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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. Looks like you have it correct. The command would be: /option_save_file MyAlt_windows.txt You can rename MyAlt_windows.txt to whatever you would like the output file to be. Syntax will be the same for the \wdw_save_file command. The bind command you posted looks correct! If I may make one suggestion, I'd consider using a key combo for a bind like that. So instead of binding to H, bind it to something like SHIFT+H or CTRL+H, where you have to press two keys to activate the bind. That way if you accidentally hit H it won't reload your windows and close any windows you had open. It's probably a minor thing in this case, but for any commands that you don't want accidentally going off, it can help to bind them to key combos to reduce the risk of accidental keypresses.
  2. Above are the ones I have (no Archmage). If any of those don't work just let me know. I can share what I have but as I said it's only about 1/3 of the known badges. I was hoping more people might be interested and could run my bind files to generate the data to populate more of the list but I have seen zero interest in that so I have not pursued it.
  3. Yes, the badge IDs are different on Homecoming. The ID number for Incarnate is 1965. I have a partial list of the badge IDs but just the ones I own (about 500). See this thread for more info.
  4. Try this: /bind MouseChord "+forward" It seems the default keybind for L and R mouse clicked together is the "forward_mouse" command which, according to the slash commands list, enables autorun after two seconds. The above bind should get rid of the autorun feature. Thanks for bringing this up. In the process of looking into it, I realized my MouseChord bind used the "forward_mouse" command so it's a change I'll make as well.
  5. Ok thanks, I searched for it here and on Discord but didn't see any mention of it. I saw the issues with MSR and some other content not granting rewards properly but I wasn't sure if this was connected. My next chance to play will be tomorrow morning but I'll report back what I find.
  6. Not sure if this is a bug or a new feature, but last night I helped defeat 6 giant monsters (Eochai, Jack in Irons, Babbage in both Skyway and Boomtown, Adamastor, and the Kraken) and only got merit rewards for Adamastor. I asked in the group (the same group of us killed most of them) after it happened a couple of times and a few folks did get merits, but it seemed like the majority of us did not.
  7. Try turning NUMLOCK off. I don't know if that is a long-term fix but turning it off restored the functionality of my SHIFT+NUMPAD combos.
  8. I posted this in the other thread, but turning NUMLOCK off restored my SHIFT+NUMPAD combos.
  9. I just tried turning NUMLOCK off, and my SHIFT+NUMPAD combos work as they used to now.
  10. I am also having issues with my binds that include the shift key. I trigger my travel powers with SHIFT+left mouse button, and that seems to work. One tray of powers I use SHIFT+NUMPAD 0-9. That has stopped working the way that it used to, in that I used to press shift first and then the numpad number to activate a power. However, now if I press the numpad number then shift, the power activates as it used to. So, at least in my case, it still recognizes the SHIFT+NUMPAD combo, it just sees them in the opposite order from before. I'd switch to CTRL or ALT numpad binds, but I already use those for activating my other two trays of powers.
  11. I have one tray of powers set to activate using LSHIFT + NUMPAD 0-9. That has stopped working in 64-bit if I press LSHIFT then a number pad number. However, if I press the number pad number first, then LSHIFT, the powers in that tray activate as they should.
  12. From what I understand, you don't have to limit yourself to just Scirocco's arc. I think doing any of the patron arcs will open all the patron pools. At least, on my two villains I have done Ghost Widow and Scirocco and have had all patron pools available after completing them. And I am fairly certain that you can just talk to the contact (Arbiter Rein) and choose your patron and go from there. I did Scirocco solo a few weeks ago and the process was fairly straighforward after talking to Arbiter Rein.
  13. Is there a means other than the loading screen of reading the loading screen tips? I do read them (usually), and often I'll see one that seems particularly useful but invariably I'll load into the new zone right as I am about halfway through reading the tip.
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  14. You can use a keybind to load the options file that you previously saved. You also might need to load in the window configuration file too. Check out pages 78-79 of Shenanigunner's excellent CoH/CoV technical guide. The commands you likely will need are \option_load and \wdw_load, assuming that you have previously saved your preferred options and/or windows settings for your laptop and desktop. You can then bind the load commands to B (or whatever key you want) using: /bind B "option_load$$wdw_load" I have not tested that so I am not 100% sure it will work, but it should at least be close.
