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Everything posted by Shadowsleuth

  1. Then we could finally have Spark Blade's powerset, Lightning Katana & Pistol.
  2. In the name of compromise, can the event be altered to allow Trick or Treating even when it's daylight. (In real life I've seen kids Trick or Treating in the early afternoon even though it's still sunny out.) Have the skies go dark when the Banners or Giant Monsters (Jack & Eochai) appear & when Zombie Invasions happen. Maybe have increased spawns when the night cycle is up?
  3. Just wondering, What would be the low level redside equivalent? Does redside have a low level Echo Zone? (Echo of Mercy Pre-Issue 21 maybe?) Edit: To answer my own question, just logged in & checked, there isn't.
  4. Is it wrong that I like the Juggernaut helmet from Deadpool 2 (middle left) more than the classic version (top)?
  5. During the event, if you're missing the sunlight don't forget that Ouroboros (& never-ending sunlight) is only a click away. I wonder how much inf Menders spend on suntan lotion.
  6. Either make Punch the new T1 or give Jab an equivalent amount of damage to Punch. Allow Haymaker to hit 3 to 5 targets. Move Tanker Knockout Blow to level 16 instead of 20. (Even that feels too late in the build but there is no other power I would switch out instead.) Add -Res to Hand Clap. Those changes would make the set actually feel super.
  7. Periodically rotate the day from time to time. Malevolent Mondays Treacherous Tuesdays Wrongdoer Wednesdays Thievery Thursdays Felony Fridays Swindler Saturdays Scoundrel Sundays
  8. If at some point we have a team providing alternate animations, some other whip possibilities: Normal Leather Whip Chain Whip (Both with & without padlock(s) on the end) Segmented Metal Spiked Whip (Both New & Dirty/Rusted Versions) Energy Whip (In the style of Vanguard Energy Weapons, but flexible) Elemental (Water, Electricity, Lava, Whirling Sand/Rock chunks/Metal fragments funnel Whip, etc...) Vine Whip with thorns Octopus arm Python Snake Flexible robotic tentacle
  9. Pre-Incarnate content should be balanced around SOs precisely because of causal players; Incarnate content should be balanced around IOs & Incarnate powers. We need Incarnate only zones to be added, something a lot tougher than Dark Astoria.
  10. I like this for the Tanks, & for the Brute version have it give them max fury (& a small To Hit Bonus) for the duration of the buff.
  11. My thoughts on slots I mentioned in another thread; I just wish there was an Incarnate reward that allowed you to earn additional Enhancement slots for your powers (one at a time) until all your powers reached the maximum number of slots; every single power six slotted.
  12. Now we need a Ranged Gravity Powerset so we can have Gravity/Gravity Sentinels along with all our new Gravity/Gravity Brutes, Tanks & Scrappers.
  13. "Event Horizon" will be stacking? The longer "Point of No Return" affects enemies it builds more stacks. And having more stacks of it when activating certain powers will create stronger effects; more damage, stronger self buffs, etc... With Gravitic Collapse's knock toward effect in Gravitic Melee it might make Big Crunch redundant in this powerset, as an alternate how about Big Crunch forms a huge Vortex over the enemies and they are knocked up into the vortex remaining stuck there, arms & legs flailing. (Knockup, Damage plus DoT) With more stacks of Event Horizon, Big Crunch's mid-air immobilize becomes a hold. Enemies that are defeated can have a special defeated animation while this power is in effect, their bodies implode & are sucked into the vortex. (The body vanishes.)
  14. Some more Staff Customizations: Elemental (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Rock, Lava) Shovel (We already have a Broom, a shovel should be fine) Rularuu (Staff with an eye on it similar to the Broadsword Rularuu weapon) Nictus (Staff with the smoky purple aura) Caduceus Cane Street Sign
  15. Shadowsleuth


    I wouldn't mind if Brute Regen got some of the gooodies that Sentinel Regen got, Toggle absorb, Revive becoming a dual purpose power that can be used alive or dead (heal plus max health or rez).
  16. Contaminated/Infected would be an awesome addition. This is a great choice for the Science/Tech hero who doesn't like the bulky looking robots we have now.
  17. We have female Patron pets (Widows/Fortunatas), female Lore pets & even female Controller pets (Illusion decoys); it is long past due to have female Mastermind pets. Lt. Harris' storyarc is also extremely repugnant; getting the player to murder a girl just because she turned him down.
  18. I just want to see a stop sign shield added, and a garbage can lid shield, both rubber & metal.
  19. I've been wondering if a Psi melee/electric armor would be fun to play. And what are the must have powers for both?
  20. On Paragon Wiki there is a listing of all costume options up to issue 8, a list by Sleepy Kitten & Leandro. Under /male/all/lower/menu_tight malaise is listed there. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Category_talk:Costumes
  21. They are only available within a certain level range, I wish the restriction on that was removed so you could never outlevel doing missions for Bloody Bay & Siren's Call.
  22. So basically you're piloting something on the size of a Nemesis Warhulk. Your upgrades could be handled with branching paths like the Villain Veats Bane/Crab; You choose between Primary Power Sets: Firepower or Melee Attacks & your Secondary Powersets, you choose between Armor or Control. You would have to accept that your mech form *is* your costume. (But you could choose between several mech forms, colors & patterns/logos on it.) Perhaps the screen could have a computer/UI overlay (ala Iron Man), with the option to turn it off for players who don't like it. A good Tier 9 power would be the ability to call down 2 other Mechs to fight by your side for a short time.
  23. I want to offer up thanks to Varkarrus, biostem, Chance Jackson, Rylas, daveyfiacre, Steampunkette and many others for putting forth these brillant ideas both here & in the other Archetype/Powerset threads. And a special thanks to Zepp for compiling it all. This community is a wealth of great ideas, you should all be congratulated & commended for your efforts.
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