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Everything posted by Arbegla

  1. Also Attuned and normal enhancements share the same bucket, so the price would be the same if you bought it with or without.
  2. If you really wanna have fun, play a MM and get confused. Your pets turn on you, and you immediately lose bodyguard mode.
  3. MM pets don't have taunt auras, and have very low hit point pools. If you were to park your MM minions in a respawning group, they would die very fast. Its nothing like AFK farming.
  4. Its cooler now that Council occasionally turn into werewolves and run half way across the map after transforming.
  5. I do notice that most of the NPCs you have to lead out of various places are just plain dumb, but I'm not sure that's really a change one way or another. Especially in small cave maps, its just slow torture trying to lead NPCs out on escort missions.
  6. No No, its all about Where are you, and How are you.
  7. To add to the general theory of 'just play the game' you can turn off XP, and stay at a certain level for awhile to finish content, or just because you really like a certain level range, and you'll still earn INF and drops within that range. Most of my toons get a 10 million inf loan from my main marketeer, and then become self sustaining by a certain level, usually around 20 or so just off selling their own drops.
  8. But why level 10? PvP IOs are already Attuned... Wait, its so you can slot it at level 7 isn't it? I answered my own question.... never mind. Ignore me.
  9. Always nerf Regen. Always.
  10. Rikti (aside from the monkeys) need badges IMHO, mostly because of the history they have in Paragon City, and the twice they have invaded. I know there are the invasion badges (and an accolade power to go with it) but the RIkti mobs themselves don't have very many badges tied to them.
  11. Last I checked you not just get XP for the rez, but you also get badge credit, as there is a Super Stunner defeat badge and basically only requires half the numbers it says because of the self rez.
  12. Sadly the ambiguousness of CoH makes role 'learning' hard. Its a great system, because anyone can do anything, some just do it faster. But it makes 'training up' hard, because the same task a tanker can do, a defender might not be able to handle, or even differently, the task an Invuln Tanker can't handle, a Dark Tanker would just walk through. There's so many variables in this game its what makes it so unique.
  13. Does rerunning the missions actually give you the temp power again? I thought it was a one and done kinda thing.
  14. This may have been addressed already, but I was wondering if there is anymore talk/plans/lore around the Moon and the Moon base? Is there any thought to expanding out the Incarnate system as well?
  15. Both the PCNB (or whatever) and the PPD are in this mission. As are Family, Tsoo, and Freakshow. Its the 'Riot in Talos' mission.
  16. All the mobs spawn 'aggressive' to the PPD that also spawn in the mission, so they can be killed by other mobs. I was surprised that the PPD also spawned as enemies to the player character, as you're actually trying to stop the chaos in this mission, not adding to it.
  17. Just an FYI, you don't actually need to feed your pets the EoE, you just need to use it. It'll affect all your pets either way.
  18. Weapon redraw does detract from performance if you're cycling non-weapon attacks in between weapon attacks. The redraw can slow things down a lot.
  19. FFG also provides mez protection, so having it be a toggle would be very similar to the dispersion bubble that FF and Sonic have already. Its basically the same power, just coming from a pet instead of the player anyways.
  20. Most weapons have a 'sheath' option in the tailor where you can put the weapon on your back when its in an idle stance. Then you pull the weapon off your back when you go to use it. You might have to make the adjustment in the tailor though.
  21. Make it a permanent pet while you're at it. I mean, all of the other temp pets (Gun Drone, Volantic Sentiall, etc) are permanent pets too.
  22. This is a little late to the party, but the other thing that Agility gives you is +defense, which can help push you over the edge into the Incarnate Softcap. Especially with all of the powers a bot/traps has that can slot defense (Protector bots, FFG, Maneuvers, Combat jumping, etc)
  23. I'll second making Croatoa a co-op zone. Its outside of Paragon City, it has a morality aspect already (Red Caps vs basically everyone else) and its just a pretty zone to begin with. Only issue with getting Geas of the Kind Ones as a villain and not having to worry about Demonic anymore (I think those are the same accolade powers.. I could be wrong..)
  24. Imma just leave this here.
  25. The sleep hole can be mitigated by the +hp procs a little bit, as any heal (or damage) will wake you up from being slept. I like to put the +hp/+end panacea proc in Triage Beacon so it affects my pets too, and helps mitigate some of the heavy endurance use they have.
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