate (the main goal), or 2. They die faster (thus making Sapping still an effective killing strategy). Whichever debuff is used, I suggest a good name for it is "Power Bleed," suggesting that rather than conserving power, the target is losing/wasting power with each action.
  10. I like the idea of giving all Electrical powers a debuff, "Power Bleed," where you add a negative-multiplier to a Conserve Power effect on the mobs. You know, now that I type out "Power Bleed".....what if it's a debuff that makes every ability the mobs use, ALSO cost them some HP? That way they either have to slow down their attack rate, OR you're killing them faster....win-win!
  11. I'm a fan of this one, as I'm not one for blapping:
  12. So as you've probably heard, there's a new set pending, tentatively named "Shock Therapy" (name likely to be changed due to unfortunate connotations). There's ALSO some new IO sets added for Accurate Endurance Modification. Between these two things, do you think it'll now be possible to floor a group's endurance fast, and keep it there? Or an AV's? Also, would an Elec/Shock troller probably be better for this, you imagine?
  13. My point with Supes is that the yellow sunlight exposure, for HIM, is no more natural than Bane pumping Venom into himself. It's his body reacting to something that, for his evolutionary biology, is a foreign and unusual occurrence. EDIT: Imagine there's a kind of kryptonite that gives normal humans the powers of Kryptonians as long as they're near it (and there probably IS, with all the kinds out there). Now imagine you've got a guy who has a piece of it on a necklace, under his costume. Would you classify that dude as Natural, or Science?
  14. I'd argue that Spidey needs a defensive set paired with an Assault set, due to how frequently and fluidly he shifts between melee and ranged (web) attacks. I also for kicks made a bunch of Lantern Corps characters a while ago. Red is Fire/Fire blaster. Yellow could be either psi melee or psi blast. Orange I had as Illusion troller with Kin (it struck me as the power set most based on "I take your strength and add it to myself."). Green I did as FF/NRG defender, but as mentioned above, it could be a slew of things. Blue was Illusion/FF troller. Indigo pretty much HAS to be an Emp defender on principle. Indigo I think I did as Earth/Energy dominator with the crystal effects. Black was, of course, Necro/Dark MM. I might argue that Superman is a Science origin, simply because exposure to yellow sunlight is in and of itself an unnatural occurrence for his species. It's the same as if you had a human with an IV of some ability-boosting serum, 24-7. Take away the unnatural factor, and he goes back to being a normal dude.
  15. Hmm, so should a brute optimized for Hami tanking basically skip Instant Healing? Also, where do I look in a power description to see if a self heal is resistable? Is it visible in Mids or Pines?
  16. So what all forms of healing are NOT debuffed by Hami? I've heard some self-heals, including the one from Dark Melee.....
  17. So there are different combos and different ATs for all the damage types in the game, but the only sets that give significant Toxic are Dual Pistols, Spines, and Bio Armor. Just for kicks, for another "elementalist" theme, I was toying with doing Spines/Bio to try and max out the Toxic damage I could deal. I've heard though that it tends to be one of the more resisted damage types by enemies. Would this be a really stupid idea?
  18. Your build also translated well for my SD/Rad, who is now tough as nails =D
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