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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I did end up going with /time, even though I already have a mercs/time who is languishing in his 30s (another concept mastermind named Billy Pilgrim). My rationale is that he is so prepared, it's "almost as if he could look forward in time" to see what's going to happen. He uses Reveal as soon as he steps on a map (which bothers me a little, but hey, THEME!) I tried to minimize visuals, which so far means using a dark grey color and "bright" settings, but any more advice is welcomed!
  2. I'm wildly inconsistent overall, but I have a number of soft-roleplay alts and a very small number of hard-roleplay. If someone sends me a tell though, I break the fourth wall, even on the strictest character. Because at the end of the day, I'm not the character. I'm the person behind the character.
  3. Or, you could always dump about 1,500 of the item in question onto the market and flood him or her out. (also not me)
  4. They were the last band I saw in concert, February pre-COVID. To bring it back to the "old" theme, it was their tour (now mostly postponed until 2021) commemorating the 30th anniversary of their album Flood. It was a great show.
  5. To @Troo's point, it's pretty fair to say that there is nothing new under the sun, and I work under the assumption that if it appears I am the only player in a niche, it's simply because no one else is currently finding it sufficiently interesting in terms of return or entertainment value.
  6. I can't claim to really be a tanker kind of person, but I'm REALLY liking my Bio/Energy.
  7. Knock knock. Who's there? Dishes. Dishes who? Dishes Sean Connery.
  8. This is good stuff, thank you you two. I have a handful of MMs but I'm not a good player. I tend to just use the three default settings because I'm pretty lazy. I have a Beasts/Traps who just unlocked his alpha, and I can run him pretty consistently at +3/x5 with zero problems, but I suspect that's probably one of the stronger combinations. With respect to slotting, I'm definitely getting all the special IOs in there, and for MMs I like to 3 x2 slot the ATO for recharge as well. I really hadn't thought about Hammis. For roleplaying, my original concept was that the mastermind is a genius planner, so every thing has been foreseen and accounted for. At the same time, he instills complete loyalty in his followers. Putting aside entirely how good any of the secondaries are, I'm having some trouble. I can rule out cold, electric, force field, sonic, storm, thermal. I have my traps already, and I guess I could repeat that, but I dunno. Purely thematically, I'm leaning towards pain domination (maybe time), but my play experience with that set has been pretty mixed.
  9. Short answer is that one or both of your characters (buyer and/or seller) has both bids and offers on that item at the same time. Call it a bug, call it a feature, whatever, but it screws up the queue system. If you want to sell an item to another alt, make sure the seller is not bidding on that item as well. If you want to buy it on an alt, make sure you are not selling a copy. It's slightly more complex than that, but if you follow those rules you should be sound as a pound. I do this all the time. Also, if you know a market pretty well, it's certainly possible to sell an unattuned version into the pool and buy an attuned version from the pool and make a profit.
  10. I was going to make some Energy Melee/Regen alts since they are so hated, but it’s too popular a combo for my tastes!
  11. I like regeneration too. One of my 50s is a staff/regen brute and although he took some getting used to, he's quite powerful at the 50 and 50+ content. If you don't like a click-happy set, or one that really needs IOs to shine, this is not your set. I don't pay any attention at all to the inherent regeneration rate -- my play is all about setting up strong defense and resistance levels and then spot healing whenever needed. There are a lot of oh shit buttons, which I kind of enjoy. I could see adding a little something to Resilience. I use MoG as another oh shit button and occasional break free. I really don't see the hate unless you are already maxxed out on S/L/F/C/E/NE damage resist, and on a high recharge build it's up pretty often.
  12. I recently noticed that Panacea procs are now consistently the cheapest of the set, which tells me that someone's been doing too much in-set converting...
  13. Ooh, a market PvP thread! Fortunately, I really have not seen very much of it on Homecoming, but it is there. It's annoying, and yet there's very little anyone can do to stop it, and that's the way it should be because at the end of the day competition is going to lead to better prices and flow. I always think the worst though is when people 0.01 you by increasing bids by the bare minimum and you don't notice until the next time you check in. Some thoughts on what you can do, in no particular order: 1. Do nothing. If someone is outbidding you, you generally don't know how deep their bids are. That 2,000,001 bid may be one deep, or several hundred deep. Work on something else and check back later to see if things have gone back to normal. Maybe someone just wanted one recipe. Maybe not. 2. Compete with higher bids. I remember on Live people would keep 0.01-ing bids on purples and such hoping to snag a buy at 138,256,278 as opposed to 138,256,277. The problem is that there really isn't an end solution to that -- if the other side wants to keep on competing, the two of you can keep 0.01-ing until someone gets bored or frustrated or until it gets unprofitable. Pro tip: some people (like me) like to use "handles" or "fists" which are characteristic numbers or patterns so that they can quickly look at the history and recognize if they still have the highest outstanding bid. If you notice that, use a similar handle but higher so that they may not notice at first. Example: one of you has been buying lots and lots of rare salvage with bids that end in xxx,099. When I feel the desire to compete there, I'll bid xxx,899 and hope that it will take a while before they notice. But eventually they always do. 3. Make it unprofitable, like @AureumErrorsays. 4. Find a different path. I'm working off the assumption that you are talking about IO recipes, because that's really the only bottleneck. Look into buying IOs instead -- it may not be *as* profitable but it may be a lot easier to pick up those. Or maybe look into another path. If you want to end up with LotG 7.5%, for example, there are a lot of ways you can get there. Red Fortune recipes are one way, but far from the only one. I'm sure I'll think of more. Happy hunting, good luck, and it isn't me, because I don't 0.01 bids!
