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Everything posted by biostem

  1. I get that, but axe & war mace aren't actually *exactly* the same - they're using different weapon models and dealing different damage types. That's actually pretty significant. We don't have another melee powerset that includes, say, a war mace attack somewhere in there...
  2. Well isn't the point of the auto-logoff to free up the network resources you were using, since you've been AFK for however long they determined you should be kicked off for?
  3. I kind of made a similar suggestion here, only focusing on just the heavy weapons. I doubt they'd add a set that utilized any of the attacks from other existing sets. I could see using single pistol ones, but not dual pistol, and shotgun ones are unlikely to be reused.
  4. Thanks for the feedback! Here's a revision: 1. Snap Shot 2. Slash 3. Aimed Shot 4. Hack 5. Build Up 6. Whirling Sword 7. Rain of Arrows, (using the adjustments suggested by Steampunkette) 8. Blazing Arrow 9. Hawk's Insight
  5. I kind of feel like fistful of arrows wouldn't suffice. Maybe a scaled-down version of rain of arrows? Honestly, I'd be fine with dropping the snipe. What about blazing arrow there, (scaled properly for being moved to the 8th spot)? I figured the bit of lethal/melee defense might be useful to a dominator that wants to stay close to the enemy - easy to stack it and all that, too...
  6. I can second this! I had kaninchenbau do a piece for me too, and here it is:
  7. Rename your pets, then try this, from Paragon Wiki, (Gives an inspiration to the named pet): /inspexec_pet_name inspiration petname
  8. Go far enough away and they'll teleport to you. You can also use grant invisibility on them, then put them in passive follow, to make things a bit easier. Their recharge is about a minute, so if it's going to be that long until your destination, then just unsummon/release them. You can also take group fly, (though you'll need to let them catch up to you). None are perfect, but there are ways to work within the system.
  9. CoH has a particular style that I too find appealing. Sure, it has its flaws, and certain textures or pieces are blurry, but if you work with the graphics engine and pick costume pieces and colors that are more appealing, those flaws are easily overlooked. I've tried the cell-shading, but just couldn't get used to the odd layer-like separations between the shine it applies to your character, (maybe someone could recommend specific settings to minimize that). Cheers!
  10. It would be neat to see, as an experiment, then, how a new mesh that was basically cherub wings + quiver or retro jetpack + scarf, would look/work. I'm assuming color choices would have to be shared among both pieces, since this new back piece would, from Steampunkette's description, just be a new model, but it'd be a start...
  11. What if "combat teleport" didn't have any hover effect, had a much shorter animation, but also only a 10' distance. Don't give it a cooldown, but perhaps have the end cost slowly escalate each time you use it, which resets once you're out of combat...
  12. Give teleport foe a disorient effect or maybe a defense debuff/tohit debuff (to represent said disorientation). Give team teleport a defense buff to all affected allies. What if regular teleport generate a PBAoE knockdown if you appear next to enemies? How about having recall friend grant a very brief period of stealth to allies teleported by it?
  13. So I'm kind of in love with archery ATM, so I was thinking of ways to incorporate it into other ATs. To that end, I present "Ranger Assault", (basically a combination of archery and broadsword attacks): 1. Snap shot 2. Slash (I believe this is actually the faster recharging of the initial BS attacks) 3. Aimed shot 4. Slice (I'm debating putting Parry here, if you don't think it'd be too overpowering). 5. Build up 6. Whirling sword 7. Explosive arrow 8. Ranged shot 9. Hawk's Insight - This would be a slight modification of the Tactical Arrow power "Eagle Eye" - in addition to the recovery, regen, and acc buff, it'd also grant a small buff to your powers' secondary effects. Now, I realize that this set could be a nightmare with the redraws, but if you were to include a 'no redraw' option, then it could work quite well. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
  14. But it also has greater defense and status protection values than dispersion, which I think it to make up for that fact.
  15. It, IMO, is that fine line between genuine concern and people concern-trolling/being busybodies, that is constantly skirted...
  16. I kind of assumed that it was on a timer to either bring it somewhat in line with the end cost over time of FF's dispersion bubble, or that no set (barring MM primaries) gets a permanent pet that early...
  17. Well, how about the fact that they use the exact same animation for a longbow, a recurve bow, and a modern compound bow? But, yeah - a lot is sacrificed in the name of balance and ease of implementation...
  18. As the thread title suggests, I think it'd be great if we could have more than 1 back item on our characters. Yes, I realize this would likely cause clipping issues, but it's always bugged me that I can't have a character with both wings and a quiver of arrows, or one with a backpack and nice flowing scarf. Your thoughts? Thanks!
  19. Below are some screenshots of one of my current favorite characters, "Hit 'n Run". She's a former Malta Operative who, as part of a plea agreement, now plies her skills in the hero trade. She's an archery/tactical arrow blaster, with a distinctively high-tech flare. Due to strict military indoctrination while with Malta, it's been hard for her to loosen up, so her clothing retains a military theme, even though she currently holds no rank or commission. As her name implies, she utilizes her superior maneuverability, (mystic flight + translocation) and stealth in order to gain the advantage over her target(s). She's also not above deceiving her opponents, (represented via the pacify and intimidate powers). I am currently looking to see what kind of art, if any, I can get for her. Without further adieu, I present "Hit 'n Run": Thanks for reading!
  20. Well, if we're going by D&D alignments, wouldn't he fall more under "Lawful Evil", since he kind of respects systems and rules - only that said systems and rules are extremely twisted and vile? He's not acting randomly or without some plan/goal in mind. I kind of envisioned "chaotic evil" as the bloodthirsty monster that randomly attacks passerbys or a gang that just attacks or robs people on a whim or with no provocation...
  21. I kind of feel like the difficulty is lessened/the attempt made easier, by the expansion of the various power pools, (to 5 powers per set). Fighting, alone, can make for a decent supplement to some builds, and between air superiority and spring attack, you have yourself a decent rotation. Now factor in acrobatics for a bit of status protection, and perhaps the ultimate power from sorcery or presence for those "oh sh*t" moments, then aid other/injection and aid self, and you're not too bad off. If you chose to be a tanker, and took inexhaustible from bio armor or gamma boost from radiation armor, you'd be even better off, IMO. A stalker with just hide from their secondary also has some unique benefits. Cheers!
  22. So the most obvious, IMO, is Spore Cloud, which imparts a -tohit, -dmg, and -regen on enemies. Entangling Aura is a toggle hold, which would stack very nicely with your primary hold powers. The -res in Corrosive Enzymes means that all your and your teammates' attacks will do more damage, and the cone from Regrowth, which also heals you, when used in conjunction with a "target_custom_next" bind, to target either one of your pets, or if created on the fly to target your team's tank, is very effective.
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