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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I've found doing a couple of iterations of these Masters' works better than crossing your fingers one person doesn't screw it up. The two arena badges which require patience and coordination are also a pain, as you said.
  2. In before someone complains for no reason! (joking!) Thank you so much for the update Jimmy! And thank you to the volunteer Homecoming staff, GMs, and development team. I appreciate the tease and I look forward to continuing to play this great game with this awesome community we've built. Keep it up!
  3. Great idea! Looks like we had similar thought progression. I like the idea of tying them more to Ouro as well. You are essentially going back in time using the Fire and Ice Crystal, so it would stand to reason that those zones have a certain level range.
  4. I'm seeing this comment and others like it as a common response to my suggestion. I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.
  5. The system exists in this game as well, but requires developer console command access to turn off or on.
  6. Very good points. I'll have to rethink my suggestion with this caveat in mind. Thank you
  7. Fair enough. I went in to the dev console on my private server and changed the player flag mechanic to all. That worked. It's the same as how the zone Warburg works. I have experienced the differences you discussed between powers for PvE and PvP. I think that because it's a legacy decision that we are stuck with it. I appreciate the points you have made.
  8. Hi, my suggestion is not an ultimatum. I can enjoy all the game play mechanics you mentioned in your post if these zones were to be modified as I suggested. I appreciate the passion of those who have replied to my suggestion. I love this game too and I'm happy we can discuss how we think the game could be improved.
  9. I am more hopeful there is a middle ground - this is a suggestion not an ultimatum. I pointed out in an earlier post that all of the normal content was removed from these Echo zones, except for their street spawns. So aside from the badges I've collected and the fun ambience of sitting on the tops of the faults in Echo Faultline or wandering through the foggy and aptly named streets of Echo Dark Astoria, there aren't any gameplay mechanics present in these zones that currently draw players in to experience them. I'm advocating for using an existing game mechanic, which is easily implemented by changing the flagging of players, in to Echo zones to increase the number of reasons a player may venture there. I love badging, I love looking at and exploring the intricacies of this game, I love PvP - these are all game play mechanics. My suggestion looks to use one of these.
  10. Well it's a game mechanic that has existed in this game for a long time, so I'm advocating for it to be implemented in Echo zones. Thank you for your post.
  11. My suggestion is to make the Echo zones more active by bringing in a game mechanic which is minimally resource intensive to implement. Going in to the dev command and changing the flag player rules. Badges and chilling/nostalgia are the reasons I and other folks in this thread have mentioned for visiting these zones. I'm advocating for adding another reason to visit them.
  12. Adding Incarnate content to the Echo zone was what my quote was referring to.
  13. This is a fair alternative and I would support this suggestion. I think it would require a tremendous amount of investment of time and resources though, so I'm more inclined to my suggestion which would just require a dev command to flag all for PvP.
  14. Thank you for your post. Perhaps a middle ground could be found or compromise could be reached for the folks who do not support my suggestion.
  15. I'm not suggesting making PvP more popular or unpopular, though that may be a byproduct of my suggestion. My suggestion is intended to provide another reason to visit these underutilized zones.
  16. This is a valid observation. As I mentioned in my OP, these zones do not serve any game play function besides players like myself badging there or going to chill. And I agree, I can't prove my suggestion wouldn't end up doing the opposite of what I intended. My hope is it doesn't though! Thank you
  17. Indeed. A difficult, but not insurmountable problem. I would agree that it is premature to put one before the other, but I can hope doing so would lead to change. Thanks
  18. My suggestion is intended to provide another reason to visit these underutilized zones. I visit them for badging and chill time, as others have mentioned in this thread. By adding another game mechanic to these zones, it could promote more unique visits by players. Thank you for your post.
  19. I'm not arguing how players may or may not exercise gameplay mechanics, my suggestion is intended to promote an increase in foot traffic in to these zones. Your point does bring up valid concerns though about the layout of safe areas within the zone which leads me to believe it would need to be addressed for my suggestion to be successful. I had forgotten about the before Level 11 glitch to get in to Ouro after using the Echo zone base teleporter. I've used it myself for my badger when he was a lowly hero. Thank you for the discussion!
  20. I agree with this, but I made my suggestion knowing full well the shortfalls of the game mechanic. Perhaps increasing the player base interest in this game mechanic via my suggestion would lead to a higher priority of our awesome volunteer dev team and HC staff towards addressing these issues. Thanks for your reply!
  21. I completely grasp the divide you mention between those two player bases, but I am an exception to that observation. I love badging and I love PvP. Both are really enjoyable to me in this game. I can see how my suggestion may alter how you and others play this fun game, so I would definitely support a compromise to give those dissenting players a voice and show of support.
  22. While I agree that PvP isn't particularly popular in this game, the suggestion wasn't to add zones, it was to change existing and underutilized zones in to ones which supported and incentivized player visits. I believe there is a Level 11 cap for using the Ouro portal, (and Level 15 for the Ouro flashback content). That is in line with my suggestion of Echo: Galaxy City being a Level 15-30 zone.
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