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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. Not that I am aware of. The ones I have pulled directly out of the pigg files are the same resolution as the ones on the wiki. I imagine that the ones on the wiki came right out of the pigg files as well but I don't know for sure.
  2. And no, your old accounts/characters are not currently (and as far as I know, never will be) accessible.
  3. Thanks for the info. I updated 'Craftsman' but I cannot confirm the information you provided about the 'Blinding' badge. I crafted a level 10 Immobilization Duration and my progress bar shows 1 of 8 as seen in the screenshot below. Were you perhaps thinking of another badge?
  4. Thanks for the update! I verified in-game, made the edits, and created a pull request to update the badge. I think KeyboardKitsune is busy this weekend so it may be a few days before they are able to accept the changes. EDIT: I also edited the 'Arriviste' and 'Trusting' badges to add the appropriate villain text for each, those updates are pending as well.
  5. I was awarded 'Pursuer' tonight when I logged in, but there is no record of it in my chat log. I just happened to notice it when checking on another badge. I don't know what I did to earn it, or if it was just handed out en masse to everyone. Edit: I am seeing it pop up on other characters when I log them in, and someone in the Everlasting Badges chat channel reported the same. The wiki says it was awarded for logging in during November 2006 so I wonder if it is awarded for logging in during November and the servers are perhaps are using Greenwich Mean Time as their reference.
  6. I enjoy writing my own log parsers for games and while I think pulling meaningful auction and/or conversion data out of the logs is possible, I decided a long time ago that it was way more trouble than it is worth. The main problem I see is that the chat is just too vague in most cases to be able to reliably determine what is going on without manually adding (via tells to oneself or other means) information. When I need data, I generally rely on screenshots or just taking notes as I am playing. I have not been active on the market in a while either, although even on my best days I am small potatoes compared to most of the regulars in this sub-forum. Most of the reason for my inactivity is that I've outfitted all the alts I currently play and am creeping up on 1 billion influence without anything else really to spend it on. This weekend, I did post up a little over 100 enhancements I crafted from dropped recipes that I've been accumulating for about a month or so, but that's been my only real activity in nearly a month. And honestly I probably won't do much market trading until I accumulate enough craftable recipes to post another batch of 100 or so. I personally don't store anything in e-mail for longer than it takes to log to another character and claim it, but I don't know for sure if it's any more or less safe than any other storage method.
  7. Try this link, there are maps with the GM spawn points on the lower half of the page.
  8. On the top ribbon, click 'Characters', then click the character you want to export. You should see a screen similar to that shown below. The export character button should be front and center.
  9. Ok I think I have generated a mostly complete list that should help fill in some of the missing data. I have attached two files. badge_settitle_name_id_data.csv - Comma separated file with three columns, the badge index (i.e. the /settitle integer), the badge names (including any male/female/villain/praetorian variations), and the badge identifier. I left the index in there just for completeness but if that is of no interest you can ignore it. For any badges that are missing an identifier, just look up the in-game name in column 2 and the identifier should be in column 3. Unfortunately, most of the newer badges don't have an ID, because the only usable badge id data I could find was on OuroDev, which doesn't include most of the i25/i26 badges from Homecoming. I did cross-reference it against the badge indices for Homecoming so the in-game badge names will be in there, they'll just say 'NA' for the identifier. badge_bin_def_split.txt - For any of the i25/i26 badges that don't have an identifier in the above CSV, you can try looking in this file. This is the 'best available' text dump from the badges.bin file for the badge names. It's a mass of letter soup but you might be able to sleuth out any missing names. Ignore the text strings that start with 'P' and contain 9 numbers, these are a kind of internal referencing for other text strings, but I don't know how to link those up. The chunks of text are broken up by badge category, which can be determined from the DEF file delimiter at the beginning of each chunk. For instance, the gladiator badge id's start with 'DEFS/BADGES/BADGES_GLADIATOR.DEF'. All the badge IDs should be listed in there, but there is no accompanying in-game badge name so it might be tricky trying to figure out which id goes with which badge. Some of them are intuitive, though. For example, the 'Aloof' badge, which has no ID in the above CSV file, is an Achievement badge for rejecting 50 inspirations. Looking in the 'DEFS/BADGES/BADGES_ACHIEVEMENT.DEF' section, there is a badge id of 'RejectInspirations50' that I bet is the ID for 'Aloof'. I'd wager that most of the rest of the badges with missing IDs can be found this way. Hope this helps! badge_bin_def_split.txt badge_settitle_name_id_data.csv
  10. Edit: See my post below
  11. Try here: https://build.ourodev.com/ Under CoX/Piglet, click 'Latest Stable Release' to download a 7-zip with an executable for piglet. I downloaded it today and am running it with no problems on my Win10 machine. Just extract the piglet.exe, double-click it, and off you go. That's how it worked for me, anyway.
