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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I'd love to have some Mercy Island Snakes for Lore pets. And the Fir Bolg. Really, any so-far-not-represented factions should have a place there. And yes, like Illusion, maybe some decoy copies of the player themselves as well.
  2. That's what I'm finding with it, it's good to give it a rest sometime to help my End, and to take a break from the sound effect. Still learning my way round using it to corner foes too.
  3. I was asking more about what "perma temp" meant exactly.
  4. Wait, what? That's kind of an oxymoron. =) You're talking about the 'buy a jet pack here' aspect of the P2W right
  5. This is one of my gripes about the system, actually - armor armor armor! All the time, armor! Past armor, modern day armor, futuristic armor! Want some armor? Of course you do!
  6. Well I play on Excelsior now too! 😉
  7. This here guy/gal got magical somehow!" Seriously. I once planned a character who got a rash and got magical powers from it for no good reason, but never made him because "ManWithAMagicRash" wouldn't fit. I have had a few techie characters (back from the future, developed an electricity storage method which allows this one to shoot lightning, etc.) but the magic thing is an easy crutch, along the lines of "a wizard did it."
  8. "Oh, whoops, sorry, didn't realize that was a cone power."
  9. It's funny, because I was just looking up the "flavor of the month" posts and Radiation Blast was the number one choice for Defenders. C-could it be the intelligentsia build gurus have lead me astray? 🙂
  10. Out of a bout of randomness, I made a Storm/Radiation Defender, stepped out of the tutorial and then logged off. Looking around now, even on the old Live forums, it appears no one in the history of forever has ever posted a potential build for such a 'fender, and it's rarely even mentioned. Did a Storm/Rad kill someone's family? Is it really that bad a combo? I'm generally of the mind that just about any combo is playable, but there's obviously some reason for this. Can someone explain why this is a shunned combo? I mean, it's not so late that I can't reroll this toon, right?
  11. I know this thread is ancient, but I'm working up a Staff/Ice stalker and noticed Chilling Embrace could take a proc for +smashing dmg. Has anyone here tried that yet? Is that effect also suppressed by Hide, at least until you make your presence known?
  12. I have that power on a Mastermind and I love it when I get the chance to see the whole shark like this.
  13. Also worth a note that there are occasional powers out there that do little damage but can benefit from having more than one damage proc in them. I'm a fan of this and the whole "proc monster" ideal.
  14. On a whim I rolled o Beam/Dev Blaster without knowing much about the details, so now I'm looking over these forums for build help and hm, why does this build omit Gun Drone? I mean, it sounds like it would be fun to have an automatic machine gun following me around, is it trash or something? Derp, I see it now, I missed what you said under the quote.
  15. Going off the OP, I want that snake lower body option. The used on those bad guys in... is that Dark Astoria? So it exists somewhere, and I want it. True, I only have one character that would fit, but it would be perfect.
  16. Oh right, see to it that that image shows up twice in this thread. Way to go, Roderick.
  17. Archer time. The in-game lore is taking place in Archer time.
  18. Now that's the sort of deep-dive learning about the game systems that I keep coming here for.
  19. I seem to recall their shorts have always disappeared whenever they go swimming. I mean, if the water's warm enough I can understand, but do it somewhere where unsuspecting heroes and villains won't just stumble upon your little skinny-dipping swimming hole. And now I'm regretting that wording.
  20. Having double checked the name for one of my masterminds, Capt Sam's Space Zoo , yeah, it has to be twenty,
  21. Twenty, really? I could have sworn I had one get cut off at eighteen or maybe sixteen. But this is good news as the next one I wish to use is eighteen - thanks!
  22. Simple question: how many characters can we have in a name? I used to know this off the top of my head, but the last couple of times I pushed it, turns out I was wrong. I could check by logging in, sure, if I was at home right now. Thanks!
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