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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. As an ebil cowman, I recognize that granting more enhancement slots would directly benefit the power marketeers. I think we already have too much power. i suspect that the 70 number was chosen specifically for respecs, and I think that for the vast majority of cases it’s plenty enough. And if it isn’t, respecs are cheap and plentiful. Personally I’d like to see the number of enhancement slots drop to something like 30, which seems to me a goodish number for people just playing the game “normally”. We don’t need to make the game any easier for power marketeers, trust me! It’s already plenty easy.
  2. I have about ten alts that I check each time I have a “playing session” who are involved in some particular nefarious scheme. Almost every other alt has *something* going on, even if it’s just a block of 50 yellows for playing rare roulette. I like to have at least 200mm and a couple of hundred converters as walking around money, so when someone has over 1.2bn cash, a billion either gets put to work or put in email. When email starts to fill up, I pick it up with one of my vault alts and put in bids on (hopefully) unbuyable objects in the AH.
  3. I think the reason that you don’t see a lot of broadsword is that people feel that it isn’t “as good” as some of the alternatives. But it certainly is good enough!
  4. Nice! i don’t think anyone has a trillion, and I don’t think very many people have even a mere 100bn, so I’d put you in rare company!
  5. You can go either way on the xp thing. If you want to level quickly (and it does not sound like you do), there is a P2W vendor that will enable you to select a power that will trade off inf for xp, so you can accumulate 2x xp if you find things too grindy. The vendor has all kinds of QoL goodies, many of them free. On the flip side, as long as you are playing at a reasonably active hour (and maybe even unreasonable ones too), if you advertise in the Looking For Group channel what you are doing, you can frequently get people to join you in missions. Something like "Lvl 20 doing Doc Delilah missions in Faultline, anyone want to join?" will often get you a partial or full team relatively quickly. Do not use the Find Member interface, since I don't think anyone uses that anymore. Also, you will get a much better reaction if you are actively forming the team than if you are passively asking if anyone needs a teammate. Welcome back. Happy hunting!
  6. You need to be careful with Staff (and presumably Titan Weapons) matched with regen. Your defensive options are clicky, and getting caught up in a long animation will prevent you from hitting that magic button sometimes. My staff/regen brute learned early on to "pre heal" before going into some of his spins.
  7. I was very surprised that this name was available, and on every server too I think!
  8. I'm not a fan of blasters in general, but it's all worth it when I Ki Push someone, follow up instantly with a Storm Kick, then pull out the AR and skeet shoot as they fly away. It's one of the most satisfying combos I've come across.
  9. Seems like a lot of people have been buying packs, both anecdotally in this forum and what I see as much lower prices on ATOs. Also, I’m buying a lot of converters at as low a price as I have been in recent memory.
  10. Nice! How satisfying! DO NOT click the Get All Inf button. I've never done this myself, but I'm told that if it would put you over 2bn, it vanishes the excess. What I do is click each Get Inf button individually, and when you are getting near the 2bn cap, either send yourself an email with inf attached or put bids on something.
  11. I feel like I should just write @Camelbobsleda check now...
  12. My gut instinct is that we have a lot of rewards already. It would be cool to get a lottery ticket and get a Winter Pack to drop, but I'd expect/hope for the odds to be extremely low, and in exchange for other rewards (like purples) drop rates to be cut.
  13. I know, I know. Like I said, I have the hoarding disease. My problem is that I go through converters like Meisterbrau goes through a frat boy. I was just doing some work on one of my cowman alts. She's lvl 27 and has about 300 merits from various sources. I could take her to a merit vendor (I could tell you where at least one is on each red and blue side. I'm sure there are more but I'd have to look it up.) and cash those in for 900 converters. That would last me 1-5 sessions, and there is no way I'd be willing or able to get those merits back in that period of time. So I just put in lowball bids that no one would possibly hit and BAM I now own 900 converters. That feels a lot easier, and suddenly my 300 merits feels like a rounding error in the grand scheme of inf accumulation. I HAVE started to pare down my merit collection. Like I said in another thread, I think that if you can net 20mm after fees (so 22.222mm in sales price) for 100 merits, you're doing ok. If I see an opportunity to do that with as few clicks as possible, I'm on it like a frat boy on Meisterbrau. But there are a lot of merits sitting in my Character Items, and frankly liquidating them all seems like a far bigger task than I'm willing to take on at this point in time.
  14. Guardian Lts drop Quartz pets, which grant tremendous to hit buffs to allies. So even though your defense numbers remain high on paper, you'll get hit like crazy. Always kill the Quartz pets ASAP!
  15. I skip almost all of them. Self rez? I've got an inspiration for that. Adding more of what you are already soft- or hard- capped to? No thanks. The value added ones, imo, are those that are a legitimate oh shit button when things really go pear shaped. I don't mind the endurance crash in principle, but in practice it makes the powers unusable. Or Parasitic Aura. I like that one.
  16. It’s scaleable, meaning you can expect about the same percentage return on investment if you buy 10 packs or 100 packs or 1000 packs. I’ve been approximating it somewhere in the 20-40% return area. On the other hand, you should get a much much higher return on other strategies, but it’s hard to get scale. For example, you can easily flip white or yellow salvage for a 200-400% return, but good luck doing that with a billion inf investment.
  17. A real one this time: when you are low level, and the streak breaker activates when you finally resort to using Brawl.
  18. Either I missed the down cycle, or the display bug on this has been in effect for a particularly long period, at least longer than average. For reference: False reading: True reading: I find it SUPER ironic that the high trades on the real deal are people trying to lowball where they see the false prices.
  19. I've been playing around with some of the options, and my conclusion is that if you can net 20mm inf or above for 100 merits with a relatively quick turnover (here I define "relatively quick" as by next log in, so probably next day for a main alt), you're doing ok. I'm having a bit of a harder time figuring out how to move large numbers (call it more than a thousand) of merits in that same sort of time period. If I start monetizing merits, I would probably not do more than a few thousand a day, if even that many.
  20. Pretty much as the title says. How about we put the items that the P2W vendor offers at a fixed price (ex: portable workbench) in the AH as well. There is a whole section for fixed price items in the AH, but the only items offered there are AH teleporters. On the plus side, it would make things a lot more convenient, would maybe make it more transparent what useful items are actually for sale at the P2W, and would probably increase inf sinks by a small amount. I'm having a hard time coming up with a down side, but that's why I'm posting here to get your thoughts! NOTE: I am NOT advocating to have the double XP temp powers added to the AH. Personally, I would LOVE that since then you could keep those powers up at all times, even in the middle of a TF. But since they are free rather than fixed cost, I'm not including that in this suggestion. Happy hunting!
  21. According to the combat logs, to hit runs to 4 decimal places. Ex: HIT Wild Rikti Monkey! Your Whirling Smash power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 80.49. So no, it doesn't round to the nearest percentage.
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