  12. If anyone has a really high level villian, preferably veteran level 99+ but anything would be a help, the last big chunk of missing badge data is the villain text for the veteran level badges. A screenshot of as many of the villain-side veteran badges as possible, showing the in-game badge text, would be greatly appreciated. See this thread (the OP is updated) for more info. Edit: Found what I needed in the game .pigg files!
  13. It's not the best temp power but for my characters that are a bit lacking on offense and could use an extra attack (or an attack to use instead of brawl), I like the Iron Blade that can be obtained from Buck Salinger in Croatoa (and via Ouro). It does decent damage (~120 damage at lvl 50), and relatively quickly (~3s). It does double damage vs. the suite of Croatoa factions which makes it really good for fighting them, and it works against Eochai/Jack in Irons (not the Halloween versions, though). The best part is it lasts for 72 hours of game time so it'll be a while before needing to get a new one. Bonus is that it has a cool broad sword graphic and I've had a few people wonder how a controller has a broad sword. It's probably not as useful as some of the powers from P2W, but I generally avoid the P2W powers on most of my characters so the Iron Blade has been a nice alternative.
  14. Yes, it has its own unique set of exploration badges, as well as a badge for collecting all the exploration badges therein. There's even a badge if you collect all the exploration badges in both Atlas Park and Echo: Atlas Park.
  15. Quick bump to note that I updated the OP with the most pressing needs, which are the villain versions of nearly all the veteran badges, as well as the villain versions of 'Recluse's Right Hand' accolade and 'Excelsior!' event badges. Edit: Found the ones I needed
  16. Can you tell if it counts towards the badge total in the player info window? Thanks for the screenshot, too, I needed the icon/badge text for that one (even if it ends up being removed).
  17. I'd be willing to start an alt on Torchbearer assuming I can make the meeting times. What is the theme of the team, and when do you usually meet? I'll start thinking about what kind of character I can make. I also just remembered that we used to have something like this a while back on Everlasting. It was basically an electric power group. To join, one needed to have at least one electricity-based power. We met three times a week, but it went into hiatus a couple of months ago and I haven't heard anything since then.
  18. Those maps on the wiki should work fine for getting the badges in safeguard/mayhem missions. There is also a 'Reveal' power available reasonably cheaply at the P2W vendor that will clear the fog of war for you and let you see the whole in-game map, if you want to go that route.
  19. Having now thoroughly gone through all the badges posted above, I think the only versions that are likely to have different villain versions of the badge text are: Nearly all the veteran badges The accolade badge 'Recluse's Right Hand' The event badge 'Excelsior!' The defeat badge 'Terminator' The accomplishment badge 'The Center's Nemesis' My villain character has the first few veteran badges and all but the first has different text. Based on how the hero veteran badges text read, my guess is that most if not all of the rest will have different text. So if any vet level 99+ villains wouldn't mind submitting screenshots of the villain versions of the veterans badges I would be grateful. Order doesn't matter, so just a series of scrolling screenshots is fine. Edit: Added 'Recluse's Right Hand' and 'Excelsior!' so if any villains have those and can post a screenshot I would really appreciate it. I suspect they probably have different text for villains. Likewise, if any villains have the 'Terminator' defeat badge or the 'The Center's Nemesis' accomplishment badge, I could use a screenshot of those, too. I'm not as certain that 'The Center's Nemesis' will have different text but I suspect it might. I might try to work on those two myself, but I have no idea how long it might take. Last Edit: Found what I needed in the .pigg files!
