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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. But, but, that's not how pie works! 😀👍
  2. I would argue that you won the game. Why do you need additional rewards? To make your 99+ vet better?
  3. I do all three of these (I used to do Munkilord's 4th and I may again). Specifically about #1, I suspect that there is a big difference between buying all the inventory at whatever price they are listed at and reposting higher, and putting in a lot of bids on the low end and then reposting them later at a market rate. Real world example from earlier today. I just levelled a few alts to 17, which is kind of my favorite level. That's when you add the Miracle, the Perf Shifter, the Kinetic Combats, and (wait for it) the Entropic Chaos. I love the EC set. I've been trying to make it a thing since before fetch was a thing. So I put in bids x10 on each of the pieces at 1,005,000. I know that eventually I will own all of them there. So I'll slot the ones I need and put the extras for sale at, say, 2mm. I also know that eventually I will sell all of them there. My profit is small, but based on how the AH works and because (and this is important) most people want to buy or sell right away rather than be patient, I feel very confident that it'll work out ok for me. Compare this to me saying, huh, there are 22 EC A/D offered. That's not a lot. Why don't I buy them all up and relist them at 5mm? You can certainly do that, but it is very unlikely that you will sell many or even any of them. This is because converters have made all IOs topologically equivalent. You can always buy the proc and convert it to an A/D. You can buy a Ruin and convert it. There is a level of uncertainty, but you cannot stop more supply from entering the market. There is no way to prohibit that. My first example I do every day in every item that I have interest in on the AH. I even buy Winter Packs at 20mm and resell them at 24,999,999. (not bloody many, I'll tell you). My second example was done on Live all the time, and to the HC team's credit, they put in measures to help prevent that from happening now. I wouldn't even try since there will always be undersellers. I cannot and will not apologize for buying things for 5 inf, then selling the exact same item for 3mm. I did exactly this with a bunch of attuned IOs that I put in a 5inf bid for 10 in order to get past the pricing bug. Months later, I find I bought them because at some point 5 inf was the best bid, and someone chose to sell their item at 5 inf.
  4. This is exactly why I'm choosing this venue and process. Giving away an amount that seems just about right to get a new alt started seemed to be the sweet spot and frankly a lot more useful than randomly gifting people who had an outfit I liked or said something funny or won the AH lottery. I've given away over 100bn in game in 2020, and even though I expect my total outlays from this to be much much less than that, I also expect that this is probably going to better serve the population who really needs it the most.
  5. Please see my thread in General. In my heart of hearts it’s to get new players up and running but it’s open to all:
  6. I always try to have one handy, because hey, if you are not eating floor occasionally, you aren't pushing yourself! But I do try to move away from the spawn point if I see things are going pear shaped. Although, lately I've just been buying all my inspirations for cheap.
  7. Yomo Kimyata


    I don't know plant at all, but a fun pairing with AR is martial combat. Of course, this depends on your finding knockback fun. I'm having a hard time beating the joy I get from Ki Push, followed instantly by Storm Kick, then shoot 'em while they sail away in slo mo.