  14. This has been an interesting thread, and I actually went on Rebirth and played about 10 levels. I think that my "long-term" future with this game, if there is one, will be something more along the lines of that version in some ways. But the real sticking point, of course, is population. And if I'm going to be essentially be playing a single player RPG, I'd want to do a lot more fine-tuning and may just be better off learning how to host my own server. But that's long-term.
  15. Oh certainly! In fact, I don’t think I have a gravity set alt that isn’t using wind as a concept.
  16. A number of my character stories revolve around a master criminal who they once worked for before they went out on their own. I think of him as a faction leader and I’d like to create him in game. The problem I’m having is that conceptually he works as a mastermind, specifically thugs, but I’m having a hard time justifying a super-DUPER villain that is a MM. I want to build something that feels conceptually overpowered, but my experience with MM has been underwhelming. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
  17. I wanted to make a lumbering oaf of a Bio/energy melee tanker (sort of Swamp Thing meets Solomon Grundy) villain and was crushed, CRUSHED that Lummox was already taken. So I went to Archon Roget’s thesaurus. And I’m so much happier with: Stumblebum
  18. Ha, no offense taken! I have to imagine that managing a project like Homecoming, with no economic incentive and with few/no big backers to please, is like trying to manage a long-term series of dinner parties. You want to invite a lot of interesting people, you want to hear what they want to eat and drink, you want to have a good time yourself. That's the key here -- it's not a democracy. The people making the rules want a playing environment that at the end of the day works for them. They may listen to the belligerent drunks who yell throughout dinner how they are vegan and how everyone else has to be vegan as well, but they aren't going to institute their guests' rules just because they are loud and outspoken. And frankly, the drunks may not get invited back.
  19. I was trying to read through this thread and got stuck on this. It was like a bolt of lightning clarifying something that I didn't quite grasp before since I left Live before they went to RMT. OF COURSE! I thought that the newer powers were overtuned just because of power creep over time, but trying to maximize revenue would obviously lead to more powerful sets available for cash to avoid the disgruntled "I PAID REAL MONEY" players leaving. To me (and you may not agree), this absolutely explains why all the overtuned sets are legacy RMT sets. And to me, in a completely free to play environment, this makes it clear as to what I would do personally in response to balance. I would tear down every overpowered RMT set to put it on par with the rank and file sets. Yes, not every RMT set is overpowered. Yes, you *could* overpower all the other sets too, but I think we have hit the limit when you can (literally?) solo an ITF on every AT and powerset combos as it is. This is merely my opinion, yours may vary, yadda yadda yadda. But I suddenly understood WHY and now I have a new appreciation for the current devs who want to balance based on a one-tier system when they inherited a two tier free/pay system. You may now return to your scheduled programming. Happy hunting!
  20. I have been informed that damage procs do scale by level, i.e., a level 10 Gladiator's Strike +smashing will do more damage on a level 50 character than on a level 10 character. Does anyone have any specifics on this scaling (or can anyone either verify or refute it)? Also, I assume that an attuned pure damage proc would have the same scaling? And that non-damage procs (like Fury of the Glad -res, for example) do not scale? Inquiring minds want to know. @Sir Myshkinand @Bopper, I'm looking maybe not straight at you but certainly sending meaningful glances in your approximate direction.
  21. So our current winners are @Healixat "older than @Jacktar" which under the Milton Berle rules of "only pull out enough to win" will count as 72 unless otherwise stated and @Zeraphiaat barely 20. If you two could PM me your global here on the HC forums, I will disperse your hard-earned inf for having existed for an arbitrarily long or short period of time.
  22. Thanks to this thread, I’ve been spending a fair amount of time on my 50s. My conclusion is that I’m “complete” as soon as I unlock and slot the Destiny incarnate. That’s my “I win” button.
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