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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. They can play the tanking role as part of Dwarf form. But there are Kheldians who don't take dwarf form. The Kheldians are more a hybrid class/AT.
  2. Yeah I pretty much don't expect anything for Dwarf form for either Kheldian. The Kheldian pass is probably later.
  3. I"m actually glad they are gone. Makes teaming for my khelds much more fun.
  4. I disagree with every suggestion made, including the suggestion to change back the crafting table.
  5. I wouldn't overly obsess about what other folks are doing. Play the game and enjoy yourself.
  6. Yeah no. Not every brute can do that. And for the ones that do, they are built to handle a specific type of damage. You're not telling the full story here. Also balance shouldn't be around farming builds.
  7. Probably a joke referring to super hero costumes and thongs in cheeks that were made popular during the 90s. aka psylocke's costume, aka rob leifeild (and generally IMAGE comics) female characters. I hope. . .
  8. No further changes are needed to brutes. The changes for tanks as is are fine.
  9. Honestly, for things like this I say the cottage rule be damned. (The same rule that Castle outright blunty said he had no issue violating if the need arised). SS needs to be modified.
  10. Balance should NOT be around peak performance time, or "one true IO builds". Plenty of folks DON'T softacap their Brutes, Blasters, Controllers ETC. Or are we saying we'll only look at balance by IOs for Brutes and Tanks only? Aka what farmers do can be taken into consideration but it sure as hell should not be considered the "one true build".
  11. Pretty much better explained than the explanation that I gave earlier in the thread about the level of complexity folks aren't considering. This doesn't even get into what happens at level 50 when you throw Incarnate abilities on top of that. Or are we going to look at IOs for balance but then ignore Incarnate abilities? Also some folks use purples and Attuned, while scale down to appropriate levels. And some don't. They just use set IOs that you lose the function of depending on their level.
  12. Sure, but it should still be able to miss in pvp.
  13. And what of those Brutes who don’t soft cap with IOs? I don’t build my brutes to be tankish nor do I take taunt on them.
  14. I think it would be wiser to spend the time elsewhere, based on the type of team we have now.
  15. Except we're not talking about scrapped together builds. Or are we? That's the problem, what is the balancing point you start and end with, if you start balancing around IOs? And again, using your example, what if it's Brutes that choose damage or recharge as their IO build focus and not defense or resistance? EDIT: And how would the DEVS (again DEVS, NOT PLAYERS) make that determination of what to balance around? Does that new balancing point become the one true way to IO out your build? What if players then find a new balancing point, or the devs release new IOs that move that goal post? Are we prepared to keep playing wackamole with balance based on what the changing IO meta is? EDIT2: If this game were still live, and had a full paid dev team, I might be moved on the argument for us to start considering IOs for balance. As it is now, with a volunteer team, NO. There are too many permutations for those builds (including billion inf builds, 250 million builds, and frankenslotted cheap builds) for us to waste precious dev time playing wackamole with that. I'd prefer if the devs focused on things like more content, actually fixing the bugs that were left over from live, etc etc etc).
  16. I would rather they increase the cap. I'm FIRMLY against making the zone lvl 35+.
  17. Disagree. If we start balancing around IOs does that mean we start balancing around all configurations of those builds? Do we consider defense focused builds, recharge focused, damage focused, etc etc? Also what level? Fully purpled out setups with attuned IOs? Frankenslotted builds that don’t have set bonuses? Or builds that have sets but aren’t the max farming builds or those built for the max? At which balancing point if we are considering IOs do we start with and who makes that determination? I would be against any group of players making that determination. For a small volunteer team of devs this seems unrealistic. Keeping the balance somewhat focused on one universal starting point like SOs seems more manageable. Edit: in this specific example for Brutes vs Tanks are we focusing on Brutes that build for defense vs tanks? And what if Brutes that don’t build for max resistance or defense? How about those that build for recharge?(Hint: NONE of my Brutes build for defense or resist, including my farming ones and they do just fine) How are you balancing that against IO’d Tanks?
  18. Ummm was that actually confirmed as happening. I thought it was just a suggestion made in the last tanker feeckback thread. I never saw CP or any other dev confirm that THAT WAS being done. But maybe I missed a thread/post.
  19. I don't mind it during halloween time.
  20. I DISAGREE with the suggestion. Even more so now that you can start a raid via LFG.
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