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Everything posted by ImpousVileTerror

  1. There are a few bouncing around still, but we don't discuss them. Devs have been informed, to the best of my knowledge.
  2. Up to 2145 hours on the prowl now with my main. So, over the past year and change, I've spent an average of about 20% of every day in-game. And that's not including the hours on all of my 130+ Alts (granted, with multiboxing, that time metric would be skewed).
  3. While standing at one mission door, I turned to to my right. (and, hey! If you need any certain Rare Salvage, let me know.)
  4. I think we may want to wait to see what the implementation of Utility Belt's Freerunning Power is. I like to think that it will be a matter of when, not if, that and Gadgetry get added . . . and I -really- hope the Homecoming Devs take time to ensure that Freerunning has all three types of animations tied to it in the Power Customization. More, if there are any other walk/run-cycle animations kicking around which would look interesting.
  5. Sounding like the overall community's order of priority for fixing is: 1st: Time Bomb 2nd: Detonator 3rd: Trip Mine 4th: Seeker Drones 5th: Web Grenade last: Triage Beacon (the order is perhaps a little different for those last three)
  6. SO! Global Channels. Amazing things. Use 'em constantly! Very important for socialization, and therefore fantastic for maintaining a strong connection with other players, particularly in the context of specific sub-communities and interest groups. But there is a slightly annoying issue I have. When a Global Channel is set to "Private," it is also hidden from the Channel Search. I understand that's a helpful feature for a lot of people out there, and I would not want to take it away from them. But could we possibly add another status flag for "Private-but-Searchable?" I would like to "Advertise" my Global Channels in the Channel Search, but I don't necessarily want any random individual to join without first being introduced to the code of conduct, or similar. (Also, I could have sworn that Channel Search used to check the "Description" field as well during searches, but I tested it just now, and it only seemed to search the Name field. It would be great if Search also looked through Descriptions.)
  7. *coughs awkwardly* https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12308-instant-teleport-pipedream-request-incarnate-travel/
  8. "Frivolous?" This is the kind of request that's about the most core and essential part of the whole City of Heroes game: Character appearance. Everything else is just fluff after that.
  9. "Compulsive Disorder Obsessive." Sounds like the French grammar.
  10. Ha, or maybe the Inspiration Tray Open/Close Bug! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10109-reset-inspiration-tray-default-as-closed/ We can dream.
  11. I'd like to apologize for not doing my part earlier to be constructive with the idea(s) proposed in this thread. Simply put, I think it's largely an issue with focusing on flags. As we've seen with some of the posts in this thread, that particular topic is akin to beating on a war drum. I think rebranding the idea in terms of "user submitted content" is more keeping in line and in spirit with City of Heroes in general. We already -do- allow for user submitted content, basically, in the forms of our costumes, our backstories, our Mission Architect content, and our conduct in-game. But as mentioned earlier here, and in other threads on similar topics, I think the most significant hurdle is going to be moderation. And it's a very significant hurdle, even if the GMs were paid, rather than volunteers. So, here's a proposal for getting around it: /Costume_Ignore If individual players have the power to trigger some way of blocking/generic'ing other players' appearances, for that individual player's display only, on a case-by-case basis, then such a feature would SERIOUSLY off-load a lot of the responsibility that the GMs have to moderate content. This is an idea which came up in one of the Henchpet Customization threads as well. If players can self-moderate their own play experience in terms of other users' content, then we could potentially have more flexibility in allowing users the opportunity to provide more of their own personalized content. The technical part of the solution, however, eludes me. The most I can offer is to potentially co-opt an existing, but seemingly VERY rare display bug. I have no idea how to reproduce it, but here is a screenshot from the one and only time I witnessed it: I multibox. Usually for roleplay. On one of my instances of the client, this screenshot above is what I saw. That's the skirt 3D asset AND the baggy pants 3D asset stacked on another player's character at the same time. On my other instance of the client, I only saw that character wearing the baggy pants and without the jacket (exactly as the other player themself saw their own character). Somehow my one client, but not the other, rendered another player's character model differently than normal. Differently than any other player (well, different than any other client instance, anyway). If this bug could be tracked down and -harnessed- intentionally, we might have a working solution that would (potentially) enable the Homecoming Team to more readily approach the introduction of user submitted content, by enabling a client-side tool for applying a generic appearance on "ignored costumes."