  20. The exploration badges 'Restless' and 'Upcycled' have minor typos as indicated by the red boxes in the screenshots below. I think the typo in 'Restless' should be 'Pantheon' but I am not exactly sure how 'Upcycled' should read. Maybe 'some of these materials'?
  21. I keep 8 racks for common and uncommon salvage, organized alphabetically as shown in the screenshot. I don't keep enough rare salvage on hand to warrant storing it in a rack, and I just keep what little I have in my crafting character's personal vault. I have a couple of overflow racks (not shown) temporarily because I am working on the invention badges and have been hoarding more salvage than normal for that, but once I finish those badges I plan to sell off my excess salvage and trim back down to 8 racks.
  22. I've updated the OP. With the hero versions of the badges in hand, all that is needed now is the villain/praetorian version of the text and icon, if those differ from the hero version. Having read over the badges, I think that there probably aren't too many that have different villain/praetorian versions but if anyone happens across any badges in their possession that do, please feel free to share the screenshots!
  23. This is amazing @Piyerus! I cannot thank you enough for providing all this info!
  24. Sorry, I should have been more clear. The binds won't load it into Herostats (or maybe they will, I know nothing about Herostats). I'm just interested in the log output that the keybinds create. If you don't mind sharing it with me, I'll parse your log file for the keybind results and can get the settitle integers that way. Feel free to redact any other text from the log file, I just need the text that the binds generate, with examples provided in the thread I linked above.
  25. I have been assisting @KeyboardKitsune in compiling badge data for the wonderful new badge tracker website they put together. As we've compiled the data we've noted that there are a good many (mostly i25) badges for which we are missing some information. The list of badges is below. Piyerus graciously provided ALL the badges below (and some I've sense removed from the list) for the hero/vigilante alignment. The data we need for each is the icon and in-game badge text/description for the villain (and/or praetorian) versions if those differ from the hero version posted below. This info is most easily conveyed via a screenshot. So, if you have any of the badges listed below, and would like to help us out, simply take a screenshot of the badge from within your badge window and post it here, and please note the alignment (villain/praetorian) from which it was taken. I'll try to keep the list up-to-date in terms of what folks have posted by crossing out the submitted badges. Final Update: I was able to get the majority of the remaining missing villain badge data from the game .pigg files. I am leaving the list below up in case anyone finds one with different villain text. I suspect most of them have the same text for heroes and villains, but I don't know with absolute certainty. Feel free to post any that you find, though! Thanks! Accolade (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) Aftershock Agent of Chaos Answered the Call Bad Blood Determined Epicenter Excavator Fashion Victim Port Authority Rising Star Shattered Time Story Teller They Are Still Among Us Warlord Accomplishment (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) Chameleon Do No Harm Escapist Magistrate Obliterator Survivor True Nemesis Tyrant Achievement (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) Apathetic Avenger Beyond Reasonable Doubt Bounty Cataclysmic Couldn't Care Less Curator Decimator Eradicator Executioner Food Critic Grand Gourmet Guardian of Forever Iron Chef Kleptomaniac Packrat Pickpocket Picky Eater Until the End of the World Valet Defeat (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) Buddy Itsy Bitsy War Machine War Torn Welcome to Earth Exploration (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) A Scar In Time Apex Battle Hardened Burger Meister City Traveler Claim Denied Communications Specialist Condemned Disassembled Dug Too Deep Faultless Mystic Forcibly Evicted Forsaken Game Over Herculean Hot Dog Knowledgeable Mostly Harmless Newsman/Newsgirl Nuclear Out Of Harm's Way Pristine Resilient Restless Riveting Rock Bottom Rookie Shielded Sick Of Time Travel Spare Parts Still Standing True Neutral Trustworthy Upcycled Virtuous Volatile Wasted Resource Watch Your Back What Lurks Beyond Ouroboros (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) Praetorian Tourist PVP (need villain/praetorian version if applicable) Tempus Fugitive/Destroyer of Worlds
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