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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. Yes, I think it was! Everyone on the team was like, yes, I've definitely run this before...eight years ago. I did a Lady Grey around the same time, and no one could remember how to defeat the weakened Hamidon. Another triumph for Paragonwiki!
  2. Not long after I found HC I saw someone calling for a Sewer Trial team, and I jumped on it because I really wanted the badge. The person who started the team didn't know what they were doing -- IIRC they also hadn't been back for long -- and they ran it with the wiki page open to see what we should do next. Everyone was very patient and good at following directions and we got it done.
  3. Depends how much use you think you'll get out of the Corr secondary. I duoed an ice/ice corr with a fire/fire brute, and the shields and debuffs were fantastic synergy. The more time you spend running on big teams, the more likely it is that others will have the support covered and you'll spend most of your time blasting anyway.
  4. According to Paragonwiki: 'Any critter that is capable of dropping a level 50 IO has a chance to drop a "purple". This includes, but is not limited to, level 47 minions, level 46 lieutenants, and etcetera. Giant Monsters, Monsters, and Underlings will never drop a "purple".' (I assume they mean 'level 50 IO recipe'.)
  5. Phasing technology already exists in the game. If you poke around Atlas, there are areas that change depending on what arcs you've played, like whether or not you can see Dana Habashy standing next to her husband. You can also see the map markers of team members disappear and appear as they go in and out of the phasing areas. If you're teaming, you see the team leader's world. I assume that if the game hadn't shut down, more zones would have had the same kind of revamp.
  6. Does an AE description have any definitive value, though? The AE exists in-world (built by Dr Aeon's company,,,with Crey funding...), which presumably means the interface exists in-world, which means that the AE descriptions exist in-world, too. The description for Odysseus was probably slapped together by some underpaid Aeon Corporation intern who wanted to leave early on a Friday and figured that no one would ever bother checking their work. Lots of people get their powers from demons, right? Sure, sounds fine. They'd probably just done a week of work-shadowing at the PTS in Cap.
  7. Probably not, unless you count getting taken over and destroyed by Mot as diversification. I guess they diversified into snake tails and bird feet. I always loved the Knives. It's rumoured that they number no more that 100 individuals! What, did the 100 I defeated on the first level of the map all get better and run upstairs to be the next 100?
  8. I very strongly agree with this. (I always think it's funny when people approach villains like, oh, sure, they murder, rape, rob and try to bring about the destruction of the earth, but they don't discriminate. That would just be too awful!)
  9. I like this distinction, very well put.
  10. There's also the moral choice missions, which means if the team is trying to follow arcs together you have to break up the team so everyone can solo their mission and then reform afterwards. It's annoying even when you're duoing.
  11. Back on live there was a bug that affected drops, and specifically affected drops for some characters and not others. It took a huge community effort to confirm its existence and get the devs to listen to the evidence (because Synapse was...not very good at testing) but it was eventually fixed. So while that bug was fixed, it is certainly possible that there's another, even rarer, weirder and more obscure bug out there. The only way to pin it down, unfortunately, would probably be large-scale data analysis again. Odds are, though, it's just the streakiness you expect from random events.
  12. I would. I mean, I wouldn't cry into my pillow at night over it, or anything, but it would be a shame to have the single solitary Natural origin group who actually have a philosophical commitment to achieving perfection as unaugmented humans turn out to be just another bunch of magic users after all.
  13. Introducing Paragon City's new champion, Hero McHeroface, and his dastardly nemesis, Villainy McVillainface.
  14. Synapse is the worst. The Shadow Shard TFs have nice scenery, and if you really don't like flying through the Shards then you can pretend they don't exist and not miss much. But if you want the TF Commander badge then sorry, but Synapse has 358487 identical warehouse kill alls lined up just for you.
  15. DP/MC is the combo where I keep asking my duo partner, did you see that, did you see what I did? Did you see how cool I looked? 😄
  16. Ranged attacks are very important with Martial Combat. It's vital to have a variety of stylish ways to shoot the mobs who are slo-mo flying backwards through the air after Ki Push.
  17. My favourite thing to do in CoH is to duo. I find duoing scales really well over all levels, and there are a lot of really fun combos where both characters get to shine.
  18. I don't keep any drops except purples. Everything else is either sold, or crafted and sold. The only IOs in the base are purple drops, spares of the IOs that most characters use like Panacea procs, and anything left over after a respec that I think I'll want again. If I like a character enough to IO it, then I 'store' their build in AH bids for the (attuned) IOs. The current state of the market, with very low inflation and level bucketing, encourages selling drops rather than hoarding. While I'm not necessarily entirely opposed to an effectively unlimited account-based storage system, I do wonder what effect it would have on market liquidity and prices.
  19. There's already a recommended post on the thread you linked that explains why the devs have made those decisions. The fact that people don't like the explanations don't mean they haven't been given, more than once.
  20. Just FYI, Null the Gull has an option to allow you to turn off speed buffs from other players.
  21. And low-damage ATs like Defenders and Controllers, who have the most to gain from proc monster builds, are often already chasing high global recharge so they can get their long-recharge buffs, debuffs and controls up as often as possible. So the builds can come 'proc monster ready' as a side effect of existing build choices. There isn't necessarily much sacrificing of other build goals happening in order to maximise the procs.
  22. It's my favourite fire power. And in the days before crashless nukes, RotP was also a brilliant way for PBAoE-nuke blasters to dodge the end crash.
  23. There is no hard cap. You get all the procs. This is exactly why global recharge breaks PPM procs.
  24. I think the suggestion is fine, and after the entire AH interface has been burned to the ground, it would be a neat thing to include in the rebuild.
  25. I didn't read much about what the devs said about their ongoing plans for the game after the shutdown, so I'm afraid didn't see where they posted their ideas for how the proc system would have ended up. I only know that it was still being reworked and tweaked as the shurdown announcement was made. I'd love a link, though, because it would be really interesting to see what Paragon were planning.
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