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Everything posted by FUBARczar

  1. FUBARczar

    Best Brute

    if you want to make a farmer and do better in the End Game Content Rad will be much better than spines.
  2. 2 Blaster-Duo MoITF +4/8 no inspirations in 49:59 Two Beam/TA blasters on-foot (not hover blasting) myself and Raw Blasters can be made sturdy, and have high DPS. The difference for me is that a blaster is more a scalpel and Scrappers are more of an ax. Both are great tools used for cutting, but take different approaches.
  3. This is one of the builds I am planing for it
  4. Yeah Invuln numbers look good. High defense, High Resists, High HP, +to hit, I just started a StJ/Invuln
  5. Here's my willpower, and I ave run a number of +4/8 MoITF with 4 man stalker groups and it does great
  6. It's top tier. I'd put Shadow Maul there as well, along with Kinetic's Smashing Blow, Rad's Radioactive Smash and TK which all have have great DPA and mitigation (-tohit AoE/Disorient/KD/KU)
  7. there is more than just robots out there, plus stalker get to add Moonbeam or Zapp
  8. I play an Elec/Fire and it's pretty great
  9. Psi Melee is good in PVE as well. It has a nice AoE with good mitigation (k/u) and nothing hits harder than Greater Psi Blade + Insight from hide, then add BU + Bio +dmg... TK Blow is possibly the best T1-T3 in any set. Rad is good as well, hit's hard, slightly slow. but I think they can all be fun.
  10. List of good combos is long, but to narrow it down to a few with more synergy... Since no Fire then Psi/Martial - moves fast and hits hard, good mitigation but mostly ST, relies on Martial for AoE Water/Martial - if you want more AoE Ice/Plant - Three ST holds, -regen, -tohit in BIB and from Plant Beam/Dev - It just works... Archery/TA - As does this... Radiation/Atomic - Great for Blapping, and Disorienting
  11. Oi! I would address that but the Tanker and Brute forums are over yonder --------------------------------------------->
  12. yeah the feast or famine characteristic is not great. I willingly suffer it b/c I like the AT, but I pray for better days. Not to mention the suffering that comes from the inherent being tied to T1/T2. It was bad on Tanks with bruising/T1, and it's bad on Sentinels too. @Captain Powerhouse how about an inverted Savage Leap type inherent, where the closer the range the larger the damage boost.? So it is high risk high reward. At the very least up the base damage and lower the buff. so the difference is not so extreme.
  13. I think it is reasonable to bump the damage to Stalker level (1.0) and add Critical Hits. Blasters already have a Fury-type bar. Critical Hit Thoughts / Ideas: - The Range of Sentinels gives added safety at times, just like Stalkers Hide/Placate - What if the rate of Critical hits varied depending on the distance from target: say one would only get 1/3 the chances for Crits at Range compared to melee range (<10) *** A different kind of idea would be do something similar and opposite to Savage Leap. Where A Sentinel gets a damage bonus comparable to it's range from target. *** Also get rid of that slight defense penalty that Sentinels have.
  14. no I have and Elec/Elec and it can be very powerful sapper. On a 4 man Sentinel +4/8 ITF it was the "tank"
  15. Ok coming from a player who plays Sentinels quite a bit. [ I have Elec/Elec, Dark/ Regen, Ice/Bio, Beam/Bio, & Sonic/Bio at 50 and a Water/Bio at 48. ] I think it is pretty simple to tweak Sentinels. #1 - Up Damage to at least 1.0 and #2 - Make sure that the AT Inherent is not tied to using T1 for Off. or T2 for Def. I thought we learned our lesson with Tanks and bruising... This is a decent idea Or keep the current idea, but combine them into one Dominator-style Clickable power so you can choose when to use it without it being tied to a specific attack. So you click it, and then it will be triggered by the next primary ST attack.
  16. Does Moonbeam really do more damage than Zapp? And Dark Blast is slightly faster than Mu Bolts... But Mu Mastery gives a nice AOE in Ball Lightning... And Shadow Meld of course... Which do you prefer?
  17. Here is one I had done toying around, take a look see what suits you...
  18. IDK, I am only in my high 20s right now on my TW/BIO Scrapper but I have /Bio Tanks, Brutes, Stalkers and Sentinels so I am very familiar with /Bio. Why? are you fire farming? IMO who cares about fire/cold It's amazing how well Radiation, DA and ELA can do That seems like a lot of slots on Shadow Meld. Even my Sentinels, which play in Melee range, do great w/o anything like that. Plus isn't SM a buzz kill with a 3 second animation for only 15 secs? Anyhow, this was my first take on TW (well I had a TW/Fire Brute on live for farming but that was it.)
  19. Here is my Psi/Ninja and coincidentally my favorite Scrapper - doesn't need travel power, very agile - Plays like a fast-mode stalker (crit from Invis) and is still a scrapper - I take all secondary powers but don't use blinding powder, but it's the best mule for Coercive Persuasion - I rarely if ever use the T9 but it is also a good mule for LotG +recharge - It is already near the top of it's game at level 32, but 38 to be complete - ninja is pure gold
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