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Everything posted by Menelruin

  1. I had previously envisioned a Clones powerset as being more science/mutant-ey, and thus lobbing some sort of chemical bomb at enemies as their blast. The temporary clone attack is cooler, though. Random aside, has anyone here played One Must Fall: 2097? There was a fighter type, Shadow, that basically launched afterimages of itself out as a form of quasi-projectile attack.
  2. Oh, how about this? Another toggle, kinda like Assault, but it adds a little damage to EVERY power you use on enemies, but then the different kinds just determine the type?
  3. It's also interesting how we basically get an Incarnate slot for almost every "type" of power. We get... A passive A summon An attack (and, potentially, an AoE debuff) A proc A buff/support A toggle What other "styles" of powers are there, not mimicked by Incarnates? An AoE hold of some sort? An uber, single-target attack/debuff? Maybe a toggle you can keep always on with a minor buff, but also a travel effect? Something with a self-rez component? Maybe an enemy-targeting debuff toggle, akin to what Rad Emission has?
  4. Can I make a minor suggestion for one of them? I know it might be less interesting to have fewer flavors, but I thought it'd be cool to have a particular Incarnate slot that just altered/magnified your AT's Inherent to some insane degree. Like Brutes temporarily get even MORE damage from Fury, Domination raises up the Magnitude another notch, Scrappers start critting for TRIPLE damage for a bit, etc.
  5. Alternatively, do something other than Rocky for that Elementals set, like a storm elemental.... Then use Rocky and the plant one, and something else, to make a Devouring Earth set! EDIT: So Fire Control gets 3 pets, Electric Control gets 2, so those would make sense also for the tier 1 and 2 pets, maybe?
  6. Maybe an "armaments" powerset that has a little of each, and you customize each weapon the same as a dual wield set? So some powers are from your hand weapon, some are from a shoulder cannon, etc....
  7. Just what it says. Include an option in customization to remove the toxin-trails, so I can pretend I'm just firing off shards of crystal, metal daggers, etc, without them being poison tubes. Lemme fulfill my T-1000 fantasies.
  8. So one thing that always saddened me was that there's no power set that revolves around throwing knives. I was pleasantly surprised with how Claws has 2 decent ranged attacks. And THEN I noticed how Scrappers get both Shuriken and Explosive Shuriken. One of my toons is Claws/WP, do you think it's feasible to turn him into a reverse blapper by focusing on, well, Focus, Shockwave, and the 2 Shuriken attacks? Or are those latter ones too weak and/or too long recharge?
  9. Maybe a plant controller, speeding up growth?
  10. Is the Regen powerset no stronger for Tanker than it is for Brute?
  11. Either for staff or for titan weapons, I want a proper scythe.
  12. I've actually heard the suggestion of keeping the animation, but just scaling the damage even HIGHER. The biggest annoyance with EM is the "wasted" strikes -- you line up a crushing blow, and the mob is killed by AoE from teammates before you land. But if you're fighting AVs, it takes much more to bring them down, so it's less of a concern. Scale the damage up for ET so it takes a while to hit, but even Lord Recluse is gonna stagger with every blow. Make it THE Boss-Killer set, as a trade-off for lack of AoE.
  13. Name says it all. Since resists and defense go out the window, I'm assuming either Bio, WP, or Regen? No clue if one secondary is better than another.
  14. Well, Infinitum was kind enough to make a build for my Shield/Rad tanker, and I know Shield gives boosts to max HP, but the build in question lacked Taunt....
  15. So I saw some discussion about tanking builds and how often nowadays they just rely on punchvoke and skip Taunt. However, in the Hami raids on Torchbearer, I've asked and been told that Taunt is required to hold his aggro. Can anyone comment on this one way or the other?
  16. How exactly does Illusion kill GMs and AVs? I thought the damage from PA went away if you didn't kill fast enough? What is your main source of damage?
  17. So, something else was pointed out to me recently....it was heavily implied that Taunt is absolutely required in order to tank Hami. Is this true?
  18. To be clear, I'm literally saying, "When using power 1, instead of animation X, use animation Y, complete with its already selected weapon design." Just take the exact animation and weapon from Throwing Knives that Natural origin gets by default.
  19. Even simply replacing animation A with animation B, when B already exists and is used elsewhere?
  20. If possible, I'd love to see AR and BR have shoulder cannon options!
  21. Another couple options I've suggested before is simply re-skinning Archery to be throwing knives, or Trick Arrow into throwing specialty grenades.
  22. Has there been any recent word on what the dev team is thinking of doing for a new inherent?
  23. Thank you! That would be awesome! So far I haven't had too much luck on my endgame chars....
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