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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Yanking out the green (at least as much as I could) and leaving just red and blue would be pretty nice:
  2. Because everyone knew about them from the get go and of course everyone started playing from the day Homecoming opened to the public. 🙄
  3. Some things I am never going to do because they are simply not fun. Going to ignore the entire "learn to earn" jab and try to salvage some of the "Peace on Earth" vibe I had when I woke this morning (didn't even make it through Christmas...geesh).
  4. I cannot tell if you read for comprehension at all. POOR PEOPLE COULD AT LEAST SAVE UP FOR PACKS. At other times of the year IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO THEM IF THE INFLUNCE IS GOING TO A PERSON OF DISAPPEARING INTO THE AH. IS THAT CLEAR TO YOU? I bought my only Winter Packs ever last season, the last time they were on sell. I worked my ass off to be able to buy more than I would at the prices they currently run at. Not to flip, to have. I had 300 million influence to my name and bought 6 because being reduced to no influence whatsoever was unpalatable. That someone else makes influence off of flipping? Read the bold above. Neither I nor anyone else with less than trillions of influence cares. Being able to buy once per year at cheaper than normal? A godsend. What Snarky thinks because he has 500 packs socked away somewhere? Immaterial.
  5. Utterly ignoring that the player may not have been able to afford the pack when it was cheaper but wants/needs it when it is more expensive. As for removing an exploit, what it did was mean poorer players will always have to try that much harder to acquire what was at least once a year, somewhat easier to get. But I guess people like you, who are rolling in influence, just don't comprehend that.
  6. By definition if you have something someone else will pay for and you make it available, you've added something to the game--you have fulfilled a player need.
  7. The entire concept of "buy low, sell high" is pretty basic. If that is off the table then when are enhancement converters going to be removed as those are another mechanism towards that? Edit; There are many valid criticisms of capitalism, especially of the unfettered variety. It just seems odd to me to be concerned about a once a year opportunity anyone could save up for. If flipping and scalping are to be reigned in (and trust me, given that what white salvage is going for currently I am not opposed), then how about the developers clamp max selling price and bids to no more than ±7%* of what current market average is. *IIRC that was the rate which Usry laws used to specify before they were thrown out.
  8. That there is a marketplace means people will make money (influence). Seems odd to be opposed to it in only one fashion.
  9. I like him but he leans more towards one of my secondary/proof of concept Brute than one I am greatly focused on, so he is only slowly moving through his 40s (think he's level 44). He works well in a highly active, go, Go, GO! playstyle. But honestly, if you have a Savage/Bio Brute already, I am not sure what you are going to get from Savage/Elec that you do not mostly have already.
  10. Get a couple application of 2x xp Booster after tutorial. Run DFB. If this does not get you to level 8 then run the first mission from Matthew Habashy. Run Posi 1. This should get you past level 11 Run Posi 2. This will likely push you past level 20. Run Synapse. Likely you will be around 24 or so. Run Yin. Likely you are now level 26 or so. No wasted time with farm and Task Force Commander is halfway done.
  11. Starts Concentrated Strike... ...gets up, wanders to the other side of the house, checks refrigerator, decides spring rolls would be nice, turns on oven to pre-heat, wander back to family room and turns on television, heads out to porch to check the mail, returns to television and checks what is on various channels, decides to go ahead and watch an episode of Solar Opposites, starts watching, hears the oven beep indicating oven has hit temperature, heads back to kitchen to open up spring rolls, put on heating pan, and places in oven, goes back to watching television, watches until timer goes off indicating spring rolls need to be flipped and does so, returns to television, watches until timer indicates spring rolls done, removes from oven to let cool, goes back and watches television until half hour show is over, goes back to kitchen and transfers spring rolls to plate, warms sweet sauce in microwave for 12 seconds, puts on plate, wanders back across the house, places plate of spring rolls on desk, sits back down before computer... ...Concentrated Strike completes animation.
  12. I am expecting something out of him different than on my SS/Bio. 😛
  13. My current labor of love Brute is Stj/Inv. As planned, he will be the most expensive build I will have attempted.
  14. Tankers, having better survivability than anyone had to have damage increased to be worthwhile but Brutes should not expect damage and survivability? But Brutes can be buffed!!!! So can Tankers. And already on 13 of 20 melee damage sets apparently without outside buffs they are managing higher DPS (you deal the same damage over a shorter period of time) than Brutes. But bosses!!!!! You mean the guy you come across at the end of the TF? Probably would have been most time efficient to carry as many Tankers as possible, clear the trash faster, then rely on buffed Tankers (because yes, they can be buffed) to take the boss down. With the gap seen on various powersets there should be plenty of time for the Tanker based team to come out on top. Hmm, you know...maybe that would be a way to find the true measure of things. Put together teams of 5xTankers+ 3xCorruptors/Defenders vs teams of 5xBrutes + 3xCorruptors/Defenders.
  15. Was looking at Epic powers but should your build allow, Wall of Force does look to have reasonable recycle times. I tend to lean towards (PB)AoEs because as a melee it makes it easier to hit things not having to think about adopting a position to maximize targets hit. What can I say? I'm lazy.
  16. Epic area attacks are not exactly quick recharging attacks, even in comparison to Melee area attacks. Axe Cyclone and Pendulum are up every 18s, Foot Stomp and Fire Sword Circle every 20s. By contrast Energy Torrent is up ever 24s, Bile Spray, Disruptor Blast, Ball Lightning, Fire Ball, and Dark Obliteration every 32s, Stalagmites every 64s, and Ice Storm every 120s. Tanker secondary melee attacks are going to recharge faster and hit more targets than anything a Brute is going to get from their Epic pool attacks. Probably the Tanker secondaries will do more damage too for not being pool powers.
  17. Brutes only meaningfully outperforming Tankers in 3 of the 20 sets and performing last in 13 of them, eh? Probably for the best otherwise Scrapper and Tankers will be invalidated, nobody will play them, and even if someone did play them they would not get invites.* *This does not hold for Brutes because...well, Brutes.
  18. While I nearly spoke up to object in a certain current Tanker Super Strength thread about how StJ is not a substitute for SS (I have Brutes with both), I would note that in terms of Tanker average time that while StJ is considerably down the list from Super Strength, the difference in average time is only 33s, roughly 12% longer for StJ than SS. As goes Brutes though, the difference is 56s--roughly 20%. Foot Stomp trounces Spinning Strike with more than double the radius and only a slightly longer recharge. Gotta wonder if Spinning Strike had better radius how much closer StJ would come.
  19. The gimmicky combo system has a better reputation than the secondary you were trying. 😛 The only real downside to the combo system is it tends to promote the thought, "I cannot use that power until I have built max stacks" when in fact you can use a power regardless of stacks and sometimes should.
  20. As it happens, I have an Energy/Shield Stalker and he certainly hits hard. But I am not sure Energy Melee really delivers on the increased area boost Tankers got.
  21. Historically Teleport was the fastest travel power. City of Data suggests that with minorly longer cast time (0.07s) the Mystic Flight's teleport is the same as the original power--both of which are at roughly double the rate of displacement as Fly from what I can find. So even with the boost (50%) Fly should come in behind unmodified Teleport. The tradeoff has always been you could go to the kitchen while flying while teleport required constant interaction and cost notably more endurance (less of a problem once you're improved your recovery).
  22. If you are a melee AT with a damage field, you just wait until you see orange numbers appearing over her head. Then you go to town on her.
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