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Everything posted by Lines

  1. I actually really like the +recharge idea. If it'a calculated right, it would help close the small damage gap while feeling different from the other melee ATs.
  2. Hah, you fools have finally ousted yourselves! For you see... *unmasks* ...I've been a jock this whole time! You're all NERDS! *plays sports nearby, menacingly*
  3. I'd like to see boomtown get more defined as a battleground between villain groups, rather than just being revitalised. Paragon City obviously wants to regenerate it, and make progress in the south east area. But the family and the Tsoo are already competing over the new real estate and slowing down progress. In the west, the council are establishing more military training camps, research labs and factories. They aim to claim the entirety of Boomtown as their territory and establish a fortress in paragon city. In the north lies the Clockwork Kingdom, a nonsensical cluster of brass spires, keeps and contraptions spliced into the ruins. The clockwork minions are rapidly sprawling its borders, threatening the other regions with sheer force of numbers and expansion. The synapse TF would move entirely to there.
  4. I simply don't do 54 seconds each minute. I find them to be excessive and wasteful. 6 seconds per minute is sufficient.
  5. If Cobalt is behind this, then it's for sure a cryptic code about the next page.
  6. Tsoo have always had a presence in Dark Astoria, even in the old version. I believe it's something like this: The Tsoo criminal enterprises elsewhere more or less collapsed in the level 20-35 ranges of missions. Meanwhile, the Tsoo in Dark Astoria have always had a higher purpose as kind of anti-hero protectors who are trying to prevent the return of Mot, and have so far largely held that line without heroes and continue to not want their interference. Without the resources from their criminal organisations, that fight has gotten much harder and may have even been a factor in Mot's return. In terms of power level, I believe that Tub Ci's tattoo artistry now taps into the well of furies. Or something. For the Tsoo, it's kind of an arms race. So to answer your question, yes they are absolutely out of their league. But this is the hill they are willing to die on.
  7. Hey, if you don't want it I'll take it. I've got a seismic blaster who can level a suburb with that thing.
  8. I personally feel that the game is already really saturated with enemy groups, many of them a little under-developed. I'm pretty happy with getting new takes on the same old, but I can totally understand your take as well. I share your feelings about the ways that stories are (and aren't) delivered, but I feel this is more of an interface problem than a writing problem. Even with dialogue caption pop-ups, I'm not sure that CoH has a particularly good way for players to interface with the stories.
  9. There would be only one powerset, to eliminate imbalance issues. The powerset would not include rage.
  10. Let's say HC follows your advice, but then it turns out that you were wrong, would you mind footing the legal bill?
  11. Please don't shout so loud, you'll awaken the elephants. Took us the whole beta cycle to put them to sleep.
  12. Now how will anyone know to cherish and respect me?
  13. I certainly appreciate it. Over the last week or so I've just been refreshing the general discussion forum and all my needs have come to me.
  14. I'm here because I get some hecka crazy dopamine any time my forum reputation goes up. Please like this post and give me my fix.
  15. Thankies! Not as clearly conveyed as I'd have hoped, perhaps.
  16. Or, god forbid, it starts feeling like fun.
  17. Everyone, shh, he's coming. Get ready with the balloons and confetti. Who has the cake?
  18. If anything, we should be making the original ATs more villainous. Let's see... Blaster = Destructor Controller = Manipulator Defender = Troublemaker Scrapper = Menace Tank = Brainwashed Henchman Redside bestside.
  19. To get the reward, your team (not league) must have contributed at least 10% of damage. You probably would have been fine moving some people over to the other team, as long as they could take a bite out of the GM between them. But I wouldn't sweat it. GMs aren't usually fought in leagues, so I wouldn't say there's an etiquette for when they are.
  20. The homecoming team would like to welcome a new member to the development team. Welcome aboard, Jack!
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