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Everything posted by arcane

  1. I could see khelds coming in last here even with more tightly controlled testing, but 115 deaths = something was up, yeah. I don’t see why any single player of any powerset combo ever would ever need to die 115/8 times on an ITF unless some IO/Incarnate goodies were in very short supply. Personally, I have to start blaming drugs if I die half that much ever outside of Aeon. Tho I haven’t done a strict all kheld one - all EAT’s definitely but not all HEAT’s yet.
  2. Logged in and idk if I wanna share this one. My other Ills/ and one of my TA’s were more recently given tune-ups, but this one made some funny looking decisions (I try things out from time to time... hello build with Aid Self).
  3. Respectfully disagree. Recharge and endurance management, yes. Regeneration and defense are absolutely optional things to build for in most cases. My Ill/ trollers solo 54 AV’s or x8 content just fine with few or zero additional defense bonuses. So what is there to “out-survive”? And my Ill/Dark certainly would have never achieved pylon times south of 2 minutes without my offensive building style. Need to update my Ill/TA before I say too much about what that one’s capable of.
  4. Read: 6 damage procs at 90% chance to fire. That’s average damage of >400 versus +0.
  5. Ice Arrow does -special and has a 90% proc rate. Probably the best single target attack you have access to besides Blind and potentially Seismic Smash. Guess you don’t have to, but I like all my characters to have at least a couple very solid single target attacks because I feel like you can wind up taking forever to clean up bosses / EB’s no matter how good your AoE damage is. Since the release of Ice Mistral’s Torment, it can now accept 6 damage procs, all at 90% chance to fire. I use that setup on all 3 of my TA’s. Also I use 4 damage procs / 2 -res procs in Acid Arrow on all 3 but you’ve more or less got that already. I could share mine with you later on. I can’t remember which epic I have though Psi is usually a good pick. My Ill/Storm has Psi and my Ill/Dark has Mace, just blanking on the TA... Oh one other thing for now. I’d ditch World of Confusion here. I have it on some characters but your build has zero other reasons to enter melee, so it seems counterintuitive unless it’s purely a mule.
  6. A lot of millennials were seduced by Apple’s shiny user interface tricks 10-20 years ago when Mac laptops and the first iPhone were all the rage with the kids. Some of us never found our way back in spite of the occasional issues with software compatibility we have to put up with.
  7. First thing’s first, needs 6-procced Ice Arrow for damage. Might look more later 🙂
  8. You me and Bill all know there are, at minimum, a few grains of truth embedded there. Come at me 🙂
  9. PC privilege detected 😉 If you arents calculating everything manually in a spreadsheet, you arents trying!
  10. Also while we’re here can we pretty please have the Total Focus activation buff for Incandescent Strike? Mine does a huge burst of damage when loaded up with procs, but there’s so little it can be trusted not to corpse-blast...
  11. That would still constitute the Kheldian contributing more, not less.
  12. Fair nuff. Like I said, your proposed buff sounds fine. I still say your Bio-to-everything ratio is insane. Go try more stuff.
  13. Do they? Are we sure? Your proposal sounds reasonable and fine to implement, but I’m skeptical of this statement considering I’m pretty sure (1) your post history tells me you most likely think about 80% of powersets in the game are garbage. I’ve heard you praise maybe 5 sets in the game tops that weren’t available to Scrappers/Tankers, and if I had to guess I’d say you probably have more min-maxed no nonsense Bio Armor characters than all non-melee AT’s combined. (2) my experience of Kheldians is consistently awesome AoE, awesome mitigation, and horrible single target DPS. Sounds kind of like a balanced product to me. Am I wrong? Will a small buff push them over the edge on power creep? No. Do they need “a lot of help”? Not sure on that one.
  14. Excel People with Mids are showing their privilege
  15. Is this a secret plot to get Entangling Arrow’s proc rate buffed?
  16. But a small object like a crate, a short distance away from a team fight, does the job just fine as long as you keep eyes on the enemy, so the delay is needed to keep it from being a viable in-combat power.
  17. Not entirely factual. For most general play, yes. For content that you literally cannot complete on a character without email insps, obviously the risk-reward ratio changes substantially. Since, you know, the risk for impossible content is effectively infinite versus the reward of zero. And no, we can’t treat all content as interchangeable because you can’t get HO’s/etc from just switching over to a more manageable type of content. Will await a report of a Fire/Fire blaster soloing MLTF without chaining email insps before agreeing that chaining email insps does not make the game easier in any way ever. Absent something like that, it obviously does. ”I can do X task but only with email insps” and “email insps make the game harder not easier” are contradictory statements.
  18. Or at least do what I do and use IO’s but more for procs and offense and less for defense 🙂 I won’t touch SO’s with a 10 foot pole, but my “squishy” AT’s prefer to run at 15-25% defenses than 45%, which is certainly going to make things at least a little bit trickier than playing a Scrapper. If you feel the need to go godmode for a little bit you’re still just a couple purple inspirations away anyway. Thunderstrikes and Artilleries and whatnot are laaaame.
  19. Obviously my statement requires some assumptions like probably IO’s, definitely modest inspiration use, AV’s not guaranteed to be included, and probably some warning labels on carnies or whatever. Now y’all calm down. My mindset may be “terrible”, but at least it allows me to enjoy a powerset regardless of its meta status.
  20. Although this is absolutely the case for a few powergamers, it makes me want to bang my head against a wall. There are 9 powersets in this game I do not have maxed out at level 50. 4 MM primaries and 5 Dom secondaries. The only reason I don’t have those is because I decided to stop at 100 50’s for now (100 reflects badly enough on the state of my RL, IMO, don’t you think?). There are a couple of duds out. But there’s just nothing wrong with the vast majority of those powersets unless you are positively obsessive-compulsive about timing every mission you do. Well, or PvP. That’s an exception. IMO anyone that limits themselves to a few powersets is limited far more by their own thinking than by slight inequalities in the game.
  21. I wasn’t asking about exploits with those questions. I was trying to demonstrate that there is precedent for things being nerfed just because they are overpowered - not because they harm other players - and you clearly agree with me, so good to know. I know this point is obvious but our friend was saying nerfs should never be for victimless crimes. My point was that that has never been the case in the history of CoH.
  22. I always thought the delay was there to ensure you couldn’t just duck behind something and use it in combat with too much ease. I don’t think inherents need to be any better.
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