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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. They were literally in the middle of overhauling the proc system when the game was sunsetted. The PPM system was still being reworked on I24 beta when the announcement was made. What we have at the moment is the broken result of a part-completed attempt to carry out the very rebalancing that you claim they didn't want to do, which was meant to address procs being brokenly overpowered in a completely different way. It's a snap-shot in the middle of an incomplete process, not the fully realized end product of the process. I'll be very surprised if HC don't eventually take a stab at finding a better proc balance than we currently have.
  2. Well, have you seen how much people complain about getting talk-to missions?
  3. To be fair, while IOs and permadom are very nice to have, I've also had good experiences with Doms at low levels, especially in Praetoria. The mix of control and damage makes it feels safe, and Domination is excellent even when it isn't perma,
  4. More no-FX options are always good for pool and epic powers. Each individual effect might not be too obtrusive, but they soon become a mismatched clashing mess when a few are running together.
  5. If you had asked this question on live, it would have been really easy because obviously it would've been my Fire/Ice Blaster main, Ellie Mintal. But now I have tasted the forbidden fruit of Dual Pistols/Martial Combat, I think I have been tempted away by the shooty-spinny-kick awesomeness of Gun Sue. Sorry, Ellie. 😞
  6. The Kismet +6% To-Hit is usually the first IO I slot. Pretty much every character will benefit from a boost to Acc at low levels. It can be slotted from level 7. Pop it in Combat Jumping or Hover (it needs to go in a power you use, as it's a proc) and enjoy all the many benefits of missing less. Also, if you like to badge, or you fancy speedrunning, then some kind of Stealth is really useful, especially on squishies. If you want to be able to see your costume most of the time, you can easily slot a Celerity Stealth into one of the Prestige sprints. (If I have a spare power pick, I'll often pick up the Concealment pool Stealth as well, anyway. It doesn't need slots to be useful, and it can take a LotG +rech.)
  7. It's very hard to make generally applicable guides for CoX that also have specific numbers, because not only are the ATs very different, but the powersets within the ATs can be almost as varied as the ATs themselves. Honestly, what I do when I want to make a build is download a few from the appropriate build forum, and look at what they're doing. That in itself needs some experience, though, but it can give you a general idea of what people think the character will benefit from in terms of building up set bonuses, avoiding certain powers etc. Caveats for this: - If the build includes Incarnate powers, then it might be very unbalanced without them. I always turns those off, because I like to use sets as early as possible and I don't PL, so until I reach level 50 I don't think about Incarnate powers. However, it might mean that I need to consider what those Incarnate powers were doing (recharge, end) and make sure the character still works without them. - If the build needs a lot of Purples (which can only be slotted at 50) or uses a lot of Superior sets (which can only be Catalysed at 50) I will find substitutes to use while I'm levelling. If I decide I really enjoy the character and want to keep playing them after level 50, I might make another super shiny build later. - I don't just dismiss a power because most people don't take it. If your goal is min-max efficiency, no worries, but forums builds can sometimes miss out fun powers that are less efficient. If you want to start from scratch, then I would say that the starting point is to consider the character's strengths and weaknesses. Look through the powers. Is it an end-heavy set? If it's a squishy AT, do you still want/need to be able to be in melee a lot? Does it have a lot of long-recharge powers you need to have up as often as possible? Is there a specific click power you want to have available all the time, for which you'll need a specific amount of recharge? How you play is also hugely important. If you team almost all the time, then that's very different to if you like to solo a lot. If you like to PL to 50 and then build from there, that's very different to wanting to play story arcs to 50 with no double XP. @Yomo Kimyatahas written a brilliant guide to using IOs while levelling, which is also a brilliant guide to what IOs are available, and which ones are especially useful at which levels. Worth a read if you want to get a feel for what you can do.
  8. There's a really nice outdoor cafe in one of the Praetoria zones. I've been on a few ITrials that started from there as a more cheerful alternative to Dark Astoria.
  9. *That awkward moment when Batman's debit card is declined because The Joker spent all the money in their joint account*
  10. They're seeded at 10,000,000 but people are free to relist them for any price they like.
  11. That sounds like it makes market fees more significant in opposing inflation, rather than less, since they subtract exclusively from the pool of inf that's in current active trading circulation between players.
  12. Doms are fine the way they are. Relatedly, there's nothing wrong with people not liking to play every AT, or every powerset. Variety of playstyle is good.
