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Everything posted by TheZag

  1. Do /getglobalname to ensure someone else doesnt have it. If nobody has it and restarting the game doesnt let you use it, you may have to wait till a server restart. Keep in mind that some names will come up as nobody when checked ingame but the character creator will say they are unavailable if they contain blocked words.
  2. Sorcery is the origin pool for magic. We also have the science and mutation origin pools. They arent meant to fit the theme of characters from a different origin even though anyone can use them. Gadgetry and utility belt would also be origin pools if they are finished, not APPs. Origin pools tend to be stronger than other pool powers but selecting powers from 1 origin pool will lock out the others. APPs are the ones that open up at lvl 35 and PPPs are the villain ones that unlock at 35 after completing the last mission of any patron's first mission arc. I would like to see more APPs. Starting with plugging the holes that currently exist, some ATs dont have all the different elemental pools available. You cant make stone/stone/stone if there is no stone pool, for example. I also would like to see hero side versions of PPPs get added. There are plenty of living and deceased heroes that have a unique flavor of abilities that arent represented. Positron with radiation mastery or Infernal with Hellfire mastery could be possibilities.
  3. The bladed gloves look great and ive been hoping they will be made available as regular gloves. If you are referring to the fists of vulcan, those are an artifact that are unique to a single character. Its not likely to be granted to players. You can ask but probably need an amazing reason for why players should have access to them.
  4. Its not necessary to convince other players while in the suggestion forum. It is where the majority of pvp is conducted though.
  5. Autocomplete was added to lessen the load on GMs when quests got bugged. Fixing every single bug in every single quest would be the ideal solution but isnt practical unless development on new features and content is stopped so no new bugs are introduced. Using the flashback system places players back into those exact same quests that warranted the need for the autocomplete system but denies its use. Most of the time there are no problems but most of the time isnt all of the time. Our GMs are very helpful but they cant be everywhere. I had to escort some NPCs to an objective and they got stuck, i sent in a ticket and spent the next 50 minutes trying to get them to follow again. I finally got them moving and completed the mission. In my particular case, a GM wasnt able to respond until quite a while after the ticket was sent and the mission had been long completed. AE uses a different version of task force mode so it may be possible for flashback content to be different from regular task forces. I couldnt speak for it being easy or not, though.
  6. Just hit them for merits, 10% of damage is for badges only.
  7. I doubt it could be afk farming, it would have to be botting. Adding a knockback would just have the botter add fly, target adamastor and follow macros to their bot.
  8. Adamastor doesnt spawn, he must be summoned with a click. That means a player is physically present to click the button or has set up an auto clicker or some other form of bot program. If someone is physically at their computer every hour then they are within the rules. But botting for even a single kill would probably be an exploit.
  9. PvE with leaderboards would be a nice addition in my opinion. Your suggestion is pretty much running the guantlet. Consider it PvE-vP. Modes where we fight against mobs but have our performance ranked against other players. Maybe some sort of prizes awarded based off performance isntead of xp/inf for kills.
  10. Send an email to yourself with all needed information and never delete it. Just hit reply to that email, add an attachment, and hit send. Saves typing your global, subject, and body at least.
  11. ive been running it all day and i havent noticed any dip in performance. i had 20-21 frames during the hami raid today when i usually have 16-17. still close enough to be due to character composition but there was no problems for me while using it.
  12. Perhaps a link to this topic in the homcoming launcher news to increase visibility would be appropriate. There are probably several people that would participate but dont regularly visit the forum and they all see the launcher.
  13. With so many set enhancements that reduce mez duration, it often takes longer to send zzz to chat than to just let it wear off. Add in our survivability increase and its just not as necessary to prioritize removing mez as often anymore.
  14. I paired 7 friends with storm blast -a set that excells at spreading enemies apart- with my new beam rifle/devices blaster, a power combo that shines when enemies are packed close together. We ran DFB, posi 1&2, and yin. Hilarity ensued.
  15. I was able to recover the data from the missing portion of the graph
  16. I would have expected a graph over a year to be less jagged. Is that weekdays compared to weekends?
  17. I claimed several character items last night with no problem and never had a problem claiming in the past. As much detail as possible would help for trying to replicate the issue - how many/what item, how often, how many other unclaimed character items, what server. My guess is claiming large amounts of items with larger amounts of character items remaining while on excel. Thats where the problems kept happening while the lower population servers had little or no issue. Try claiming items on all servers to see if the issue exists everywhere or if it has a 'home'. The team did do some work on this problem previously but the character item system wasnt originally designed for the volume we are using now.
  18. I think he wants to mail a ton of them to an alt.
  19. Its /noparticles 1 To turn them off /noparticles 0 Turns them back on I dont know how much of storm blast this would reduce, but in my experience with other power sets, it should be a significant reduction.
  20. U know when Luminara busts out the popcorn ostrich in the suggestions forum that the topic is probably 1 or 2 posts away from getting locked. 😛
  21. Deathsurge is tedious and Caleb is easy to spawn but not so easy to find. Scrapyard can be spam spawned and killed very quickly, my group of 2 people killed him about 50 times in 2 hours. All 3 of them still share the trait of being force spawnable. If i want any blue side monster i have to wait. Blue side has around 25 zones and 8 giant monsters if i counted correctly for 32% of monster to zone coverage. Red side has 7 zones and 4 giant monsters for 57% coverage. I didnt count pvp, co-op, or echo zones. Im not opposed to more giant monsters but comparing red side to blue side cant really work until they get about 15 more zones. That said, there could potentially be room for the wailers to have a GM that wants to attack the golden giza on red side. On blue side ive always thought the minions on igneous could use a GM in the crater of the hollows. Roomier cave maps are nice but not necessary for me. I tend to turn off speed boosting powers in any mission so i dont get stuck on rocks in the cave anyway. It is more variety though so i would welcome it.
  22. The closed beta isnt exclusive. Go apply to be a tester, probably some rules to agree to, and get accepted. Its not an exclusive club, just a tester group that requires the tiniest amount of effort to be a part of.
  23. There is a fair amount of land in the north that was seemingly planned to be something and then minds were changed. The current force field for the zone cuts through but there is a second force field farther out that follows the 'original' boundary of the zone.
  24. I feel like some story details are missing. Was the leader one of those 2 characters that ran ahead, did anyone ask that it wasnt advertised as a speedrun and to clear through. Im assuming you didnt just drop without communicating anything to anyone but its not in the details. At any rate, i wish you success in your future endeavors.
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