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Everything posted by TheZag

  1. It might be 4,294,967,295. Since vet levels are never negative, it might be stored as an unsigned 32 bit integer. Either way, there is no way anyone would ever reach the vet level cap in a human lifetime. There was a comment by a dev somewhere that said the cap, maybe in a bug report about vet levels above 99 making drops suck.
  2. I got incan shamed once on a MSR. I would incan after the last pylon was downed so everyone was in a quick group for buffs and having the incan buff before splitting up to drop bombs. The league leader let them know that i was allowed to use incan on his raids whenever i wanted. I always use incan responsibly but it still sucks when someone that doesnt know what it can be used for in combat decides to be wrong and tell you whats what. Im also amazed at the amount of people that have teleport set to automatically accept. Incan the league when hami spawns and 20 people appear instantly.
  3. First time ive seen a 3rd order spoiler. It would probably be easier if brain storm ideas went the way of the wentworths teleport, iron will inspiration, and the dodo.
  4. Id be down for a creys folley revamp. Its the only zone i havent been able to explore yet and a revamp is almost guaranteed to grant that opportunity.
  5. I had a suggestion previously about adding positional resistances to enemies. I thought that since positional defense existed, positional resistance could too. Ive since been informed that this isnt the case and we are unlikely to ever see such a feature. If it could have worked then there would have been opportunities to diversify by making enemies resistant or vulnerable to different positional attacks across the board. As the game is now, its very difficult to make a specific AT feel they are making a special contribution without making the content virtually impossible when they are absent.
  6. Technically, saying certain opinions aren't welcome while posting in the suggestion forum is a good way to have everyone actually talking about that instead and derail the topic.
  7. When i found where all the cars in independence port are, i laughed for a good minute. Ill have to grab a screenshot next time im over there.
  8. Ive only ever used the patron pets to good effect on a crabbermind and a controller. Both had enough recharge to resummon as they expired and the controller has support abilities to keep the pet alive. They arent really worth the investment to make them permanent unless that is what your build has anyway.
  9. I used to play WoW. The good times for me were during wrath of the litch king expansion. I went back to old content and farmed up a thunderfury and the cloth hat that summoned a ghost wolf non-combat pet for my paladin tank. So there i would be with a sword that is 20 levels below the content and a cloth armor hat for tanking. My team members would inspect my gear and tell me how bad this run was going to suck, somehow ignoring the rest of my amazing gear. I would say if anyone pulls agro off me, i would pay their repair bills. The runs would end with the same people saying i was the best tank they had ever seen. It was fun times but it took so much time out of the day and i also had to quit just to get the hours of my day back.
  10. There might end up with more missions that use the effect but permanent in any form wont happen. Some players have completionist toons that would get locked out if they did this and then couldn't complete new content going forward. It would basically be a im done with this toon and ready to delete it mission.
  11. They get a large amount of resistance to damage but im not seeing any endurance protection as an effect in the paragon protectors moment of glory, drain away!
  12. Regen blast, heal your enemies and troll your friends. Guaranteed to be a good time....until it gets nerfed.
  13. Pretty sure the damage buff got paired with 2 lackluster effects to make it not the always best choice for every situation. I rarely take musculature and instead get something that helps with durability or compliments my power sets. Like intuition radial seems like it was made for ice blast/storm summoning with damage, hold duration, range, slow movement, to hit debuff and defense debuff. Many alpha effects are half or more wasted on alot of power sets. I wouldnt mind seeing a bit of damage sprinkled around to some of them, even if it were only 15-20%, just to encourage a bit more diversity in alpha selection since most people automatically recommend 45% damage.
  14. The DE have been there for a long time. Like, they were there when the zone was first added on the retail servers long. I could be wrong on that but someone with definite memory should be around eventually to confirm or refute.
  15. But u want a change based on feels. Run the same mission 10 times and record your time. Then do it with as many other sets as you can and record those times. Come with data instead of feels to ask for a change. It feels fine to me so you need more than that to try to convince the devs. Playing it for 1000 hours isnt data either. Recording clear times, number of deaths, times needing inspirations to survive, and at several different difficulties with several runs each on the same mission is. Do that and i bet a dev would be very interested in what you have to say.
  16. Sets arent balanced against other sets, they are balanced against itself. There are guidelines that are mostly followed but changes are often made because not every set uses the same abilities. That does mean one of the sets will be the highest dps and one of them will be the lowest. The data i have taken a look at places storm blast almost dead center of the dps chart. When you consider that most sets have different secondary effects, its becomes virtually impossible to say what set is the best. If you only consider raw dps then its very easy to point out a set as 'under performing'. Storm blast does what it does. Middle of the road damage and above average mitigation of enemy attacks. Missing a chance for a proc because you used an ability from your secondary doesnt mean you missed a proc, it means you received whatever benefit that other power had. I could argue that healing aura should do damage to enemies because i could have used a blast instead and missed out on dps. Clearly that is ridiculous and so is saying every attack must be a storm blast attack when storm cell and cat5 are active.
  17. I watched a video of a solo speedrun of the eden trial and it took less than 6 minutes. Unfortunately its very difficult to buff rewards when something can be completed so quickly.
  18. Snarky should spend a week on everlasting. Even if its only to get some wonderful new content to post about on the forum.
  19. Even if nothing is planned for any time soon, its nice to know you arent content with the current state of the shadow shard. Also, I've always hated manticore so thumbs up for him to go evil.
  20. With the circle filled, do the same at the bottom of the window to select lock the team. Then hit the queue button.
  21. Is the shadow shard under any consideration for improvements? The first 2 zones had missions and then it feels rather abruptly cut off. The last 2 zones are pretty much just a hub world for a single task force each. The storm palace especially feels like it could have more going on. Through the task forces and who will die SSA, i guess the plot is technically satisfied but it feels janky. Especially when Rulawade is only an elite boss. It feels like the big baddie is still out there with how easy he was after being the guy that killed Statesman.
  22. Open the LFG tab, look for anything under trials or task force, select it and also select lock the team, then que up. Accept when the prompt comes up. Aaaannnd im too slow, @SeraphimKensaibeat me to it.
  23. Zone invasion events already check if your character has line of sight straight up to the sky. Invasion mobs dont spawn if you are under something. Get a group in an invasion zone under a bridge and nothing will spawn. That doesnt mean it can be automatically useful for detecting if your screen should have rain or not, but the game is able to change behavior if you are under something.
  24. There are several enemies in the game that arent reported to chat for who landed the killing blow. The most notable of these is Hamidon, but there are others as well such as U'kon Gr'ai. Is it possible to have chat report killing blows on these enemies? Our iMSR raid likes to give out prizes for the killshot on the dropship because chat reports who killed it, but it doesnt report who killed Ukon so we cant offer another prize there. And im sure even with no prize offered, people would get a smile if they saw they killed Hamidon. I dont have a list of enemies that dont report kill shots but, if at the very least, Ukon and Hami were able to report, it would be much appreciated.
  25. Reducing the required number to defeat while leaving the spawn size the same could prevent the majority of problems in the event. Thats assuming something else doesnt break because of it, though. If it works, it would be a quick temporary solution while a more permanent fix is on the waiting list.
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