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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Crumpet

  1. I was told there would be no maths!!
  2. yep, click the little cog wheel, click homecoming settings, click reset graphics on next run.
  3. I've killed a lot of GM's, especially before they patched out Scrapyard. Not one recipe drop. I also haven't had a single purple recipe drop in weeks either. Same base chance (I think). The RNG hates us all.
  4. So far this thread has been fun, and respectful. As long as it stays that way I'm happy. From my own personal point of view (I'm an utterly non religious person with zero faith who believes once we die that's it and we're gone) I am happy others have a faith even if I don't share it. As long as those who have a faith accept others don't, or have a different faith to them which is equally valid; and those with no faith are respectful and kind to those who do have a faith even if they don't share it, the world would be a lovely place and we'd all get on 🙂 As for playing characters with a religious theme, that's been a thing since games started. Kids in playgrounds have always role played. Cowboys and Indians* was a thing when I was a kid, as was Angels and Demons. And aliens and spacemen. Which eventually bled into tabletop games then computer games. Humans are fascinated with the divine and the profane. TV shows, books YouTube shorts, movies. Everywhere you look you are not far away from some religious skit/spoof/drama. *I know, I'm almost 60 and things have changed since I was 10 😛
  5. I love my flytrap!! No fluffy, give the man his leg back!! Bad flytrap.... sorry about that. he's very playful 🙂
  6. My undead mastermind tapped into the Zig teleporter. Enemies are diverted to his lab and the healthy specimens are recycled as new undead minions, the rest are sold to Dr Vahzilok to get cash to pay the rather exorbitant power bill, and the non human and vegetable enemies are turned into compost. It's very eco friendly and as a hero he has a moral objection to digging up the bodies of noble Paragon citizens.
  7. Laucianna has a plan to convert the entire GM team to Kheldians. I was her first victim convert
  8. Thanks guys, it looks like it might be situational bias. We don't notice when something works, we just notice the times it doesn't.
  9. It's not a stupid suggestion. Sometimes even a basic change like you suggest makes for a very different playstyle and slotting. So many powers have a KB to KD proc that could be used for something else. I'm somewhat lost at the high end conversation myself, I can get behind a sensible suggestion I understand 🙂
  10. I thought it was all a plot by you to make people increase their vamp hunting and thin out your competition
  11. You might be right. I have a PB and WS on Excel, and apart from toying with the idea of a pure human build (which I can do on the existing toons by swapping builds) the only other WS I made was so I could play on Reunion without having to worry about running out of shard transfers. Once you have your kheld built to your playstyle and budget there aren't a lot of alternatives to choose from. I'm sure we all have half a dozen of a particular AT with different power sets but you don't get that with khelds.
  12. No problem. sometimes what we hear in our head when we write comes across a little sharp when it's on the page. I do it all the time 🙂
  13. More like the team is so busy it takes something like this to actually take the time out of their day to collate the information. I'm on the periphery but the people with access to this information (not many) are generally doing several things at once and prioritise the important stuff. Plus having full time real lives that limit the time they can spend on everything they need to do. It's not that they didn't want to, it's more one of those things they had in the to-do list that kept being put off due to more urgent things needing their attention.
  14. If the creator of the IP contacts us with proof of who they are then they are free to play any of their characters as they wish. A lot don't, simply because they want anonymity and to play and interact with other people as "normal folks". They are free to do so though as it's using other peoples IP that's forbidden, not using your own IP 🙂
  15. I do love a good homage or parody character. I can't name names, but some really make me chuckle. Then I get sad when someone reports them as it's obvious they aren't copying an existing IP. I see the name, the costume and the bio and it's obvious where they got the inspiration from, but it's not the IP and is almost always different enough to pass with a "nothing to see here" from me. Actually, a bio can make or break a character too. "The raging Wolverine" could pass if the costume was different and the bio said they got their powers because they were abandoned as a baby and raised by a colony of wolverines in the wild. Or they were on a camping trip and got bitten by a radioactive wolverine. But without the bio making it transparently clear it's an original character "The raging Wolverine" would get hit with the generic hammer without a second thought. Comic companies own the rights to the image and story of the character, they can't own words themselves. Harley Quinn was a one off side character that took off and now nobody can think of the Batman franchise without her name popping up in the top 10 most popular character lists. But Harlequin is an old word used for centuries. As long as it's not Harley adjacent you're good to go.
  16. I don't know if it's being turned on this year, but don't forget we have April Fools and Mapserver event due if they decide to run it again 😛
  17. locking this thread as some people can't play nice
  18. I was just being silly, I know you wouldn't do that 🙂
  19. that told me. I said it was an old memory from a long time ago. I got it wrong 😛
  20. No idea to be honest. It's an admin conversation not a GM one
  21. I wouldn't worry too much as Ms T Knight wouldn't survive long before becoming Generic 405674 quite quickly 😛
  22. I may be confusing win 95 with win 98 🙂 I know it's an early Windows. It was a couple of years ago he mentioned it in conversation
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