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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. I wish I had known you needed this data. I could have (and still can) provide a spreadsheet with the badge names and set title IDs. There are still a few IDs missing (as you noted) but now that the Winter Event is over I can fill in most of the missing ones. I worked on the badge data for KeyboardKitsune's badger site and provided the set title IDs (along with some other work). I don't have access to my data right now but I can probably post something later this evening.
  2. I posted this data in another thread but thought it might be appropriate here as well. I parsed my logs and found 153 instances since July 17th of receiving incarnate rewards via the random table, most of which were from completing Heather's arc as described in this guide. Of the 153 chances, there were 54 common, 50 uncommon, 29 rare, and 20 very rare rewards. In terms of percentages, this equates to 35.3% common, 32.7% uncommon, 19.0% rare, and 13.1% very rare rewards. The chance of getting a very rare appears to be about 1 in 8, the chance of a rare about 1 in 5, and the chance of both common and uncommon each about 1 in 3.
  3. You are welcome, I am happy to contribute. I originally parsed the logs in Python and performed the analysis in Excel but I have since modified the script to both parse the logs and do the computations. If anyone else keeps chat logs, is reasonably familiar with Python, and would like to try it, I am happy to share my script. I can't guarantee 100% that it will work for you, but I'm still happy to share.
  4. Based on the data I have, you are correct. I parsed my logs and found 153 instances between July 17th and today of receiving incarnate rewards via the random table. The vast majority of those cases were the rewards at the end of the Heather Townshend 'Burden of the Past' mini-arc, but there were a few others scattered in there. Of the 153 chances, there were 54 common, 50 uncommon, 29 rare, and 20 very rare rewards. In terms of percentages, this equates to 35.3% common, 32.7% uncommon, 19.0% rare, and 13.1% very rare rewards. The chance of getting a very rare appears to be about 1 in 8, the chance of a rare about 1 in 5, and the chance of both common and uncommon each about 1 in 3. I was genuinely shocked that I had run Heather's arc that many times, but I guess those incarnates aren't going to build themselves.
  5. I verified these in-game, edited the files, and submitted the pull requests.
  6. It's not a bug. Running the 3rd mission of episode 4 of the 'Who Will Die' story arc at x2 team size should net the 25 kills needed for the Bloody Hands badge. If you want a little more info you can check the posts in these threads: Safeguard/Mayhem Badges, Mayhem Mission Farm, Accolade Guide: 4 Passive Bonuses. I was going to look into some/all of these issues too over the holiday break, so I may go ahead and submit some pull requests with any corrections as appropriate if you don't beat me to it!
  7. This is not how the listing/sale fee works. The AH charges a 5% non-refundable listing fee for any item listed, with a minimum fee of 5 inf. If that item sells, it charges a sale fee of 10% of the SALE price, minus the listing fee that was already paid for that item. Using the example quoted, an item posted for 10 inf will pay the minimum 5 inf listing fee. If that item sells for 10,000,000, the sale fee is 1,000,000 minus the 5 inf listing fee already paid, for a final sale fee of 999,995. If the same item were listed at 1,000,000, the listing fee would have been 50,000 and with a sale price of 10,000,000 inf, the final sale fee would have been (1,000,000 - 50,000) = 950,000 inf. Regarding the OP, my guess would be the display glitch, but it would not shock me if it was an actual bid.
  8. There is no way to do this that I am aware of. I don't think the individual plaques even register in the chat logs if one has logging turned on. It's pretty much left up to the individual to keep track of which plaques have been visited, and that can be a bit of a daunting task. My approach is that, when I know I need/want an exploration or history badge from a zone, I'll visit every available plaque and badge in that zone during one session. That way in the future if I'm after a certain history badge or accolade, I can know for sure which zones I've cleared of plaques/badges and which I've yet to visit.
  9. Echo: Faultline had exploration badges as of Nov 23, because I got all eight of them on one of my characters that day. As for finding zones for presents, I'd take a look at the maps available at the bottom of this page as well as the maps for the PVP zones and Kallisti Whaft that Voltor posted in this thread. Visit each zone, do a /whoall to see how many people are on the map, and once you find a relatively empty map, hunt away. That's pretty much what I did.
