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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. When I started playing CoX I picked Defiant, because there were two English speaking EU servers and Defiant was supposed to be the low-pop one. I'm wildly anti-social. It worked out great! A side effect has been that Reunion has always seemed really busy to me.
  2. I set the difficulty to whatever I think the character can handle, and then I pack my tray with a ton of purple insps and head off.
  3. Thank you! I guess you could get bored of Ki Push before level 50, but that's why it's important to mix it up by kicking mobs in the face in various other ways, too.
  4. I know this one! Here's a link to @GM Kal's list of HC merit awards.
  5. This is amazing! Fingers crossed for a successful run.
  6. Gratz to @Icono04 ! And thank you, @Yomo Kimyata , for your awesome generosity. :-) My global is the same as my forum name, Grouchybeast.
  7. I absolutely agree with, at a minimum, limiting Incarnate powers and level shifts to Incarnate-level content.
  8. That's because the thread topic was ranking the element-themed sets, not ATs. Blasters are only one of the four ATs that use blast sets.
  9. @Gulbasaur wrote a brilliant guide to levelling from 1-50 through story arcs. Lots of great suggestions in there.
  10. Kowaccio is a mash-up of both the Due South detective Rays, Vecchio (original) and Kowalski (replacement), who were Fraser's partners. Frasenbaker is also a mash-up name, of Benton Fraser (the Mountie) and Diefenbaker (his lip-reading deaf wolf sidekick).
  11. My guess is that most people who badge do so only on a small number of characters, probably their mains. Once you have the invasion badges, there's no much incentive to go to an invasion -- the XP is relatively poor, and it basically just involved standing in one spot while mobs melt in AOEs in more-or-less of a slide show depending on your computer performance. They're not the most fun events in CoX. I don't really see why it's a problem that people generally prefer to assemble in a couple of zones, as it does make it easier to get the boss badges. Encouraging people to spread out would probably make those badges much more hit-and-miss.
  12. *hammers the 'like' button as hard as possible*
  13. Min FX for everything, plz.
  14. Welcome home! If you're planning to try to have files pulled off an old machine, make sure to get any costume and power customization files you might have saved. They will load right into Homecoming, and although some of the costumes might be slightly broken, you should get a big head start on remaking the characters.
  15. @Oubliette_Red has a detailed guide here.
  16. 2022 Homecoming Pin-Up Calendar confirmed? Jack In Irons sexy kilt shot for October, right?
  17. Yes, that's correct, I'm using the HC Launcher. ETA: That screenshot is exactly the same error I was seeing. Once I updated the beta client, the main client updated fine.
  18. Same problem here, except that for a while even trying to update the beta client caused an instant crash of the launcher (I submitted a full crash report). I rebooted my computer, and I could then successfully update the beta client and subsequently the main client. ETA: I'm using the HC Launcher.
  19. The first thing I want to know about any game is does it have voice acting, and if so, can I turn it off?
  20. I'm actually quite sad that my main already has all the exploration badges and so I won't be able to do the tips on her.
  21. I like it! The recipes could simply be another rare pool associated with enemy defeat/mission end/whatever. The game checks for a successful drop from that pool, rolls for a random recipe, rolls for a random Day Job, and then gives the recipe to the player *only* if they also have the rolled Day Job badge. Otherwise the recipe drop is silently deleted. That rewards players both for playing the game, and for acquiring a variety of Day Job badges. The recipes would start to trickle in as soon as each character had a single Day Job, and would become more common over time if the player went to the trouble of getting more badges. ETA: I do think all recipes should be available for Merits, though. Much as I enjoy the market, I think there should always be a non-random option to buy any recipe, even if it's wildly over-priced compared to market value.
  22. The ability for respecs to remember tray layouts would be a Godsend. Autoreslotting IOs would no be something I would want, but as an optional button, sure. (Do you know about /cleartray? That at least gets you a blank canvas free of temps.)
  23. I always thought it was appropriate that the Death shaman was the one exception who could keep summoning after death.
  24. Dual Pistols/Martial Combat is absolutely illegal levels of fun. It's basically a whirlwind of SHOOT - KICK - TELEPORT - BIG SHOOT - BIG KICK - BIGGER SHOOT - FACEPUNCH - SHOOT - SPINNY KICK - SHOOT THOSE THREE DUDES IN A LINE - KICK - SHOOT THAT DUDE IN THE HEAD AS HE FLIES BACKWARDS - TELEPORT - SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT - KICK KICK KICK. It's amazing. As far as character concept, I made a Wild West character with fancy space guns. But there are probably plenty of ways to go because the silly OTT gunplay and flashy kicks are very visually harmonious as far as set combos go. I have no idea how it plays at +4/x8, I'm afraid, because that's not something I do. I need to redo my build to get rid of boring old Fly and bring in the new Infiltration travel power, which will be a whole new level of thematic awesomeness. It will be slower, but it;s okay because it will be nice to be running along the pavement instead, so I can fit in some extra SPINNY KICK SHOOTY FACEPUNCHING on the way to missions. (But I'll edit with my old/current build in later when I'm at a computer with Mids installed. I think I stole it from the blaster forums anyway.) ETA: Build
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