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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Is this a question or a statement of fact?
  2. I'm pretty sure the weapon redraw fix is related to the bug that allowed the canceling of normal power animations that play out, not the object redraws themselves.
  3. I think the end result justifies the dialog. If you fail the parameters of the mission, the player should be told they failed. If they succeed, vice versa. Luckily this game allows players to rerun content as much as they like.
  4. I'm honestly happy someone who clearly loves the game and it's lore took the time to weave together such a challenging and rewarding story arc entirely as a self taught volunteer. This arc was on the beta server for many weeks getting tested, it's content revised, and it's scripts edited based on the input from many players. So comparing it to any content made by the legacy paid professional developers is a little unfair. That being said, I like the way this arc progresses, the Easter eggs it contains both in its dialog and its game mechanics, and the challenges that pop up throughout. So while I don't agree with your critique, I'm happy you care enough about the game and this content to give your two cents.
  5. Ah! When the light bulb shines bright - thank you for the clarity @AboveTheChemist. Looks like it is indeed at the end of the defeats section! This looks like my own error then, as I could've sworn it used to follow Warn Torn in the order.
  6. Edit: Not a bug! Human error! Please ignore 😅 I was previously awarded the 'War Machine' Badge many months ago - I remember defeating the giant monster twice before in fact. This morning I logged in and noticed I was missing the badge (I am pretty nitpicky about my badge count, trying to get them all!). I figured it may have been a strange bug, so I went and defeated him for a third time and was not awarded the badge at all (screenshot below). You will note that it doesn't appear in my badge list tab, on my most recent badge collected window, or on my chat tab window even after defeating the giant monster.
  7. Hamidon activates an incarnate nullifying power he learned from interacting with the Praetorian version. Another added mutation from this interaction is he now drops enhancements which are not affected by E.D.
  8. Winter Event The Winter Event will be running until server maintenance on Tuesday the 5th of January
  9. You can monitor the combat attributes window for the buffs from Unstoppable, you can keep an eye on the power icon next to your health and endurance bar for when it starts to blink, or you can use the "beta" feature which puts a "recharge time remaining" number on the power within the power tray to gauge when to prep for the crash.
  10. Totally agree, the hot pink color palette works really well as a highlight to pretty much any costume piece in my opinion.
  11. This is very creative and makes me also crave a snack at the same time. Bravo!
  12. I think it was run smoothly and I appreciate the volunteers taking the time to run the event especially during the holidays. I can understand folks resentment that they weren't chosen, but these volunteers run so many costume contests that I can more or less give them the benefit of the doubt - they've seen their share of what makes a good costume and I trust their judgement.
  13. Glacier Peak

    Day Jobs

    Right, you asked where the arena in Pocket D was so I explained it.
  14. Glacier Peak

    Day Jobs

    Blue side, on the other side of War Witch, right next to the merit vendor machine.
  15. Another favorite character of mine getting a costume update (and another homage to my favorite game Legend of Dragoon - and it's Haschel this time!) Haschel aaaaand in Dragoon form!
  16. I may be mistaken, but I believe you also need to defeat Nocturne throughout the rest of the other separate Faultline arcs as well. Even at the end of Agent Gs arc for it to count properly.
  17. Honestly that's the only global channel I've seen active in a long time.
  18. I've found it a mix of both for all content. Early blue side is very tedious and repetitive in my opinion, while gold side feels engaging and interesting all the way through the wards. I love red side content, though it is a late bloomer in my opinion as well - once you hit st. Martial and Nerva its nonstop awesome.
  19. I updated a few of my favorite character's costumes. Psychochronokinesis Fire Guard
  20. That is how I looked at it at first as well. Coming back to this over a long period of time always gives me something to do that I can easily jump in to without needing a big team to support me.
  21. Maybe a screenshot could help deduce the cause.
  22. I was a little bit there on retail, but my main still had to use the flashback system for arcs that were added after I hit 50 (which happened in Issue 3 I think). Ouro is a part of what makes this game so awesome. You can scale the difficulty up or down, experience all of the great content added throughout this game's history, pick specific missions you want to try to solo or go crazy with a full team. I would say that Ouro and AE are tied for the best features after character customization.
  23. Added reference - I am rocking a non-ti 1080, so you're results will likely be better.
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