  13. And a Rikti monkey! Awesome idea :-)
  14. I took Body Mastery on my Claws/Elec scrapper purely so she could shoot laser beams from her eyes.
  15. If your plan is to solo your way through everything, including TFs, then you should definitely consider an Ill/Rad Controller. They were soloing AVs before IOs were, uh, invented.
  16. @Solarverse has a list of sound mods here, and there's at least one sonic attack replacement set in there, along with instructions for how to add the files to the game.
  17. At the moment, someone who wants to list a LotG needs to take the listing fee into consideration when they decide what listing price to choose. List for just under 4 million and very probably sell for 4-6 million within a day? List for just under 6 million and hopefully sell for 6+ million in a longer timeframe, but risk losing the listing fee if the IO doesn't sell? (Numbers are for illustration purposes only. Do not list based on the contents of this post.) Every time a seller cancels their listing, they lose 5%, which is a strong incentive not to cancel listings too many times, which is a strong incentive to list for prices that will sell sooner or later, depending on seller patience. Listing fees stop sellers listing-creeping to find the highest current bid. or listing high and slowly dropping the sell price. It's an important contributor to the market dynamics that make it possible to bid low and wait to avoid the impatience tax.
  18. The CoX market is pretty brilliant, really. It's such a neat combination of simplicity and complexity that allows players to interact successfully with it at very different levels of investment in that part of the game. And the HC tweaks have overall improved it even more. (Like, I do miss being able to kit out a character with mid-30s set IOs on the cheap, but I certainly don't miss it enough to want to give up the improved liquidity, vastly lower prices, and benefits to lower level characters.)
  19. Think of it like this: it doesn't knock them back instead of knocking them down. Foes are always knocked down. If the magnitude is high enough, they're also knocked away.
  20. +1 The Battalion as described sound fundamentally like a plot device to continue the reorientation of CoX towards endgame grinding. A bigger threat leading to more Itrials to grind for more Incarnate XP and components to fill more incarnate power slots to eventually lead to an EVEN BIGGER threat leading to MORE Itrials to grind for MORE Incarnate XP and components to fill MORE incarnate power slots to eventually lead to an EVEN MORE BIGGER threat leading to... I would rather they turned out to be a speck of dirt on the time radar that a Mender misinterpreted after not enough sleep and too much coffee.
  21. That will have exactly one outcome: the people who now run Council papers in PI will stop running Council papers in PI and switch to running whatever is the new highest reward to effort ratio mission, and we'd be back exactly where we started, just with slightly different scenery. I can't imagine the amount of time that it would take to tweak and balance to get rewards sufficiently evenly balanced that there was no reward difference between, say, fighting Council and fighting Arachnos, and then in maintaining that balance going forwards as people develop new tactics to perfect their returns under the new regime. More fundamentally, though, I don't see why we need to work to stop people running Council papers at all, if running Council papers is what they enjoy. If there are people who are so committed to reward over time that they're miserably running Council papers even though every fibre of their being yearns to fight Carnies, then I don't think that we can solve their issues by adjusting game mechanics.
  22. Could the problem it be related to the directory the file is in? I think that Desktop is one of the directories protected by default by Windows Defender.
  23. See, I find Tankers and Brutes really boring to play, but I don't think that means there's anything inherently wrong with them, it just means that I don't enjoy playing them. I want them to be left as they are so that the people who like playing Brutes and Tankers can play the game the way they like to play, and I can play the game the way I like to play with the ATs I enjoy. If ATs were all adjusted so that I enjoyed every AT equally, there would be a lot of very disappointed players out there wondering why everything suddenly plays like a Blaster or a Defender.
  24. If you want to add defense to an AT that doesn't naturally have defense, then you have to work at it and potentially sacrifice some other stuff to get there. That's the nature of the ATs, and the nature of game balance. Making characters very strong in one area is balanced by making them weaker in others. If you want to play an AT with higher defenses, then Brutes, Scrappers, Tanks, Stalkers, Sentinels and the Epic ATs are already right there. And all that said, it's still possible to get squishie ATs near and over the non-incarnate softcap with IOs. I feel that complaining that it's too hard to soft-cap a Blaster is something of a diamond shoes problem.
  25. No, I'm agreeing that trainers shouldn't have been given costume change powers, I'm just pointing out that they shouldn't have been given them by the devs on live, rather than that they shouldn't have been given them by the HC devs.
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