  12. I've had some people remark on my solo'ing of Death From Below. Granted, it was with the assistance of P2W Vendor stuffs, so I'm not sure it should necessarily "count."
  13. I had a power outage today after the server maintenance window, and my Tequila got rebooted as a consequence. I noticed that it downloaded (what looked to be) a "cityofheroes-pre.exe" file in to the "hc-bin64" directory rather quickly. Does anyone know what this is about? Is there something on the horizon, like the olden days of "offline patching?"
  14. Ah, so you're looking for players who want to join the Group as their primary focus in the game? I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to meet that level of commitment, sorry. And, while I can't speak to everyone, I do know that a discord requirement would be a reason for a hard pass regardless. I would recommend making a private group here in the forums instead. After all, everyone with a game account -has- to have a forum account, so there's no additional barrier for entry. The forum software is pretty robust, and allows for significant file sharing.
  15. I don't know if they're still kicking around in-game, but there was a group which I believe was pretty similar to your premise. Have you been asking in the LFG and/or General Channels? Or the OOC/RP Global Channels? I'll keep an eye open, and I'll try to direct anyone I notice who might be appropriate in this thread's direction.
  16. You've piqued my interest, although I tend to have a lot on my plate these days. What level of time commitment would you be looking for exactly?
  17. Until they eat a honey badger or a wolverine, who straight-up murders both FROM THE INSIDE! . . . despite having been bitten in half. And then along comes a hippopotamus, and the mustelidae are all like "nope. I'm out."
  18. For a moment I thought you were asking for the ;cellphone and ;text emotes to be added as -flypose- emotes. Although, I'm not against that. The comedic value is high.
  19. I'm not advocating the removal of the cramped caves (as usual, I advocate for improved options and quality of life), but I do feel it's important to say that claustrophobia is a real condition with potentially serious impact on people, and even virtual spaces can trigger claustrophobic responses in individuals with a high level of attachment or empathy for their digital characters. It's not necessarily an issue of convenience. It's also a matter of accessibility, comfort, and well-being. So, in a perfect world, having the power to decline the cramped maps with greater usability than just "abandon or auto-complete the mission" would be fantastic. I encourage folks to examine the possibilities and brainstorm ideas. In the absence of the developmental resources to effectively offer that option, however, we would probably do well to acknowledge that the content is problematic for some players, and pursue a more relaxed approach about "defending" the existence of the tunnels. I would be shocked if the Homecoming Team Devs would actually remove the tunnels without overwhelming support for the idea anyway.
  20. Definitely another topic, but it's such a huge WANT that . . . yeah. Gonna echo that again here: A Traps'y or Devices'ish Control Set would be absolutely stellar to have! But also so I remain on topic for this week's discussion . . . Is there anyone opposed to nuking Time Bomb and starting over fresh with an entirely new Power there? Is there -any- saving Detonator? It's a cool concept, but it's just so finicky, fiddly, and weak . . . do we care if it gets written off and replaced too?
  21. Macros are only stored server-side, and unlike Binds, there does not appear to be any command to save all of your Macros. You can, however, open up Macros you've already made by right-clicking and selecting "Edit," then copy the text there and paste it to a manually-created text file for your own future reference.
  22. These forums allow you to "subscribe to" and "follow" certain members. You can go ahead and "follow" everyone in: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/staff/ Though, yeah; a Dev Digest would also be nice and handy. But also-also, this thread probably should wind up in: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/63-website-suggestions-feedback/
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