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Everything posted by Menelruin

  1. Can I just make a suggestion for the pool name? Sidearm.
  2. So I've seen praise on here for both Beam and Time powersets, but haven't seen anything posted about combining them. There were a handful in the "3500+ builds" folder, but most seemed to place a higher emphasis on the blasts than the supports. I'm torn about what way to go also, because I've heard that certain Hami-Os can be AMAZING in the right Time powers, such as Farsight and Slowed Reactions, but I'm not seeing much use of them in the Time-centric build I was eyeing. I've also heard that Time can be a proc-monster potentially. Has anyone else tried this pairing yet?
  3. People like to make fancy costumes, and see them. There's an AT whose core mechanic removes that fun. Fixing this would have no negative impact on anyone who didn't want it, and would have negligible negative impact on those who want it. "Silly" isn't a good reason to shoot someone down in a game full of flying people who shoot lasers from their eyes and fireballs from their asses. If it's easy, it makes people happy, and it doesn't hurt anyone, why not?
  4. Do you mean Epic Power Pools? If so, I can get behind this.
  5. I believe he means Zeus was a vile rapist of a god, and Statesman was his avatar/incarnation.
  6. I wasn't aware it also debuffed mob range; In my experience with tanks at least, Provoke will make things shoot me, but doesn't necessarily require them to get point-blank to do so.
  7. How about a massive debuff to the target's RANGE, so they have no choice but to get in your face to attack you?
  8. I thought the point of Confront was to bring a mob to you, not bring you to them? In that vein....is it possible to just apply a massive range-debuff on the target, and combine it with a taunt? So they HAVE to get in your face in order to attack you?
  9. I'm afraid I haven't tried either one yet, but what do they have to protect against the core? Both Res and Defense are almost useless.....
  10. I was thinking the Assault set would be a combination of AR with Street Justice, but this works, too!
  11. Hey, does anyone know if it's possible to have a limited-target confuse, where you pick one mob in a crowd, and every OTHER mob attacks that one?
  12. I've been doing a lot of DA stuff lately, and it always stands out to me how Dream Doctor has all these mage-ey powers, but still gets to fight with a wizard staff. I was thinking this could maybe be combined with one of the remaining Blaster sets into an Assault set, and there's only a couple candidates that aren't already accounted for. Sonic blast, but it doesn't really fit thematically that much, and for all we know some day there might be a Sonic Melee and/or Sonic Assault. There's Assault Rifle, but they might do some sort of Military Assault set later, combining it with Street Justice. That mainly leaves Energy Rifle, BUT, if we just swap in a staff for the rifle animations, that could actually work really well, I think! Your thoughts?
  13. Speaking as someone who has taken an NRG/NRG brute to 50..... Do NOT use Energy Melee until the dev team de-nerfs it. Its strongest attacks take so long to land, your team has often killed the mob via AoE splash on other targets first....which is worsened by the fact that your T9 does self damage, EVEN IF you're left punching a corpse. Energy Aura is very painful on the blue bar until you get Energy Drain, then it's amazing. Plenty of defense, an endurance drain and a self heal...it's great. Can't speak for Soul on Brutes, haven't done it yet.
  14. I remember there was some explanation for it posted, other than just "how would it distinguish its role compared to other DPS classes?", but can't remember what it was.....
  15. In that vein, there are some female-only headgear items like headbands and crowns/tiaras I'd like to have as options for male characters.
  16. If someone has a build for a Staff/Bio brute, lemme know! ALL THE STANCES! (@_@)
  17. Basically, the crux of the issue is, how do you make Sentinels both awesome for solo, AND have a dedicated purpose in a team, without making them OP? And the most direct solution is....do something to make their abilities different DEPENDING ON if they're solo or in a team! I know people don't seem to like stance mechanics, but some ATs already have inherents that depend on the presence or absence of teammates...... EDIT: Another option, what if either the Sentinel did more damage, and/or applied more of a -res effect, if an enemy was within close range of one or more of the Sentinel's teammates? Giving them the "opportunity" to land a more accurate or debilitating shot.
  18. Hmm, how about an inversion of Vigilance? A Sentinel on their own has to focus more of their attention on watching their backs, giving them a defense (and/or res?) bonus. As allies surround them and preoccupy enemies, they instead are able to focus offense. For each ally nearby, they lose some of the defensive bonus, and instead gain a bonus to damage.
  19. Agreed, I'd also love a bomb- throwing blast set (and would settle for a debuff or control set....hmm...control grenades.....) One other thing I forgot: A lot of "themes" have comparable representation across ATs and sets....such as whether a Thermal defender shields you, or you use Fiery Aura to shield yourself. The closest thing to a self-armor FF equivalent is Energy Aura, so I think it'd be cool to have some EA power options that resemble FF powers.....just a "one-person" protective field.
  20. Regarding spines NOT coming out of your body.... I've actually wanted someone to do the following powerset reskins, but didn't know how hard it would be: 1: Reskin all Archery powers to use a throwing-knife animation. 2: Replace the bow with a CoT crossbow, then use rifle animations. 3: Reskin Trick/Tactical Arrow to use the "web grenade" throw animation, to have a "bomber" set.
  21. Third for KM, the overly dramatic strikes are kinda like somatic spell components.
  22. Change the colors on Granite Armor. Remove the green trails from Spines. Also, this is sorta midway between costume and power customization, but.... There are these nifty rocket boots in the customizer that shoot jets of blue flame out whenever a Flight power is active, and it's awesome.....but I can't seem to recolor the flame jets, either by adjusting my costume, OR the Flight powers.
  23. Flip side to this, have them ALL include an elemental sword, if that's your schtick.
  24. An idea I posted elsewhere was to have "neutral" golems for the different henchmen, then your upgrade powers imbued them with a certain element, giving them different stats and abilities. It'd be CRAZY time consuming to code though, I imagine. Honestly, just letting folks reskin MM sets would open up a ton of concepts. Mercenaries into Longbow agents, or Ninjas into Wyvern, for example. Maybe Robots into Vanguard?
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