  8. No rush. I expect this to go on for weeks if not months. Yay to @Seigmoraigfor moar FREEMoney!
  9. EDIT 26 July 2023: I regret to inform you I am discontinuing this giveaway as of this moment. EDIT 7 April 2023: You there, boy! What day is it? It's National Coffee Cake Day? Why then yes, this giveaway IS still going on. EDIT 30 September 2022: Yup, still going. I’m not on every day, but I get to it right away when I am. Thank you to everyone who keeps newcomers in the loop on this! EDIT (29 March 2022): You can bet your sweet patootie this is still going on. EDIT (19 June 2021): The contest has been won! And the giveaway remains in effect for as long as I'm around! EDIT (22 March 2021): Still in effect, now see the contest on page 4! EDIT: This remains in effect and will for an indefinite period of time. Come get some! I have decided to give away a portion of my inf for my own inscrutable reasons. Here's how it works: 1. You send me an in-game email to @Yomo. 2. I send you an in-game email with 20mm inf. FAQ: Q: Whut? A: Yup. Q: Why? A: My own inscrutable reasons. Q: Can I have more? A: Nope, and only one request per global name. Q: Can I have less? A: Nope, I will not give you one sou less than 20mm. Q: What if I have more than one account? A: Do as you will. Make a hundred accounts! Only one gift per global. Q: How long will this last? A: Until: 1. I run out of disposable inf; 2. I get really bored with it; 3. Someone seriously griefs me and I stop my giveaway in outrage. I highly doubt it's going to be the first one. I'd guess not any time soon(tm), so no rush. Q: What's the turnaround? A: When I log in, I'll check my emails and respond. I'm usually on at some point most days. It will not be instant, but generally within 24-48 hours. Q: What if I send you a tell or a message on these boards? A: Please don't. I'm only going to send 20mm checks to those who send me an in-game email. I'd rather not get drowned in tells, and it certainly won't induce me to send you inf faster. Q: Can I tell my friends? A: Absolutely. I'm only going to post this here on the boards, but if you want to tell your friends or SG or whoever is in Local chat, go right ahead. Good luck and happy hunting!
  10. Thanks everybody! Some good thought provoking things in there.
  11. Interesting. It is more powerful than the way things stand now, but I don't think it is wildly overpowered, mainly due to the fact that most "good" set bonuses are back loaded. As a unique, I could see this getting play with a procced out power: 5 set procs and the wildcard.
  12. When you defeat a GM in AE, do you receive either merits or a badge?
  13. I've never seen a detailed explanation of the process by anyone who has access to the code, but from a lot of personal experience, it feels like a random process. I do notice streaks when the same set or even particular IO in the set shows up two or three times in a 5-10 convert shuffle, but I'm chalking that one off to observer bias. It sounds like you are talking about converting by rarity. I am very confident that when you convert by rarity, you cannot get another IO in the same set. (You definitely can get an IO in the same complex, like "defense") What I do not know, and I would like to know for the sake of education, is whether the random seed chooses [random IO of that rarity outside of original set], or [random IO set other than original set], [random IO within new IO set]. For all intents and purposes, it really doesn't make much of a difference, but it would have an impact on the probability distribution. And frankly, I'm just not willing to chronicle a few thousand conversions to find out.
  14. Hmm, I think that this is way too generous. By this logic, why not convert any three set IOs to any other?
  15. No no, not just for marketeering. For example, I'm learning that some people (like me) work every character and some like to jump start them to various levels of comfort.
  16. I have no idea: can you put GMs in AE?
  17. I like it, although some of the merit rewards might have to be tuned down.
  18. I find this super interesting. I made my first empathy defender yesterday and I've already gotten three blind invites from different people all at levels 30+ higher than my character. I've also noticed that I get a lot of blind invites every time I play one of my alts that has "Doctor" in the name. They're PhDs, dammit!
  19. I'm a fan of the free market, and right now the market seems to say about 150 lysosomes are worth 1 ribosome, so I'd say 150!
  20. I've seen people post about this before, but when you start up a new alt, what do you consider to be a good amount of inf to support a fresh alt's needs? I prefer to start each one from scratch, but when I don't, my rule of thumb is 20mm. 10mm goes to the portable workbench, 8mm to converters, and the rest to raw materials and posting fees.
  21. Oh, it's not for me. It's for my friend, Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabbadoo. I have gotten good sapper results out of Elec/Kin or Kin/Elec as well.
  22. I’ve never built a team tank, but I do find myself asking the question: what makes a tanker different from, say, a controller in terms of “tough enough”? I’d say: higher hp, higher res cap, taunt, damage scalar. I’m missing a lot, I know, but those seem like the simplest factors. It’s one of the reason I prefer res builds to def builds, since ir doesn’t matter if you are a tanker or a controller if you are soft capped defense wise. (I know, DDE, but you see my point, I hope.)
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