  15. As someone to whom the incarnate system was completely foreign when I arrived on HC, I think this was a good approach. When I finally decided to tackle the incarnate system a month or so ago, between the 2-3 incarnate guides that existed and the wiki, I still found myself with lots of questions. As I read through this guide I looked for answers to those questions and I think you covered them all, as well as touching on a few tips/tricks that I've learned in the meantime. One thing I'll add is that in the section titled "THE TIER 4 ALPHA: SHARDS VS THREADS", did you mean Favor of the Well instead of Blessing of the Well? By the time I was ready to delve into the incarnate system, I had 100+ shards and enough Notice of the Well components (as well as Ancient Nictus Fragments from several ITFs and Gr'ai Matter) to be able to craft my T4 Alpha with just shard components. When I crafted my Favor of the Well it only took 32 shards, not 96. That might be specific to the Alpha that I created, though.
  16. It does. Read the link from my previous post, the first item it covers is saving and loading chat settings files.
  17. Check out page 78 of Shenanigunner's excellent CoH/CoV technical guide. It describes the commands for saving and loading window, chat, and options settings. I used that to "standardize" the UI across my characters.
  18. I'm going to piggyback on this thread with a hopefully not-too-stupid question. Will accessing the Justin server have any effect on my "live" server files/settings? I've played games in the past (EverQuest) where it was recommended to keep the Test and Live server installs separate. I assume we would have been warned if that were the case with Justin, but I just wanted to double-check and make sure before I log into Justin and potentially bork my existing settings.
  19. Outstanding guide! For anyone on Everlasting, I created a utilitarian, no-frills teleport base accessible using the code ELTP-7670. It has a trainer, normal and inspiration vendors, Ouroboros crystal, and teleports for every available beacon, all clearly marked and visible from the port-in location. Feel free to use it if you wish, and please let me know if you have suggestions for improvement.
  20. Found an example posted in another thread:
  21. I ran into a bug yesterday where I had the AH assign a listing to the incorrect item. You can read more about it in my post in the bug report forum if you desire. Previous posters in that thread have seen similar issues. So be warned if, like me, you use the AH for temporary storage. There's a chance your listing might get assigned to one of the other items in your AH storage. Going forward, while I may still use the AH for storage, I am going to pull all the stored items out while I am actively listing items.
  22. I'll preface this by saying that there is an uncommon and relatively minor bug where occasionally, after clicking the 'Post' button and OK'ing the listing fee confirmation, nothing happens. It happens often enough that I have accepted it as a minor annoyance and in all cases repeating the posting process results in a successful posting. Yesterday I was in Skyway City and I tried to post a Panacea enhancement for 7,510,000. The confirmation window mentioned the 375,500 listing fee and I clicked OK. Nothing happened (or so I thought). So I tried posting it again, confirmed the 375,500 listing fee, and again nothing happened. This behavior seemed odd so I checked my chat history and I noticed that twice the auction house charged me a fee of 3,755,000, or 50% of the list fee. At this point I filed a bug report ticket and held off on any further auction house activity. An hour or so later I was looking at my selling tab and noticed that I had two stacks of 10 common salvage for sale for 7,510,000 each (75,100,000 total for each stack). That's when I realized the AH had posted the wrong item. I'll note that, on this character, I have some common IO recipes and some stacks of common salvage stored in my AH inventory as overflow because my base storage is not extensive and I've been working on my invention memorization badges. I had no intention of selling those stacks of common salvage and I would not have accidentally tried to list them. The amount I saw in the listing fee confirmation window corroborates this, because if I had accidentally tried to list the common salvage, the listing fee would have shown as 3,755,000, and I definitely remember it was 375,500. I've read enough horror stories in the "Oops" thread in the Market subforum that I am always deliberate and careful with my listings and I always check the number in the confirmation window, especially for a high price item like that Panacea IO. I've included some screenshots below of the fee showing up in my chat (I took those after the second attempt, when I realized something was amiss) and of the two stacks of salvage I later discovered for sale.
  23. I concur on the sales history bug. Other players and I have been documenting cases we find in this thread. If you don't mind I'd like to add it to the list, or feel free to add it if you like.
  24. Thanks BovineAvenger! You have the distinction of being the first person in the many years that I have been using this username to know that it was a Sisters of Mercy reference. Only a few have known (or at least only a few have mentioned it) what the logo is. I did confirm the other night that the character limit is 256 characters, so that latest zip file I posted is as good as it is going to get. I still have not tested that new file set but I feel confident it should work as well as the first set I posted. If you find anything amiss just let me know, and if you have suggestions for improvement I am all ears!
  25. I had this same thing happen to me today. I am 100% certain it was a bug and not user error. I am not able to post full details at the moment but I will do so tomorrow.
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