  10. Yes there are 8 badges in Faultline, and an accolade (Faultline Finder) for getting them all. I've attached a screenshot from the excellent Badger website showing the names and locations of the exploration badges in Faultline. I'd also recommend checking the pinned threads in this same Badges subforum for a thread titled 'Echo Falutline Badger Hunter Helpline'. Down towards the bottom of the first page is a post by Blondeshell with two attached maps of Faultline and Echo: Faultline. If your vidiot maps for those zones don't look like that, then I suggest downloading and installing the excellent vidiot map update package that Blondeshell put together, as those maps accurately show the locations of all the current exploration badges.
  11. I think this is the thread you need. It has information for the badges in both Echo: Faultline and Faultline. Also see this post that I just made in another thread, it spells it out in a bit more detail.
  12. Per the Nov 29 patch notes (although I have not personally verified this):
  13. Fly is my overall favorite travel power, but I generally only take it if it fits the theme of the character. If fly doesn't fit, then I'll usually take super jump, which is more fun but also can be more annoying than fly. I'm not a fan of super speed or teleport, and I'll only use to the P2W travel powers (beast run) if I just can't find a spare slot, like on my farmer characters.
  14. Thanks. Unfortunately, neither of those bases fit my needs, so I made my own minimalist teleport hub. If anyone on Torchbearer is interested in a no-frills, simple, well-marked base for use as a teleport hub, feel free to use the passcode TBTP-7677. It is more or less identical to the one I created on Everlasting (ELTP-7670).
  15. Is there a minimalist/no-frills teleportation hub on Torchbearer that I could use with the base passcode macro? I looked in the spreadsheet and didn't see anything obvious. If not, I'll make my own. Thanks!
  16. I had this happen to me on the Lord of Winter trial. There were 4 full teams, plus a team of three which I was on. I got the merits, but no badge.
  17. I took a screenshot of what I think is the door I was referring to (its the door in the center of the image). As noted, my memory is a little fuzzy. The coordinates are 774, -126, -1633.
  18. Yes, I have seen this bug occur more than once. A few months back when Synapse was the Weekly Task Force, I'd head to Skyway when folks would give a heads up that he would be spawning soon. I noticed that if the group emerged from one particular door when finished with the mission that spawns Babbage, he generally never showed up. I don't have the coordinates of that door handy, but I can get coordinates and/or a screenshot a bit later if that would be helpful. If memory serves, this included one instance when I was on a team that emerged from that door, and Babbage never showed up. Unfortunately, this was a few months ago and I can't say with 100% certainty that he never spawned if the mission occurred in that particular door, but I do remember it being a trend.
  19. In my case at least, my chat logs subfolder lies within a folder that is named with my game login name. So using doggirl's directory as an example, it would be C:\Games\<your_login_name>\logs. Once you turn on logging, perhaps check there to see if that is where your game puts the logs.
  20. Sounds like these work the same as the invention discount tokens.
  21. This is quite true, and to expound a bit, if one is willing to switch to hero side to do it, it can be done with one of the signature story arcs. As detailed in the guide to acquiring the 4 passive accolades, switch to hero side and go to Brickstown to speak with Dakota Berg, the contact for episode 4 of the 'Who Will Die' SSA. Run that arc and set the third mission to -1x2. The OP for that guide mentions setting it to -1x8, but another post down the thread, as well as my own personal experience, indicates that -1x2 is sufficient. That third mission should provide the 25 hero defeats for the badge that unlocks Lord Schweinzer, who is the repeatable Mayhem Mission contact. As noted in that guide, it's also a great way to get the Invader/Task Force Commander accolade (+5% max HP).
  22. It was simpler than that, really. There were no uploads that I recall, at least not of character data. It was simply a matter of specifying your character archetype, primary/secondary/pool powersets, origin, level, and perhaps another minor detail or two. Then one could add screenshots and text-based character descriptions to describe the character in as much or as little detail as desired. It was more of a way to flesh out a character backstory and/or document their ongoing story than it was a repository of build data about the character.
  23. The website was Crey Industries. That link is via the wayback machine, as that site went the way of the dodo a while ago. I loved writing little stories/reports about my characters from the Crey perspective.
  24. What exactly are you correcting? As @Riverdusk noted, /showfps 2 and /showfps 3 will display current coordinates, or a close approximation thereof. Technically it's showing camera position, but that's coincident with one's current coordinates in first person view and is a close approximation of one's current coordinates in third person view as long as the camera isn't zoomed out excessively.
  25. ADD and SUBTRACT are the names I use in my keybinds for those keys. PLUS and MINUS may work fine too but I've never tried those. For a complete list, try here: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/List_of_Key_Names
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