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Giovanni Valia

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Everything posted by Giovanni Valia

  1. I wasn't going to enter this contest, seeing as I've already won a different base contest in the past, but a friend told me to enter anyways. This is my Arachnos themed supervillian lair. • Giovanni Valia • @Gio Valia • Shades of Arachnos • Excelsior • Passcode: 315-6811 • Multipurpose Base, over 7k items • I am the sole builder of this base
  2. 'Costume: Alpha Arachnoid' 'Costume: Arachnoid' 'Costume: Arachnos Arbiter' 'Costume: Arachnos Bane Spider' 'Costume: Arachnos Crab Spider' 'Costume: Arachnos Devoured' 'Costume: Arachnos Fateweaver' 'Costume: Arachnos Fortunata' 'Costume: Arachnos Night Widow' Woohoo, more Arachnos NPC costumes! Today is a good day. Excited to use these in game.
  3. on Everlasting: PROFITS-770
  4. I'd love to see the standard Arachnos enemy costumes added as temp powers in addition to the Arachnos BCU. Definitely looking forward to this for RP purposes.
  5. It's not a huge change, but it's welcome. The glossy, latex-like texture for Night Widows looks good overall. The only part that bothers me is how the texture looks on the gloves. That part is not meant to have the glossy texture from what I can tell. It doesn't seem as though it is possible to replicate the exact color scheme the Night Widow NPCs/ Enemies use in-game. The grey they use has a very slight color tint. Not a big deal, but it irks me.
  6. The "Night Widow" texture for Arachnos Widow costume looks good. It matches up with the in-game Night Widow costume gloss texture. I'm not able to perfectly replicate the shade of gray on the uniform's shoulder pads to match the NPC, but it's a very close match now. Thanks for adding this in.
  7. Very impressive! I showed your base to a few friends of mine. They were floored. The custom floors, pipes, and walls are very well done. It all comes together and feels like a real Arachnos base.
  8. The base you visited probably had the Boombox item placed in one of the rooms to create music. There's a few items in the base editor that create ambient sounds like that. It is not possible to set base music for specific rooms via /command unfortunately. /sg_music will change the background music for the entire base.
  9. There's one on Everlasting shard I think that has a pyramid you can check out. It's been awhile, so I'm not certain if this code is good still. YOUNGGODS-5822
  10. Lmao, here I am showing off my poor reading comprehension. How did I miss that Exit sign... The outside of your base looks great. I love the pipes on top of the base, and kudos for the scaffolding/ stairs. I know that stuff can take awhile to place. What's the background music you have playing? It fits the military aesthetic well.
  11. Nice. I like what I saw. I couldn't figure out how to check out the external section of your base, but the inside is quite well done. Seeing your base gave me some inspiration for how I might improve my own.
  12. Cool stuff! It's good to see more Arachnos bases around. I'd be interested to check it out in game, if you're sharing the code.
  13. Like I said, " I agree with OP's recommendation for restricting XP gained in AE to established accounts", If someone already has a few lvl 50s then sure, PL away in AE farms. New players being AFK farmed in AE is more concerning to me. Also, if people want to continually beg in LFG for a farm to AFK in, why not spend that time instead making their own farming character? I'm not looking to change any opinions, since LFG will just continue to be filled with people begging for free afk fire farms. If that's what people want lol.
  14. I agree with OP's recommendation for restricting XP gained in AE to established accounts, but I doubt anything will change so dramatically. I recall seeing somewhere awhile back that there was a plan by the HC devs to limit the AFK farming. It would be nice to find out if that will be looked at again. It's disheartening to see LFG populated by numerous requests to AFK sit in a farm, rather than play the game.
  15. I don't even play on HC anymore, but It's sad to hear that the PvP community has all but died. I had a handful of alts with PvP builds on indom for awhile and had a lot of fun in arena with the PvP community and friends. At least for me and my friends, the biggest barrier to doing more PvP was collecting the IOs to make competitive builds. I think lowering bar to compete in the PvP environment would help a lot, regardless of who wants to participate. PvP-only free IOs would help get people set up and running. Edit: Also should mention, that I've heard from other developers that server wide opt-in PvP is just not possible from a code stand-point, even though I'd enjoy seeing it. Maybe a "duel" option similar to trading that requires both players to agree to PvP on the fly.
  16. If you're looking for a challenge past +4/8 you're probably better off looking for another server to play on. That's what I've been doing as of late. HC is not the only private server. It's refreshing to team with people who are not spamming incarnate powers with fully IO'd/ farmed characters. It's unlikely the HC dev team will do anything to undo the power creep tbh, especially if the ridiculous tanker buffs are anything to go by.
  17. Sent a DM to you, @Blyzzard
  18. Speculation, and yeah the thread title is click-bait.
  19. As @JayboH Said, HC has not obtained the CoX IP. It's great that streaming is allowed on HC now, but why the sudden change of position on streaming?
  20. Proliferating a No-Redraw option for held weapons would be a very welcome addition. Having the redraw animation between guns/ maces really eats into DPS and is build restrictive. I'd love to see no-redraw for all Arachnos guns, maces, and the widow claws. +1
  21. I'm kinda shocked to see so many people don't use the daggers. I always use them for GMs, or AVs if my attacks don't have any -regen. Many of my friends do the same for hard content. If you don't have much -regen in your attacks It just makes sense for the team to be stacking -regen with daggers.
  22. First thing I do when I make a new alt; Remove [General] chat, the cause of much consternation. I only ignore people who are spamming up LFG looking for farms, and even with that I just clean out my ignore box after a few days. Like @Dark Dove said, the community is small enough that I'd prefer not to limit my options, even if I don't see eye to eye with everyone.
  23. And that's a good thing! In all seriousness, some people really enjoy the challenge of tough missions on their "perfected" characters. I would love more TFs to really test the limits of my incarnate alts. I've played AE missions that others have made, including 802.1, and ones that I have made with all bosses/ EBs. Even these are still not enough to pose a major threat to a prepared team.
  24. I've been noticing this as well. It's usually mid-level people that will drop team with no warning or explanation as to why. The AE farm theory makes sense though for the change in recent behavior. That or people just have shorter attention spans now >_>
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